Steel steam and flame

Chapter 235 Collision (Part 2)

Completely reluctant to let go of her hand, Savina felt that the temperature on the face held in her hand was rising at an extremely fast speed. In just this moment, the temperature had exceeded that of her own hot palm. Savina looked directly into the increasingly bright red eyes, wanting to stay by Cassia's side for a while longer, but the noise from behind told her that this was not possible.

That was the sound of a pistol exploding, and several bullets almost grazed her ears and flew past, making several huge holes in the wall in front of her. Without looking at it, Savina covered her entire body in the shadow cast by Cassia's body to protect herself. Because the platinum bullet is powerful enough to penetrate her body, and then the bullet will continue to move forward and hit Cassia in front of her.

Keshan immediately noticed Cassia's situation when she released Doris from the room and turned her head. Pulling out her pistol and shooting, she saw that Savina, who was standing in front of Cassia, had no intention of avoiding the ballistic trajectory. At this time, she ran around and wanted to shoot Savina from another angle to avoid penetrating. The bullets will also cause damage to Cassia. The Savina in her eyes had turned around, revealing a smile that Keshan had never seen before, and an anger that she had never felt before.

The air became hot, and Keshan's running footsteps stopped in place the moment Savina turned around. She dared not go any further. But he still held the pistol tightly. The moment he found the right angle, he suppressed the fear-like emotion in his heart and fired immediately.

"Do you know that interrupting what others are concentrating on is very rude and can make people extremely angry!" Savina only left one sentence there. All the bullets were empty, and all that penetrated the area were shadows that dissipated.

Keshan's cross pupils followed Savina's rapidly moving figure. She completely used the loaded pistol in her hand as a throwing tool, predicting the position and throwing it heavily.

The pistol turned into an iron cannonball. With its huge kinetic energy, it created an air channel in the air and flew in a straight line towards the running Savina.

The moving blurred figure quickly solidified before that, and Savina's face appeared. The body that was also running rapidly stopped on the spot, and was blown forward by a gust of wind. The iron piece of the pistol flew past the tip of her nose, causing a few strands of hair on her forehead to fly.

The sudden stop of speed did not cause any negative effects on Savina's body due to excessive kinetic energy, and her expression did not change at all. After that sudden stop, the solid figure turned into a piece of smoke again. Her speed suddenly increased by a small knot at this moment, and the sound of her body brushing against the air came from all around her as she moved.

She felt the instant change in Savina in her heart, and Keshan instinctively felt frightened by the speed. But the footsteps did not stop, Cassia was still lying there, and the saint was behind him. I am the only one left here who can still be an effective fighting force, and now there is no way out.

The thoughts in Keshan's head were running at a high speed. At this moment, all the combat skills she had learned in the Holy Temple training school emerged from her memory. After being converted into electrical signals, they were transmitted to all her brains along with countless nerves. in the limbs. These fighting skills have not completely become the instinct of her body, and they still need to rely on Keshan's artificial memories and reactions to use them.

The next moment, the two met in the aisle on the second floor.

Savina's kick is still very direct, her style remains unchanged, and she doesn't use any concealing movements. Keshan easily dodged it, and Keshan turned sideways and punched Severna towards the heart. The force above can completely break the opponent's chest and ribs, and the subsequent force transmitted to the body can also shake the heart behind it to pieces.

But at the same time, Keshan also felt a sense of danger on the other side of her body, as if she was in an extremely hot desert, and her waist suddenly felt cool. The feeling there was amplified several times by the surrounding environment and Keshan's own high concentration, which also made her perception extremely sharp and intense.

The two people who were about to collide with each other gave up their attacks at the same time. While each took a step back, the red light in the opened cross pupils suddenly surged. His body almost always touched the ground lightly, but he had such tremendous force that he could completely collapse the wooden floor.

The afterimages of Savina and Keshan intertwined in the corridor. There was an agitated atmosphere between the two fighting and attacking, and there was also a huge sound when the bodies collided.

"It's so boring!" When the words came out, Savina immediately took a few steps back and stood in front of Keshan, who also stopped and was on guard. Her breathing was calm, and there was no trace of redness on her fair face due to the loss of physical strength. The gaze in her cross-shaped pupils became colder and colder, a look of indifference after losing interest in the prey.

"I originally thought that you staying in Manoma for so long would excite my body to some extent. But in Manoma, it seems that not everyone can be labeled as excellent. I won't let others know for the time being. I know, but for you, in my opinion, at least you are not the top." Savina gave Keshan a chance to rest and breathe.

After a brief confrontation, Keshan's condition was much worse than that of Savina who had no reaction in front of her. She wanted to suppress her breathing and heartbeat to slowly adjust her condition, but faced with the heavy pressure that Severna put on her, and the danger of having to pay attention to analysis at all times during the fight, Keshan had no extra time. energy to do these things. Just like Savina said, she is indeed not an excellent person, at least when it comes to fighting.

The opponent's strength may be more than that. Keshan lowered her body a little, lowered her center of gravity, and was ready to deal with the next attack at any time. The enemy is still very casual, and she is not fully herself when fighting. Keshan knew this. And in the enemy's state and mood, he was holding on too reluctantly. Almost every time, it is passive defense, and the active attack is completely unable to do any damage to the enemy.

If this continues, we may really die here. This thought suddenly entered Keshan's head, and her body paused momentarily due to the shift in focus of her thoughts.

But in this moment, the Savina in her eyes had disappeared. Then the sound of exhalation came to my ears.

"You are really incompetent if you don't concentrate during the battle! No wonder I can't be interested in you. Look at the man in the corner, he is much better than you in this regard."

The words sounded very gently in Keshan's ears, and her body completely stiffened at this moment. A huge force came from her abdomen, and she was kicked out the next moment.

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