Stormwind God

Chapter 230: Kirin Tor Six-member Council (Part 2) (800 monthly ticket)

Duke's words were very heavy, and several members of parliament immediately reconciled their contempt.

But that's not enough.

"Excuse me, our secret principle ..."

"Huh!" Duke chuckled his nose mercilessly, expressing his contempt for this pretentious shadow game.

Duke knows exactly what these MPs think.

Why the Kirin Tor Council asked him to come. To put it nicely is to exchange information. Of course this is the main reason, but there are still many incidental things.

For example, the covenant belongs to the covenant, but after entering the alliance, can the prince be treated the same as an ordinary knight? Maybe they feel that the pressure on Lothar, who was born directly as a soldier, is a little too conspicuous, and it may not work well. So first find him younger and more familiar with magic.

And there is another important reason for Karazhan.

Dalaran, who has been here for thousands of years, is the only holy place for mankind. It is very uncomfortable for Karazhan to appear in the south of the mainland to fight against his own court. After all, this has shaken Dalaran's only transcendent status.

However, Medivh was so bullying that Dalaran couldn't take Medivh at all.

The inability to move Medivh does not mean that the Kirin Tor Council can do nothing.

So with the emergence of the Eye of Violet. This is a secret group established by Kirin Tor to investigate Medivh and monitor his activities, and a secret branch of the Kirin Tor Parliament that rules Dalaran. Their task was to monitor Karazhan and its owner Medivh, which were full of cracks in space. To put it nicely is to prevent things from getting out of control.

The truth is that once Medivh is on his knees, they want to take advantage of it.

In fact, even Khadgar was a spy that Kirin Tor sent to Medivh in the past. Medivh accepted Khadgar as a disciple.

In the original history, Khadgar not only profoundly removed the Medivh possessed by Sargeras, but also took great care of the 'mother's house' and helped the Eye of the Violet to collect Medivh's treasures and the most precious collection Truck by truck back to Dalaran.

It sounds like Khadgar, as a disciple, has inherited the master's legacy and has discretionary power, doesn't he?

The theory is the same. However, considering that Ryan was collecting his magic books for Medivh for his good friend Medivh and in order to build a new magical sanctuary in the south, Khadgar did not do so kindly.

Originally Khadgar was definitely a saint to the Alliance, but for the stormy kingdom that made great efforts to build Karazhan and provided a large number of magic books, Khadgar was absolutely a bitch. It's just that Ryan of that time and space also hung up, and later Lothar also hung up. The young King Varian had nowhere to tell, and the Stormwind Kingdom also lost control of Karazhan.

But now Karazhan is at Duke.

Dalaran still wants to dye? Don't even think about it! !!

That's why Duke is so tough.

Duke ignored the argument of Anthony Das, and sternly said, "Sorry, I am a tough person. I also have a magical talent to see the essence through appearances. For example, when I was a magic apprentice, I discovered McGrady directly Wen is possessed by Sargeras. So your so-called secrets are meaningless to me. "

The words fell, and the entire Kirin Tor Council was dead.

There is unbelief in the eyes of every Member.

Duke, as a traversal with system spirits, easily locked his first target.

It was an existence with the same magic circuit as him. Although magic has blinded a lot of breath, those eyes can definitely help Duke analyze at a glance at the system elves.

He stared directly at the figure on the left: "Hiding in the shadows will shame the name of the Sunstrider, Prince Kael'thas."

Duke immediately heard a breath of surprise inhaling from the man's mask, but soon turned into a chuckle: "You're right, the young Duke of Marcus," the mage replied: " I personally think that speaking to a dark figure is too rude to the deputy general manager of the league. "

With a quick gesture and a low spell, the disguise on the elf prince disappeared, showing his gorgeous violet-gold robe.

As a high-level elf with a face value of 100 points, Kael'thas has a long silky blonde hair that is enough to sell shampoo ads. The blond hair that felt more luxurious than the golden silk satin slipped over the shoulder, matched with the extremely beautiful awl face and the extremely **** red lips in the idiot's eyes. I'm afraid throwing a wink is enough to make Duke cross the river before the girls who chase Korean dramas are willing to jump for him.

But Duke hated him.

Men hate handsome men who are more handsome than themselves. Don't ask why.

There was a slight alertness in Kael'thas's aversion to Duke's slight aversion, but good education kept him in a good manner: "Is this better?"

"Much better, thank you," said Duke, and he turned to look at the council member on the right. "So what about the rest of you? Should I continue? Lord Krassus? Or Lord Krsugad behind me?"

Krasus, a red dragon, and Kel'Thuzad, who has a unique Necromantic taste, are easier to distinguish than the lighthouse in the night with the help of the system elves.

Of the six-member parliament, four were unveiled, and the remaining two did not have the meaning of hiding. Members of the Kirin Tor thought so, and Qiqi cancelled their hiding methods.

They didn't know, the two remaining Dukes didn't even know each other. Duke didn't hang out in Dalaran, so the ghost would know who those two members of the law were not even recorded in the history books. In fact, I don't even know.

After being severely beaten by Duke, Antonidas waved his hand, and the surrounding landscape changed immediately. It became a rectangular long table common to nobles.

"Please sit down." Antonidas took the lead in an invisible chair.

Six councillors sit on one side, and Duke sits on the other.

Since the status was equal, Duke didn't make any more difficult, and exchanged tribal intelligence with Dalaran on an equal footing.

"You said Orc's planet is Draenor?"

"Connect the world on both sides through the Dark Portal?"

"It's too bad. If we get a chance, we must destroy the Dark Portal."

"What? The tribal warlocks use the taboo power of the devil to absorb human life, and may also bring people back to life from undead. Really annoying news. We will study how to deal with it."

After a series of exchanges, Duke was sent away by Antonidas. (To be continued.)

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