Stormwind God

Chapter 231: Murloc instability (for monthly tickets)

After Duke left, the six members returned to their previous six-member parliament.

"What do you think?"

"The truth of the intelligence is quite high, and it is highly consistent with what we have collected. Obviously Duke Marcus wants to cooperate with us sincerely. The problem is that he is extremely alert, even slight, to our Dalaran. Hostility. "

"Maybe he knows Khadgar's identity."


"The discussion of Karazhan was post-pressed. Now the group of beasts who are trying to destroy the entire human race and all other intelligent creatures on the planet is the biggest problem. I suggest that an additional mage team be involved in the attack on the tribe. This requires One more legislator went to lead. "



Three voices at the same time: "Agree!"

"That's all votes. Okay, who's going?"

"Sorry, my identity is a bit sensitive, my father has not yet approved it." Kael'thas was a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, let's go." It was Karasus who spoke.

Together with Kel'Thuzad, who had already been listed, these two high-ranking wizards with bizarre destiny formally participated in the Second Dark Gate War.

After returning to Lordaeron, Duke received the news: Dalaran was willing to send an additional mage to help out, and he was also an additional Kirin Tor member, and did not mention any additional requirements.

Lothar gave Duke a big bear hug on the spot, and Duke was almost killed.

"Uh, I actually ... didn't do anything!" Duke grieved.

"No, you went there to make the biggest contribution to the league. You don't have to say anything, I know." Lothar was almost moved by tears.

"..." Dalaran ran into a threat, and after a round of pretending he had the effect, Duke was drunk.

Thinking of the good hand the Horde would have next, Duke felt that his side was not good enough.

Obviously Duke came back and wanted to see the first Templar knights playing magic uncle, oh, it's explosive.

But a piece of news left Duke in good mood.

Walla summons the fisherman unstable.

At that moment, Duke felt like he was a dog. Seriously, the Murloc Legion has always been the basic reserve of Duke. I care about what is behind you in the battle of 346, 566, and the Scourge on the mainland side by side. What Alsace played with his father and uncle destroys the whole continent. I'm settled ", at least that doesn't have to be a ghoul.

Now say that the fisherman is unstable? !!

Duke took a break and told Anduin that the fisherman in Nanhai Town was in trouble, and teleported away.

Nanhai Town originally had no transmission points.

However, as the heir to Medivh, the star mage, and the brainwasher of the high-mobile Blitz, Duke drew a huge teleportation array in his temporary wooden house before leaving Nanhai Town.

In front of General Anduin and Dailin, as soon as Duke raised his hand, countless blue streamer runes floated out of Duke's hands, swirling and dancing in the air, forming a continuous rune ribbon. A huge magic array with a diameter of more than three meters spread under Duke's feet, and everyone was dazzled.

The next moment, Duke's figure was sucked away by a small black hole and disappeared on the lawn of the palace.

Dai Lin shrugged: "It is really convenient for the magician. After my baby Jaina is trained, I will let her play with me."

Lothar rolled his eyes: "Did you have dinner last night?"

"Uh, of course. Why do you ask that?"

"I want to tell you that the teleportation below Master Miri is very bad. The chance of dying halfway is more than 30%, and even if it is successful, it is likely that you will spit out everything you ate yesterday to today."


Duke appeared in Nanhai Town.

The dazzling magical light shocked many guards, and Makaluo's son woke up and ran over to say hello.

Duke sighed slightly. When he had great power, he immediately found himself weak. A few people were sent out, and no one was calling.

Van Cleef went to the Wilderness in the West, Windsor went to Baptism in Stratholme, Makaro and Vanessa were still in Lordaeron, and Itana, whose father was the clerk, was called by Duke as a Homemaker, Danny Seoul is still playing reconnaissance across the sea.

Duke wondered if he should find a chance to get two younger brothers to fight.

At this time, General Tom Simos, head of the Griffin Corps, rushed over with the guard.

"Ah! It's Duke Marcus. Exactly, your Naga said you're rushing back, and they asked to go ashore." Ryan hadn't returned to South China Sea, and Boeval was transferred, and General Simos was here. The interim Supreme Commander, he was very nervous, but he saw a sigh of relief when Duke appeared.

"Oh, Walla, ask her to come over."

Not long after, Vala came with two burly males Naga.

"Master." Vala bowed with the male Naga and asked.

Duke deliberately said in the Murloc language: "What's wrong? Will the Murloc betray?"

"No, the old blind fishermen repeatedly asked to see the owner, saying there must be a prophet to see you. I can't help it. Because tens of thousands of fishermen followed them to" request "."

"You can't hold it?" Duke was a little surprised. Naga's repression of the Murloc was absolute. It's like a tiger can easily pack a lamb.

Duke touched his chin: This so-called prophet is a bit interesting!

"Sorry, I don't dare to be too strong, after all, I haven't recovered all the Naga forces on Hillsbrad Beach."


"It is a Naga clan called" Spine Ridge "operating in the east of Nanhai Town. Without the assistance of the fishmen, it is difficult to complete the task of the master with the current scales of Nuscale. Pulled body was trembling slightly.

The longer you follow Duke, the more you discover the power and depth of Duke.

Vala is not a creature without intelligence. On the contrary, because of her high intelligence, she can better see Duke's status and strength. According to Walla, the fleet of hundreds of thousands of humans, nearly 100,000 troops, and more than a hundred warships is headed by Duke.

Duke's next Naga and Murloc were friendly orders that hundreds of thousands of people had to obey. If the mermaid harms humans for no reason, it will naturally be severely punished. But a few days ago, a Storm Kingdom officer was in a bad mood, scolding a male Naga as a monster and stabbing Naga.

As a result, Duke ordered the officer to be whipped in front of tens of thousands of people and Walla.

Most humans accept this but cannot understand it. Only Vala's loyalty rose silently to full value.

In Walla's eyes, Duke is the human king in practical sense.

Walla bowed: "Master, I strongly recommend that you comfort the mermaid first, and then deal with the thorny naga, after all, there are also a considerable number of mermaids there."

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