Stormwind God

Chapter 208: Duke was sold (for a monthly pass)

This voice even shocked the queen and prince who were looking out of the Xinxing Palace.

"Mother, is that Duke Marcus's team? How do I think that Duke Marcus is more popular than his father." Varian asked his mother-in-law slightly.

This questioning really shocked Berval, who was standing next to him.

The Queen smiled apologetically at Berwal and then educated the little prince: "Varian, you have to remember. Only the people who let the people lead a good life are real heroes. From ancient times to today, so many defeat Why are the heroes of evil being praised and remembered? The key is that they are fighting for the people. "

"Fight for the people?"

"Yes! Protect the people and let them live a happy life, so they are heroes. The Duke of Marcus not only defeated the demon king Sargeras, he also defeated the orc attack many times and saved several with his fleet. One hundred thousand people also allows all people to live a full life. So Duke Marcus is now a hero in the hearts of the people. "The queen queen induced the little prince.

"Why do I hear the servant below talking about the father's king, saying that he is the king of the dead, or something, not a hero."

The queen didn't mind, but continued to induce Varian: "That's because the people blamed the storm city on your father. Don't mind, Varian, one day, your father will return to the storm city, Become the great hero in your mind again. Also, as a king, you should never be jealous of your subordinates. Just as your uncle Anduin was even more famous than your father and king, it is meaningless. Heroic Glory can never hide the glory of the king. Understand? "


At this time, Duke's horse team has come outside the new Stormwind Palace.

The queen took the prince to meet Duke.

Duke didn't expect that the queen's head split would be: "Tough work, Duke. You are so good. Unfortunately, Varian does not have an older sister, otherwise I will let you marry the royal family."

This sentence was good enough to choke Duke. Although the royal family occasionally used marriage to win over his dignitaries, Duke never thought that this would happen to him.

Fortunately, Varian has no sisters.

"Uh, this, I'm actually young ... don't look at me like that, I'm only 15 years old ..." Duke was indifferent.

Duke also felt blessed by the disaster. The curse that Sargeras had before the streets made the young Khadgar a little old man in history. However, under the burden of Medivh's father's soul and Lothar, and Medivh's counterattack came faster, he was just `` old '' for a few years.

Not only did he look mature, but after a while in Karazhan, he found himself growing a lot. Now he is about 1.80 meters tall, just like a young man in his 20s.

This has made it much easier for him to negotiate with foreign majors. A minor is not eligible to sit at the negotiating table. 18 years is a watershed. Even if Duke is actually not 18 years old, but looks like it, the other party will be much more comfortable.

However, the marriage of the queen scared Duke.

Can this be regarded as feeding a dog food to a single who has been single for 20 years in the previous life?

"Oh, indeed. Oh, strictly speaking, Varian should call your brother. Come, Varian, call Brother Duke."

"Hi brother!" Varian called very nicely.

In an instant, Duke's heart received 100,000 points of happiness. Nima, an extremely respected player in previous lives, is almost the representative of a generation of great men. King Varian Was actually called his brother.

Although Varian is now just a madam, the King of Tiles is the King of Tiles!

Duke was moved to death.

Seeing Duke's strange move, the queen and the Duke of Berval smiled at each other.

"Duke, it's no wonder that you have just become a nobleman. Most aristocrats will arrange their marriage partners by their parents or relatives before they are underage. Unfortunately, the major families of the Storm Kingdom have been badly damaged, otherwise I will definitely think Find a beautiful aristocratic girl to be your wife for you. "

Speaking of the word 'beautiful', I don't know why Duke remembered Aurelia's pair of Roshan Great Devil. Er, well, at this moment, Duke was evil.

It stands to reason that not being a duke, what kind of maid should there be, harem? For the hair I am still busy all day like a dog, running around.

Alas, many tears!

"Uh, this, I'm really in a hurry. There are too many things to do now, Your Majesty has just sent instructions and there is a major task assigned to me. His subordinate must first complete this task ..." Then he fled.

Nima, arrange a marriage!

Will this matter fall on my head? What if I get a crooked melon? What if Alleria is going to marry me?

Duke ran away as he thought.

The queen only thought it was funny: "Only at this time can people feel that Duke is still a teenager!"

Berval nodded with a smile.

"Yes, after a little settling, Duke's marriage must also be on our agenda. It is the king's business to work for the revival of the Storm Kingdom at the negotiating table. Fighting for her Majesty by marriage Help me more, that's my role as queen. Varian is too young, and Duke is just the right age. "

It is clear that Berval also did his homework: "My subordinates also thought about it. Although I am a little sorry for Duke Duke, I did collect some information."

"Oh? Speak to hear?" The queen's eyes fluttered, with a small grin on her face.

Berwal gave the first choice: "The age and status are more suitable for the Duke of Barov's family Ilythia Barov."

The queen nodded gently and then said, "Well, marrying the Barov family can really solve the problem before us. But it is not ideal. It may touch the Alterac royal family. Second, I think Duke ’s Achievement doesn't stop there. It's a bit inadequate to match him with a Duke's daughter. "

Burval immediately proposed a second candidate: "In fact, Duke E. Marcus is not only a promising mage, but his industry is mostly at sea, and he has a very suitable candidate."


"Her Royal Highness Princess Jaina Proudmoore of Kul Tiras, only twelve years old, is learning magic in Dalaran."

"She! That is indeed a very suitable object. If we are going to counterattack Stormwind in the future, we can't do without the help of Kul Tiras."

"However, she seems to be closer to Prince Arthas, Lordaeron, and Prince Kael'thas * of Quel'Thalas * Sunstrider."

The queen frowned: "This way, you may have to look at the situation. Any recommendations?"

Burval shrugged: "If you don't consider the Duke level, there will be only Her Royal Highness Kalia, Her Majesty's beloved daughter. The age is very suitable, and 15 years old." (To be continued.)

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