Stormwind God

Chapter 207: True hero

"A premium of 30% !? The **** of Barov's family! I'll kill him!" Lothar's anger could almost break through the sky.

"Calm! Anduin! Calm! Those who are stranded in Nanhai Town are nationals of the Stormwind Kingdom, not Alteracs. Even Lordaeron, no kingdom can support hundreds of thousands of refugees who do not belong to its own country without compensation. After Ryan poured another cold water on Lothar, Lothar finally calmed down.

"What is happening in Nanhai Town now?" Lothar didn't ask the morning star this time, but asked another waiter.

Just then, a letter arrived from the Gryphon Knight.

Ryan and Anduin opened the letter and found out that it was a letter written by Duke Berwal Fortagan responsible for guarding the South China Sea town:

"Dear Her Majesty, I know you have been concerned about the situation of the nationals stranded in Nanhai Town. Now I will report the latest news. In fact, the situation of the refugees is rapidly improving."

"More than half of the refugees have already lived in wooden houses, and Mr. Edwin Vancliff, who oversaw the construction of the house, appears to have adopted a method called 'moulding' from the Duke of Marcus. Although the house looks It ’s all the same, but we can protect our people from the sun and the rain in the shortest possible time. "

"The new temporary palace has been built, right on the top of a hill on the edge of Nanhai Town, overlooking the sea. His Highness Varian likes this new two-storey high palace."

"The fishermen under the jurisdiction of His Excellency Marcus began to drive a large number of marine fish to the sea. I saw with my own eyes that as long as I lay down fishing nets on the shore, I will definitely catch fish. I have to say that this is a miracle. It is even better for the Rove family to get food, because the food collected from the western wilderness and from Lordaeron and other places can support up to two weeks. "

"Although I don't want to admit it, in fact, there is absolutely no room for me to intervene in civil affairs. His arrangement is perfect, and my intervention will only make things worse. The only problem now is that the people have a fair future for the country. Pessimistic, His Excellency Benedista has tried his best to appease the people. Unfortunately, the effect is not great. "

"The worst is because of lack of food, necessary equipment, and a clear military goal. The morale of the army is at its lowest point."

After reading the Berwald letter, Lane was relieved.

"Berval and Benedista have tried their best, and I can't blame them for anything." Ryan dropped the letter.

"It is true that Benedicta is a good man, but he is not a capable person." Lothar said, in fact, the archbishop of Stormwind Benedicta is also his friend. The two have been together for more than two decades.

"Instead, our little Duke can always surprise us! I almost forget that he is actually a mage, not my assistant minister." Ryan smiled rarely: "I think we should Give Duke Little more power and more responsibility? "

"Don't be fooled by his appearance. He is indeed a genius, but he is actually only fifteen." Lothar showed Ryan his two-pronged whiteness. That was proof of being mutilated by Sargeras' last curse.

"I know, but none of us are available, do we? Even you, I think you should find a deputy."

"Well, I will consider it."

Ryan thought about it and wrote a letter asking Berval to give Duke more autonomy ...

Five days later, Nanhai Town.

Duke hurriedly returned.

When he returned, he went to Alterac, which was a visit to King Alterac. But as Duke expected, he did not meet King Aiden Pirino.

In the end, King Ayden was upset that Duke actually detoured and went to the Barov family first, rather than the closer Alterac. Secondly, Aiden received a secret report about King Terenas of Lordaeron. It seems that the king of the strongest of the six kingdoms intentionally convened once for all the human kingdoms, even dwarves and elves, which had just been removed A major meeting of allies.

King Aiden was upset, and naturally had no time to greet Duke, the so-called Duke, who had been promoted for the sake of being a messenger.

A decree permitting the Storm Kingdom to establish a refugee camp in Nanhai Town, and a meal from the Alterante royal family was regarded as sending a beggar to Duke.

Macaroo was naturally upset, but Duke just laughed. He knew the direction of ‘History’, but he knew very well what Alterac ’s king was like.

Duke didn't care about anything. After getting the decree, he didn't care about the follow-up grain truck, and went straight back to Nanhai Town.

From north to south, coming out of the Alterac Mountains area, entering the Hillsbrad Foothills area, passing Tarren Mill, before reaching the South China Sea town.

Macaroo was stunned by the rows of neat rows on the side of the road, which made the cabins like lattices. Those who do not know the situation thought that a huge new city had been built here instead of a refugee camp with nearly 500,000 people.

Seeing Duke ’s family with death and terror flags, children playing around the house, women knitting or cooking food, men building houses, camps, and surrounding forests, Everyone looked up.

"Ah! It is the banner of His Excellency Marcus!"

"Is that Lord Marcus?"

"Come on! Salute your head! He is our Duke Duke Marcus."

Children and men bowed to their knees, and peasant women bowed to unfamiliar ladies. There was no organization, no demand, all of them saluting Duke spontaneously.

Not only the people, but also the city guards and sheriffs who are responsible for maintaining law and order. Legionnaires passing by are kneeling on one knee, placing their left hands on their chests, and paying their respects to the owner of this banner.

For the people, counterattacking Stormwind or something is really too far away.

Perhaps the people are foolish. They don't know too many curves and turns. Their focus is only on the simplest and most simple things such as clothing, food and shelter.

Rescue them from the brutal orcs, they will naturally get their temporary gratitude.

But for the people to truly recognize and identify, it also requires long-term efforts, at least to meet their basic living needs.

Duke did it.

Not only did he save hundreds of thousands of storm nationals with his fleet, he also built Nanhai Town into a national sanctuary without hunger and cold, without much suffering.

On the way, none of the refugees fell halfway, nor did any of the nationals show their despair.

Took the building down, Duke did it with his magical means.

In the eyes of the people, compared to King Wrynn, who lost his land, and Losa, who is constantly defeated, Duke is the real hero.

"Salute to our hero, His Excellency Duke Marcus," the officer shouted.

A second later, a hundred thousand soldiers and civilians shouted in unison.

"Long live His Excellency Duke Marcus" (To be continued.)

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