Super Tycoon

Chapter 400: 1 Indictment

Zhu Weisha, the owner of Yuxing, is in a very good mood this month. Not long after the new year, their repeater was launched on the market, and it sold well.

During the beginning of each semester, educational electronic products are also selling well, especially those that are easy to carry.

It seems that a meeting will be held for the company's R\u0026D personnel recently, so that they can learn from the people of Zhiduoxing and see how they develop new products.

Yuxing cannot always imitate and follow suit, otherwise the company will never grow big. Recently, one of the company's shareholders has been persuading him to take the company public, so that more funds can be raised, their voting rights will not be diluted, and the company will have enough funds to grow and develop.

Zhu Weisha has always felt that Yuxing is a very good company, and its technical personnel are also top-notch. They can make both hardware and software, which few companies in China can do.

And their company also has some other business orders, such as helping some companies to build OA systems, or helping companies to order some translation software.

Their company does not accept jobs that are too small.

Now Yuxing is also a well-known brand in the domestic consumer electronics industry. Zhu Weisha is naturally dissatisfied with his current status. Although he is not as good as Zhiduoxing and Lenovo, he also wants to compete with other companies. Step on your feet.

But if you want to open up the grade, you must be outstanding enough in a certain aspect. Lenovo is the leader in the domestic PC industry and is among the top in Asia. It is currently expanding to overseas markets.

Not to mention Zhiduoxing Group, the boss of the game industry, the number one manufacturer of game consoles, and the leader of the domestic educational electronics industry, with a particularly high market share in China.

Even Wan Yan, who is less famous, is also the creator of VCD, the owner of the patent, and has a certain reputation in the world. VCD is now booming in China, and Wanyan's development in the DVD business is also ahead of the electronics manufacturers in the island country.

Bird is the number one in the BP machine industry in the country, and now it has also launched a mobile phone business, which is developing rapidly.

Yuxing Company also wanted to be the leader in the industry, but they didn't find the right target. To achieve this goal in a short time, it is necessary to achieve high quality, low cost and rapid market response.

At present, the product that Zhu Weisha has seen that meets the requirements is this repeater. In fact, mobile phones are also good, but they don’t have the relevant technology, and they can’t get a network license, so what should they do?

So Zhu Weisha decided that the focus of the company's work this year is the repeater. They have studied that the cost of this product is not high, and they can sell it dozens or hundreds of dollars cheaper than Zhiduoxing's products, so as to compete for the market.

This can also give consumers a feeling that there is nothing different about Zhiduoxing products except that they are expensive, and gradually let consumers no longer choose Zhiduoxing, but choose their more cost-effective Yuxing.

You can no longer buy commercials from CCTV, but you can buy commercials from local TV stations. He has asked people to follow the old routine of Zhiduoxing to set up a TV advertisement of technical lectures, which will be played in a loop every day. The effect will not be much weaker than that of CCTV, and it will not cost much more.

As long as he can grab the market, even if he spends double the advertising fee, he thinks it's worth it.

Zhiduoxing Group may not have imagined that they, Yuxing, could crack the repeater so quickly and mass-produce it directly, right? Although the yield rate was a bit low, Yuxing seized the opportunity while making adjustments while producing, and did not give other companies the opportunity to enter the market first.

Now I heard that the products of several companies such as Xiaobawang are also on the market, including several companies controlled by universities. But the repeaters of those brands are not as good as Yuxing.

The next goal is to let Yuxing's repeater machine market share exceed 50%, and he believes that one year is enough to do it.

But when he was planning a bright future, the door of the office was pushed open.

"What are you doing? Didn't I tell you that you have to knock on the door when you come in?" Zhu Weisha was very upset. This secretary doesn't understand any rules!

"President Zhu,

It was they who insisted on coming in, but I didn't stop them. "The female secretary said timidly.

"Hello, are you Zhu Weisha, the legal person of Yuxing Technology Company? Here is a lawyer's letter, please sign it."

Zhu Weisha was stunned, what lawyer's letter, what did he do?

"What do you mean? What are you doing?!"

"We are just ordinary staff of the law firm, please sign. All questions are clearly written on it. If you have any questions, you can call us at the number above."

Zhu Weisha mechanically signed, opened the document bag, and there was a lawyer's letter in it, which stated that Zhiduoxing Group sued Yuxing Technology Company for infringing the patent rights of the other party, and asked Yuxing Technology Company to stop producing patent-infringing products and Make financial compensation and publish an apology in the newspaper.

Infringement? What infringement? impossible!

He had someone investigate, and anyone could produce tape recorders, and the factory he bought to produce tape recorders was fine. The following electronic products with repeating function, the system program is developed by themselves, although it imitates the products of Zhiduoxing, it must not be said to be an infringement.

They are still using their own trademarks, and they didn't play around with it. How could they infringe upon it? Where did the patent come from?

Design patent? And this kind of patent? Even if there is, the appearance design of a car is very important. You have also applied for a patent for the appearance of a repeater, and it has passed?

He can accept stopping the infringement, but publishing an apology in the newspaper is too embarrassing for Yuxing Company, and what surprises Zhu Weisha is the amount of the claim, two million, are they crazy!

This month, their Yuxing repeater has only sold more than a hundred thousand units, one is only 400 yuan, and the profit is only 100 yuan. Their company has earned less than 2 million yuan. Why should they pay so much? ?

At the same time, Xiaobawang, Jinyuanjian and many other companies received letters from lawyers, and they knew that they had infringed, and Zhiduoxing Group wanted to sue them.

Some small companies panicked immediately. Once their products stopped producing, their capital chain would be broken and the company would go bankrupt.

Such a big company, as for being so serious with them, don't we just want to make some money.

Secretary Xiao Wang saw the feedback from the legal department and found that the name of a company was circled, and there was no defendant yet. He looked at the information and immediately understood that this matter should be handed over to the president.

"President, this is the document sent by the company's legal department. These companies have been sued. Looking back at the attitude of the other party, choose to settle or go to court. This company has not sued for the time being."

Zhang Yang glanced at it. This company is owned by Capital University, and Zhang Yang graduated from Capital University, and he donated a lot of money before.

"Did they ever take the initiative to contact us?"


"Then let's sue together."

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