Super Tycoon

Chapter 399: Yuxing Again

Less than a month after the new year, the second repeater appeared on the market. Looking at the appearance, it is exactly the same as that of Zhiduoxing Company. What makes Duan Yongping even more angry is that they even plagiarized the instruction manual without changing the punctuation marks!

The only change is to change the brand to Yuxing, which is too bold. Even if you adjust the appearance a little bit, or make some changes in some dimensions, at least you have to make your own instructions, right?

However, Duan Yongping did not deal with it for the time being, but was in the office, looking at some suppliers' information.

Secretary Duan Yongping was a little puzzled. What did Mr. Duan look at these materials for? Didn’t the two suppliers already deal with it?

Could it be that there is a supplier here that has something to do with Duan Zong? This shouldn't be the case, Duan Zong has shares in the group company. Although the proportion is not high, the annual dividend is not a small amount. Moreover, the annual salary can also be converted by the number of shares.

The company said that it will be listed in the next two years, and stocks are definitely more cost-effective than cash, because everyone can see the appreciation potential of stocks.

Duan Zong is such a smart person, he won't do anything stupid, right?

"Xiao Zhao, come here. Send someone to find out about these companies and see who they sell their products to besides supplying us."

Duan Yongping handed several company materials to the secretary, and the problem was most likely to arise from these companies. The production capacity is high, and the supply to Zhiduoxing Group is low, so what is the excess production capacity for?

The casing and packaging of the repeater are all ordered from other companies. These things are not worth investing in a factory for special production.

Moreover, having too many workers in an enterprise is not necessarily a good thing. In the future, once the management is not good, there will be layoffs, the number will not be small, and there will be a lot of negative reports.

Like now, there is no talk of layoffs in the company, and occasionally individual violations are fired, which does not affect the company's evaluation in the media.

There are many companies that want to cooperate with Zhiduoxing Group, and they must be carefully selected. Among them, several were settled by Duan Yongping. But now, Duan Yongping suspects that a "traitor" appeared in it!

For those suppliers, there is nothing wrong with them pursuing higher interests. Others place an order, they make it, and there seems to be no problem.

However, the supplier contracts of Zhiduoxing all contain a clause, that is, the design templates I provide cannot be sold to other companies.

The appearance design of Zhiduoxing Group's products are all protected by patents. I have worked hard to design them, so naturally I don't want others to copy them. You can imitate it, make it look like something, this is legal. But if you copy it as it is and make people mistakenly think it is our company's product, this will not work.

Xiao Zhao also understood that Duanzong was not considering which company to take care of, but which company violated the contract and sold the product to Yuxing.

Or not just Yuxing, more similar products will appear on the market after a while, with very similar functions and appearances, but the above trademarks are different.

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away. After finding out, do you want to deal with it immediately? Shall I say hello to the legal department first?"

Those people harmed the interests of the company, that is, harmed his interests. Xiao Zhao was selected as the secretary of the general manager, and at that time he also envied many people in the company.

If you do well, you will be able to take charge of a project alone in the future, and you will have a greater chance to enter the management level, and generally start directly from middle management, which means that you have the hope of becoming a company executive in the future.

Becoming the general secretary can save him ten years of struggle.

So he must also perform well, at least not worse than Mr. Sun and his secretary.

The only two secretaries in the company who are treated better than him are the secretary of the chairman and the president. He can't compare with that, but he can't be compared with others.

"No, after you find out, just record it, and wait."

Xiao Zhao is a little puzzled. After finding out, he can directly resort to the law. Is it necessary to make an exception? The company has so many alternative suppliers, not one or two.

Seemingly seeing his secretary's confusion, Duan Yongping pointed out: "Now that it's dealt with, some people who ordered before won't produce it, and won't infringe upon it."

"I just want to ignore it for now, and wait for them to copy our design and violate the patent law, and then go to sue together. Let those small businesses that want to come in and get a share of the pie, just withdraw from this industry."

If you follow the trend, Zhiduoxing actually doesn't pay much attention to it, because those who follow the trend can only make a little money, not much money, and there is no market share.

But if the appearance is the same, people think it is a smart star, and even the name is similar, this must be dealt with!

But when others start to do it, you deal with it, and you won't lose much. Let them do it for a period of time, and then deal with it, they can claim more, and the fine can be higher.

Originally, the peers that Duan Yongping was staring at were Yuxing and Xiaobawang. These two companies had developed well in the Wenquxing Electronic Dictionary, and they had divided a lot of markets.

As a repeater this time, Yuxing was the first to join, and the speed was very fast. This also proves that Yuxing has strong technical strength and good production capacity.

At the same time, Duan Yongping also got the news that Xiaobawang is indeed doing the "research and development" of the repeater, and is also debugging the production line, ready for mass production at any time.

Duan Yongping also has some feelings for the place where he worked in the past, and he once sent people a message to stop being a competitor with Zhiduoxing Group. Since electrical appliances are selling well, it is not bad to switch to home appliances.

But the other party directly refused, and scolded him in front of the messenger, which made Duan Yongping's feelings gradually dissipate.

For competitors, you can't show mercy. This time it seems that Xiaobawang will also be the defendant, so let's solve it together.

As for Yuxing, it is an opponent that needs to be solved. It is said that this company has recruited a lot of talents last year, and is already preparing to go public in Hong Kong. It also said that it will be the first mainland electronics company to go public in Hong Kong.

Many people think that Yuxing is very powerful, but Duan Yongping dismisses it. Zhiduoxing Group is also planning to go public, but not in Xiangjiang, but in the United States, because there are more funds there, and the same number of shares can raise more funds.

It might not be a problem for Yuxing to go public this year. After all, Yuxing's products have sold well in the past two years. Learning machines and electronic dictionaries have also gained a certain reputation. But now the repeater is imitated, and the appearance is still the same, so I can only say sorry.

If you want to go public, I'm afraid you won't be able to pass the review!

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