Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 203: Raozijue

Tens of thousands of zombies in the factory area cannot be removed in a short time. Even if they stand still and let you kill them, it is not an easy task.

The places Lu Chuan passed were full of zombies.

The formerly beautiful snow-covered factory area has now turned into a hell. The corpses of zombies can be seen everywhere, and they have lost their identity as zombies. In fact, they are humans, corpses, which creates a visual impact like hell.

The corpses all over the ground, this scene is indeed frightening.

Lu Chuan did not advance quickly, so he was mainly cautious. The pioneers are of course the elite and swift, they are more like forwards, used for mine detection.

The factory area covering an area of ​​two hundred acres is really big, and Lu Chuan doesn't know if there are stronger zombies in the farther places.

There are tens of thousands of workers' zombies, and it is not surprising that there are powerful zombies.

Zombies will move, especially advanced zombies. Maybe they are no longer here, maybe they are still here. Or in other words, high-level zombies happened to appear here.

Everything is hard to say, all Lu Chuan can do is be careful.

"Unfortunately, the zombie dogs were not allowed to come, otherwise they would be there. It would be nice to be a spying vanguard." Lu Chuan smiled lightly, but exhaled slowly.

Fully enclosed, the exhaled breath will easily fog the glass in this cold winter, which will blur the sight.

There is no trick, but to push slowly.

In Lu Chuan's hands, there is no shortage of thermal weapons, but the shortcomings of thermal weapons are that there will be a huge noise, which is a bit scary when placed in the city.

In the entire Bei'an New Area, according to statistics, there are more than one million locals and migrant workers. Calculating the floating population, this number will be even higher.

To make an excessively loud noise is like death.

Under the snow, many plants in the factory area are covered with snow, and there is much less green. In front of the snow, Lu Chuan moved with a feeling of bound hands and feet.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise ahead.

Lu Chuan frowned, and he could see the originally quiet zombies around him. He was immediately alarmed, and he turned his attention to the source of the sound. The crowdedness of the zombies made them start to move.


The next moment, a deafening roar rang out.

In a workshop, it broke directly, and a tall figure appeared.

At a height of five meters, he was covered with hideous muscles. Due to the alienation, its clothes shattered and only some residual cloth was hanging on the muscles. The huge heart, naked and exposed on the chest, can be seen beating strongly.

The ossified right arm formed a giant blade, with interlaced muscles, and veins could be seen.

He was as tall as a giant, with a hair on his ugly head. There was a ferocious cold light in the two giant eyes, and a single glance can make people cold all over the body.

This is the first trial type of tyrant.

The elite swifts just blasted and killed the zombies, alarming the tyrant who was lurking in the factory.

This is a tyrant with latent characteristics. It has always existed in this workshop before, but it is limited by the lack of sound and vitality to stimulate it, so it has not moved, staying inside like a dead body.

When the deadly fighter bombarded and killed a zombie, he finally alarmed it.

This tyrant, even if it is a preliminary type, is also the top existence among the third-level zombies. Its tall physical advantage and violent power are definitely a nightmare.


When Lu Chuan cleaned up here, he was mentally prepared, but when the tyrant appeared, he couldn't help but scold his mother.

Of course, fortunately, the zombies that appeared were only tyrants in the third level.

If not, what Lu Chuan has to do now is to let the zombies under his corpses disperse as much as they can escape. And Lu Chuan himself would not hesitate to flash people.

The tyrant in Level 3 was just a preliminary test, not T002, and still within Lu Chuan's tolerance.


Inside the factory where the survivors were.

The roar of the tyrant still faintly reached their ears, but unfortunately, the window was almost sealed, and they could not see what was happening outside. A limited number of windows can see the outside through the gaps, but they are too far away so they can see nothing.

This kind of roar, the penetrating power it brings, shocked everyone.

To be sure, a powerful zombie appeared nearby.

It seems not far away, something happened.

The people in the entire factory all become nervous, but this kind of thing is not something they can get ahead. The gods are fighting, and now they are just mortals, they can hide as far as they can.

Regardless of the situation outside, they can't leave here anyway. The only thing they can do is to stop themselves from making a sound, and then pray silently.

It was the temporary manufacturing workshop that had been set up with a few rooms, and under notice, work stopped.


Lu Chuan can think, but the deadly boxer can't. When he sees the tyrant's first trial, he immediately jumps on it.

Not only it, but other swifts are also moving.

They will only execute Lu Chuan's instructions and will not think about what they are encountering now. In their thinking, the boss’s instructions are above everything else, like a program, which will not change its operating rules for anything.

"It's going to be a heavy loss again."

In this accident, at least a few, or even a dozen zombies will become the dead souls of the tyrant.

"611, go and pester it."

"Death fighter retreat."

"Quicker, step back."

