Stormwind God

Chapter 777: [Head's Wrath]

Magni Bronzebeard was on the front line of the Nanhai City State two days ago. One of the important reasons why he personally led the army to fight the natural disaster was the death of his second brother Muradin Bronzebeard.

After receiving the news that Arthas returned and possibly killed his second brother Muradin, Magney was filled with anger and almost went mad. Therefore, after receiving the news from Duke, he immediately started the army and killed the Scourge Legion across the sea.

But soon, Magni found that the dwarf artillery that had not been disadvantaged in the last war had the feeling of powerlessness for the first time.

The fierce artillery can indeed destroy those mindless zombies and ghouls, and blow up the dirty undead creatures to pieces.

It is a pity that the symptoms are not cured.

As long as there is a Lich behind the Scourge, these evil beings can use dark magic constantly to re-form those broken and even shattered corpses into new undead, and continue to impact the Alliance's defense line.

Just because matter is conserved, the number of undead has to be reduced each time it is pieced together again.

Otherwise, this battle need not be fought.

Many times, Magni felt that his cannons and tanks were not as powerful as those of the paladins and priests. One [exorcism] or [sacred anger] goes down, and the large undead are dead. No matter how the Lich and the Undead Mage toss, they can no longer bring those bones back to life.

The dwarf artillery was excellent, but Magni felt that it was not enough, which could not let him dispel the anger in his heart, the anger of losing his biological brother.

So he wrote to Duke and asked Duke to send a few courageous paladins. He would personally create a killer against the undead and Alsace for the strongest paladins.

When he saw the letter, Duke jumped in his heart, and then it was a little weird.

But cunning like Duke, of course, will not be broken.

When Duke asked him to go to Ironforge, Mograine instinctively refused: "I'm gone. What about the Scarlet Crusade?"

Duke leisurely said: "Mogleni, remember that you couldn't fight Arthas at all last time?"

Mograine heard a fever on his face and immediately became angry. He confessed that his martial arts was absolutely superior to Arthas' traitor and human traitor. But face to face, he couldn't help Arthas.

There is only one reason-[Frostmourne]!

That artifact-level magic tool is really terrifying. It completely fills the gap between Arthas and him, no, it is even far beyond.

That's just the difference between a baby and an adult man. Now that I heard Alsatian martial arts teacher, the fall is deeper and stronger. The strength alone is enough to make him despair.

"I ..." Mograine was speechless.

Duke started flickering: "Her Majesty the Bronzebeard is the strongest blacksmith in the world. If anyone else has the opportunity to create a holy artifact that can fight against the Frostmourne, it must be Magni Your Majesty. Go, now Saidan can't walk away at all, you are already the most suitable Paladin for me. "

Mograine was still hesitating.

Duke continued: "If it was a simple Scourge, I would be 90% sure that I could wipe out all those bones. But I am not a god, and even if I am a Master of the Sun, I still cannot fight against Arthas. So, The elimination of Alsace is the biggest key to the crisis. "

At this time, Abides also said, "Go, Alexandros. The Scarlet Crusade and me."

If it was Abedis, Mograine had nothing to worry about. After all, the two have been neighbours and have been partners for more than two decades.

Mograine said helplessly, "Well, I'll go."

Duke smiled, "Go and come back, um, if you have something special on hand, you think it might be suitable for building weapons, and by the way, maybe you can use it."

Duke's seemingly eloquent words aroused Mograine's contemplation. He touched his chin and murmured, "It seems that there is really a special stone."

"Then bring it. You don't understand the ore, and your copperbeard does not know it?"

"Okay! Then ... I went."

"go Go!"

Duke grinned indifferently as Mograine was led away.

During the orc war, Alexandros Mogleni killed a dark stone tribe warlock during the battle and found a shadow crystal-Rizeb crystal from him. In fact, this crystal is saint. The core of the Naru of the light family-know that after the Naru Holy Light energy is drained, it will automatically transform into shadow form. This crystal will also be filled with the energy of the Holy Light after being injected with a large amount of Holy Light.

It seems that Mograine will now hand this gem to the Magne Bronze Beard as in history, hoping that Magny will use his superb forging skills to maximize the power of this gem's holy light.

Magney will pour out all the grief and resentment against the Scourge, and the weapons that will soon be forged. Therefore, the legendary and most representative weapon of the Paladin, Ashbringer, was born.

Why didn't Duke grin kindly?

Because only he knew that as a traverser, the Muradin's Muradin children's shoes that were rumored to have been killed by two fools were not dead!

Muradin did not fall at this time. After being struck down by the frost mourning force, Muradin was drowsy in Northrend for a long time, and was rescued by one of Northrend ’s native inhabitants, the “Ice Dwarf”.

But because of the impact of that downfall, Muradin did not remember his past at all. Although he lost his memory, he did not lose his fighting power. Instead, he used the fighting power to help the 'Ice Dwarves' repel the 'Ice Giants' who invaded the ice dwarf territory, and he was elected as the new leader by these Ice Dwarfs.

Because he lost his memory, he gave himself a new name-Yogo? Heart of the Storm.

After that, Muradin led the ice dwarves to train large eagles in the home of the storm cliffs-Frost Castle, to capture prey, and to face the harsh nature and fierce enemies of Northrend.

A long time later, a small group of Explorers' Dwarfs stepped in here, searching for the ruins of the Titans in the mountains of the Storm Cliffs. Led by Muradin's third brother, Brian Bronzebeard.

The ice dwarf helped Brian escape the siege of the iron dwarf, and then joined the dwarven king Magni in Northrend to find his brother in Northrend. The meeting between the three brothers of the Bronzebeard after a long absence awakened Muradin's memory, and also awakened his gratitude and resentment, love and hatred for Alsace.

Finally, the three brothers reunited congratulatingly, and then the brigade ran to hunt down the second fool.

Duke doesn't dare to tell the truth now, in case Magni loses the power of [Head's Wrath] and can't create the Ashbringer, what should he do?

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