Steel steam and flame

Chapter 236 Collision (End)

Falling from the middle of the second floor, Keshan flew through a parabola-like arc in mid-air, breaking the wooden guardrails on the stairs one after another, and finally landed in the middle of the stairs. A large piece of the wooden floor beneath her body was broken. Keshan wanted to get up, but her head could not fully wake up from the impact just now, so she could only rely on her hands to support herself on the ground.

Doris, who was standing aside, rushed to Keshan's side carrying a black leather box and wanted to help her up. But the surgeon's abnormal weight was not something she could lift. Keshan, who spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, reluctantly reached out and pushed Doris away, indicating that Doris had better hide behind him.

At this moment, Savina was already walking towards them with her signature "dong dong" sound.

"What on earth do you want to do? The gods will punish you for such behavior." Doris's height is only slightly higher than Sveina's waist. She stood in front of Savina, her red eyes no longer filled with tears.

"If you just want uncle's bones, I can give them to you." Doris said tremblingly, placing the heavy box on the stairs, with a rare firmness in her eyes.

"Little Saint, I think it's better for you to just watch from the sidelines." Saivina said, slowly walking down the stairs one step at a time. "Kill them both, and sooner or later you and the contents of this box will be gone." Mine, I don’t need you to give it to me. Also, although I am also a holy envoy of the Holy Temple, I do not believe in the existence of gods."

"I can exchange for what you want to know." Doris's body trembled. She had never seen such a pair of fiery red eyes full of violence.

"Don't you want to know that thing? I have always known it." Doris could no longer suppress the tears in her eyes, but she still stood upright, "The Holy Emperor asked me before It was like this when I was there, and it was like this when the Holy Fathers asked me. When I learned about this journey, I understood that it was about this. My uncle kept asking me not to tell it, and he said that I would always keep this secret. If you protect yourself in your heart, you can protect yourself.”

"So now you are going to trade your life for theirs?" A smile appeared on Savina's face, "But if you say that thing, you will lose your value. At that time, I want to regret it at any time. It’s okay. Because you don’t have the power to make me fulfill my promise honestly.”

"I...I..." Doris's tears fell from her cheeks, all of them hitting the stair floor. She was speechless. Looking at the woman getting closer and closer, she felt extremely panicked. I really wanted to just turn around and run away. That woman had a terrifying aura about her. Compared to Keshan, who was gentle to her, there were too many differences.

Her calves were trembling, and Doris wanted to close her eyes so as not to look at the woman looking down at her in front of her, and her violent eyes. His body became stiff due to fear, his eyes were blurred by tears, and he didn't have the strength to raise his arms to wipe away the tears.

I wanted to call out something, but only a choked sound came out from my throat, unable to produce a sound that could be considered a syllable. Doris slowly turned her head, not looking at Savina who was walking over, even though her face was not fierce and ferocious, but with a smile. But the self-desire and cruelty beneath that smile could corrode Doris' body through the air between them.

The deflected eyes subconsciously looked in Cassia's direction. I originally thought that Cassia, who was also unable to move, could not be seen in the corridor. But in the hazy tearful eyes, a figure covered in blood stood there quietly at this moment, holding an undamaged railing with swollen hands, and his blood-red eyes were as clear as before.

Maybe my own shadow is reflected inside. Doris thought, and more tears flowed out for no reason at this moment. She felt that her eyes were corresponding with the eyes of the man covered in blood. There is no irritability and madness inside, but quietness and gentleness.

"Kasia, brother!" Doris cried loudly. At this time, even she herself didn't know whether she was crying because of the tears of hope, or whether she was crying because of seeing Cassia standing up covered in blood.

"Sure enough, you have never let me down." Savina said as she looked at Cassia, whose body had swelled up again, and her breath became hot. "It was probably because of this state that I killed Buck. Although I don't understand your Why did the body not undergo a withering reaction, and why it changed like this? But the reason has long been irrelevant. The appearance is a bit ugly, but I think those squirming out-of-control dragon tissues must have huge power Bar?"

"Didn't you say before that someone is very interested in your body? I think every scientist will be very interested in you when they see you in this state. They all want to use a scalpel to cut open your body and see Let's see what's in your belly. Of course, even I feel the same way now!" Savina said and jumped up, ignoring Cassia who had been standing there, and rushed forward on her own initiative.

It was the same kick, simple but filled with shock in the air, giving Cassia no chance to dodge.

"Pa" a dull impact sound.

Cassia kicked out the same kick at the same time, blocking in front of Savina's kick, standing there as stable and thick as a rock. The thousands of kilograms of counter-shock force caused their bodies to shake violently, and the wooden floor crackled under their feet. While sinking her body, Savina couldn't help but take a step back, crushing the wooden floor beneath her feet.

As soon as Savina's body stabilized, Cassia's attack came again. The blood-stained fist quickly enlarged in her eyes. She relied on her body to instinctively dodge the punch, but the other fist followed the path she subconsciously avoided and hit her chest hard.

The swinging arm reluctantly released some of the power from the huge fist, and a muffled sound came from the chest at the same time. Savina couldn't stand her feet at all and took a few steps back. She tiptoed lightly, crushing the floor in the first few steps, but in the next few steps she completely released all the strength from her body, and her irregular pace did not stop, avoiding Cassia who might take the opportunity to pursue her next. attack.

Her eyes never missed Cassia's figure, and Savina understood the importance of vision in battle. Almost locking on Cassia in front of her, she touched the ground with her toes. She stood out of the range where Cassia could threaten her. The air in her lungs was exhausted and she was about to complete the ventilation process.

The cross pupils also shrank suddenly at this moment, and the figure locked in Savina's eyes had disappeared, or in other words, it had turned into a rapid red shadow, flashing across her sight like a meteor across the sky. , completely hidden around her.

later! His body sensed Cassia disappearing from his sight. But it was too late to turn around. She felt a sense of danger coming from her back. When she immediately blocked some important parts with her hands, her body flew up like Keshan just now, and the huge force carried her body forward. Then it broke off the protective railing and hit the wooden floor in the center of the hall. It rolled two or three times before coming to a complete stop.

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