Stormwind God

Chapter 776: To Ironforge

Jaina is smart.

If it is a silly woman, maybe you will be happy to see what your rivals eat.

Jaina is obviously not stupid. She is not arrogant enough to challenge Aurelia, who has a 15-year relationship with Duke, plus Windsor, who has a 13-year relationship. The elves and sisters over there go together, but they have attribute bonuses.

Moreover, the king of this era never lacks a lover. Not to mention far away, isn't her dad King Dailin also with a Gina gold sword beside her?

What she was after was Duke's nominal wife status.

In the public, she could not force Duke to do stupid things and use the entire league for personal gain.

In private, she can't persuade Duke to give up Sylvanas.

Her advice is very relevant.

Duke couldn't help but praise Jaina.

At this time, Duke suddenly raised his tone: "Are you satisfied with this result?"

Jaina was taken aback. Obviously, Duke didn't tell her. Sure enough, a vague female figure appeared quietly from the corner of the camp. Four Lilas.

Rarely, Lilith's expressionless face showed joy: "Thank you, brother-in-law."

She didn't know yet that this sentence was tantamount to inserting a female mage in the chest.

Jaina shot while lying down.

If Jaina had an attack, she had lost it.

If she pinches her nose and recognizes it, she will lose.

Without expressing any opinion, why did she lose.

She could only show an awkward expression and complained to Duke with her eyes-I was also desperate! I am theoretically your fiancee. Would you please give me something?

Duke also had a headache, and he felt like an asshole. It stands to reason that he should reject Jaina's neatly. It happened that Iluchia privately advised him not to showdown at such a time. The alliance is now weak enough. If Kul Tiras is still punished, even if it is on the surface, it is not good for the alliance.

After all, Lilas was dead.

Taking a deep breath, Duke brought Lilas over: "I can't go to Quel'Thalas now. This is a political game between the Alliance and the Elven Kingdom. Whoever asks for the other first loses. Putting one power above the other Quel'Thalas from above the country joined the alliance, which will eventually lead to the collapse of the alliance. I will be responsible for the entire alliance. So, to ensure the safety of your second sister, it is up to you. You do this for me ... "

Duke carefully explained Lilith's words in the wind words she learned from Aurelia, and Lilith took what Duke gave her, and left abruptly.

Just now, Mogleni, Abidis, Kael'thas and a lot of Lordaeron came to visit.

Seeing Lilas leaving, and Jaina sitting in Duke's tent, a few league leaders were a little surprised.

The Lordaerons were naturally a little peculiar, and Kael'thas apologized: "Sorry, Duke, my father seems to have re-appointed Ms. Sylvanas as a ranger general and is responsible for guarding the southern front of Yongge Forest. "

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, let alone the old fox of the Sun King is forcing Duke to smash his private affairs.

Duke sighed: "The Scourge is the most terrifying enemy human, elves, dwarves, and dwarfs have ever faced. For Her Majesty Anastrian's refusal to join the alliance at this time, he is still playing this kind of incompetence. I mean scornful. "

Duke remarked that Kael'thas had flushed his face, and just wanted to dig into it.

Duke continued: "The Alliance will not make concessions for a Sylvanas. It will not before, and it will not. The topic ends here, and what we need to discuss now is how to withdraw from Lordaeron. Refugees and the Scourge against Scourge. "

Duke's conclusion made Mograine and General Lordaeron relieved.

After urgent consultations, Duke made a decision that seemed fair, but could be turned into a selfish decision at any time.

Because of the support of 30,000 soldiers from Kul Tiras, considering that the reinforcements will arrive in succession, and there are more and more undead near the border between Silver Pine Forest and Tirisfal Woodlands, refugees are fleeing more and more. difficult. Duke led the Scarlet Crusade and the new Dalaran Masters to open new landing sites on the Whisper Coast and the North Coast of Tirisfal Glades, respectively, to evacuate refugees.

Anyone who can see it can see that Duke has placed the main force of the Scarlet Crusade on the northern coast. It's just a day away from the elven territory.

In addition, Duke kept the Scarlet Crusade from leaving the ship, which really prevented the assembly.

But politically, Duke's approach is flawless-this is saving people! And the sea is the alliance's strengths. The Scourge is no better, and now there is no formed navy.

This is to give full play to my own strengths.

On the other hand, the defense near the Dark Gate was given to Director Dana Stolbain. Promote Turalyon to the rank of general of the alliance, commanding a total of 100,000 troops, including Marcus 40,000 Private Corps led by Windsor, from the Reed Coast.

Along the ocean current, it is estimated that the easternmost part of the old Lordaeron territory can be reached in about a week, and the eastern coastline called the Eastern Plaguelands has now begun. There was a passage that Duke had arranged before the disappearance and dug up for three years.

This channel is located south of Tyre's hand. From the channel, the newly-built Tyre Port is out. Not far to the south of Tyre Port is the area of ​​Wanghai Cliff where the orcs landed during the second Dark Gate. There, more than one hundred thousand mermaids inhabited, all Dante's men.

"It is passed that Her Majesty Queen Carina Menethil is promoted to promote Major Danda Suohan to Major Lordaeron. In my name, he was promoted to Major General of the Alliance. Let Saidan recruit militia to form the Stratholme line of defense to prevent natural disaster The legion may move east. But during this period, all civilians must be evacuated to Tyre and gradually withdrawn to the southern continent. "

"Let Saidan stand firm until Turalyon and Windsor arrive. I want them to become nails and block the Scourge."

"Also, once seeing Alsace, Saidan, Turalyon, and Windsor must immediately retreat at all costs. Alsace is now deeper. He is already a demigod, and I do n’t need to let the Alliance The best generals die in vain. "

Duke made several orders in a row to make everyone understand Duke's intentions.

It's still strategically contracting, but when it's contracted, everyone is not sure.

In particular, Duke called Arthas a demigod, and the word demigod deeply hurt everyone's heart.

At this moment, Duke suddenly said to Mograine, "Mogueleni, Magni Bronzebeard took down the letter, and he hopes that you, the most powerful Paladins, will go to Ironforge."

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