The next moment, Lu Chuan began to take over the micro-manipulation of the zombies. Really relying on them to use brutal methods to head-on this tyrant, Lu Chuan is still not dead.

You should know that these zombies are all strengthened, and one death is a loss of millions.

Micro-manipulation is equivalent to Lu Chuan dealing with this tyrant, using human thinking to deal with it, rather than head-to-head, using quantity to force the opponent to death.

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, the ordinary zombie number 611 among ordinary zombies rushed to the tyrant.

The elite swifts who retreated, under Lu Chuan's instructions, quickly formed a circle, enclosing the tyrant. At the same time, the three-meter long spears in their hands finally came in handy.

Just like the ancient pikemen, they held this three-meter long spear, and under Lu Chuan's instructions, they began to compress and rush toward the tyrant in the same pace.

The 611 zombie rushed forward, and then it suffered the anger of this tyrant's first trial type.

Alienated into a sharp blade-like stabbing of the right arm, raised by the tyrant, the burst of power made it wave as fast as lightning.


Lu Chuan's attention had never left the tyrant.

When the tyrant shot, under Lu Chuanwei's control, the 611 zombie made an evasive action. Lu Chuan, who had long expected the tyrant to take action, was of course the first time to let 611 zombies dodge.

One hundred thousand yuan is also a number.


What left Lu Chuan speechless was that he still overestimated the movements of the 611 zombie. It was just an ordinary zombie, without the agility of a swift person. Lu Chuan's instructions were given, and it also responded. But the speed of the tyrant is too fast, like lightning, it still can't completely dodge under the dodge.

The tyrant's arm was a sharp blade at all, cutting off the 611 zombies from under his shoulders, cutting off the small half.

Together with hands and feet, 611 zombies are almost divided.


The horror of the zombies is here, like this kind of situation where even the internal organs are cut off, and the humans are replaced, and they are killed directly. But the 611 zombie was severely injured, but not dead. After it fell, it used the remaining feet and hands to support most of the body for the first time, and it crawled and rubbed against the tyrant.

The particularity of this kind of bull fork is the most terrifying place for zombies.

What is immortality? The zombies successfully interpreted the meaning of this word.

Seeing this little zombie could actually crawl over, the tyrant didn't care, and his arm fell again. In its eyes, it is nothing more than one more time.

The luck of the 611 zombie was only here, because the tyrant smashed it on its back, smashing it into pieces of meat all over the floor.

Penetrate the ground, even smash a crack in the ground.

Such a heavy force, but this alienated arm of the tyrant is not damaged at all, which shows how alienated it is.

The 611 zombie is insignificant, but its prevention provides time for the elite swift.


Almost when the 611 zombies turned into rotten flesh, Lu Chuan issued an order.

There were more than thirty elite swift men surrounding the tyrant. Under the command, their arms exploded with force, and the spear they were holding was stabbed out.

The sharp and pointed spear slammed into the tyrant's waist in the next second.

A circle of elite swift men directly stabbed the tyrant into a hedgehog.

If the opponent is a human or animal, it will be fatal. But Lu Chuan knew that in the eyes of the zombies, this was not a wound, it was just an itching.


Upon being attacked, the tyrant immediately fell into a violent state. It raised its arm and slammed it at a swift man.

Lu Chuan didn't have time to react. Starting from the head, this swift man was smashed into flesh.

Just like an ice cream, you slam it down with a fist, and this scene is the same kind of ice cream splashing sensation when you drop the ice cream.

This scene is absolutely **** and exciting.


Lu Chuan cursed, this was a swift man who had strengthened five times, and two million was scrapped.



Lu Chuan's instructions continued to be given. He straightened his mind and didn't let this loss affect him. With the current number advantage, if you want to reduce losses, you can only kill the opponent as quickly as possible.

The elite swifts stepped back neatly, rushed in again, and the spears in their hands stabbed out again.

Only this time, Lu Chuan's instructions began to detour.

Like pushing a stone mill, the damage caused by this circumvention instruction will be terrifying.

The elite swifts holding the spears, as they moved around, the spear heads inserted into them played a cutting role. The tyrant’s muscles are tough, but how can it be comparable to the rigidity of some aviation aluminum alloys?

The tyrant’s waist, abdomen, and back were cut and the muscles were cut and split.

It was jet-black with dark red liquid, and guts gushing out.

The spear pierced a full 20 centimeters. Under this kind of cutting, the wounds were large, and it is not surprising that this kind of situation occurred.

The stirring of more than thirty long spears almost cut this tyrant at his waist, turning it into a **** flesh and blood, and was smashed. What’s left is that its bones are supporting it, but it lacks muscles. Its huge physique cannot be supported by bones at all. Let it scream and bend its upper body, letting its head hit the ground first. on.


This tyrant's waist bone was broken in his first trial.


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