Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 751 Born for Victory

Political Commissar Petrov personally predicted a moment that perhaps even he himself would not have the chance to witness with his own eyes, and his eyes of conviction and sincerity were filled with determination without any trace of falsehood.

It was also from this time that Malashenko finally became aware of a misunderstanding he had always had before, a blind spot in thinking that was bound by inertial thinking and narrow prejudice.

It is simply impossible to evaluate the communists of this era correctly and fairly using national boundaries and the perspective of later generations.

Their hearts are full of ideals and they are willing to fight for a great and just cause. Especially staunch communists like Commissar Petrov who have fought all the way from defending the new Soviet to today. They are even more unable to view it from the perspective of later generations. judge and evaluate it.

If he had not personally experienced and lived in this era, Malashenko might never have believed that such a group of people actually existed in this world.

Whether it was Commissar Petrov or Chen Xingguo, who only existed in bookmarks and between the lines, Malashenko finally realized that in this special era, they had a common name: a staunch communist fighter.

The words of political commissar Petrov in my memory inspired Malashenko a few minutes ago and opened a new window for him.

Ancient China was once regarded as a soft persimmon by the great powers that could be bullied at will due to its long-term weakness. However, few Westerners are willing to study and analyze how many miracles this ancient country has created in the history of human wars.

"When the red dragon of the East awakens, the world will witness his power."

Even though the moment of awakening is far from coming in this timeline, at this moment Malashenko can still pat his chest and guarantee the absolute truth of every word he says next.

"When it comes to the art of war, the Chinese are the ancestors of the Germans!"

Every word that Malashenko said after he actually spoke was something that no one present expected, and the upcoming battle will also go down in history because of Malashenko's bold plan.

"Those ancient Chinese people once revealed the truth of war 2,600 years ago: one vigorous effort, then weakened, and three exhausted."

"When our soldiers rushed to Mamayev Heights for the first time, they had the belief that they would win and the determination to kill the invaders on the top of the mountain. However, they were repulsed and the casualties were so heavy that corpses littered the fields. Degree."

"The commander ordered the soldiers to regroup, and the soldiers did so. They continued to rush towards Mamayev Heights with the same firm belief that had never wavered. But the potential shadow of the last failure had invisibly affected every living person. Warrior, this has nothing to do with firm belief, it is just an inevitable psychological suggestion derived from the advanced mind of human beings as advanced creatures."

"The soldiers have high morale and firm will, but the shadow of failure always affects them like a shadow. When they embark on the last failed charge again, I am sure that even a second of unconfidence will flash in everyone's heart. doubt."

"Will it work this time?"

Malashenko's words were like a thunderbolt hitting the heads of everyone present at the meeting, including Chuikov himself.

Not only did Malashenko dare to say such bold words in public, but more importantly, Malashenko hit the nail on the head and touched the common pain point in everyone's heart.

Even we senior commanders and staff have doubted and asked ourselves questions: Why don’t the soldiers who are risking their lives in exchange for victory at the front ask themselves sincerely, even if they don’t show it at all? Less than a second.

No one interrupted Malashenko's speech. Malashenko, who never doubted himself from beginning to end, continued to speak firmly to everyone present.

"The cruel battlefield steams up every warrior's mind, and one more failure will only make this steaming stronger."

"When charging becomes a mechanical repetitive operation, when failure and retreat become the inevitable result that can leave muscles with memories. Inertial thinking will further restrict the tactical command that could have won. As the number of failures increases, only The trap will become tighter and tighter, and it will not be noticed. There will be no essential difference between the third failure and the fifth or tenth failure.”

"Although I have just arrived at the foot of Mamayev Hill not long ago and I don't know the specific situation yet, I would like to ask every comrade present at the meeting to ask themselves a question in their hearts and answer the true answer without saying it verbally. Just answer it yourself.”

"How many times have we failed to recapture Mamayev Kurgan since we were driven off it by the Germans?"

No one answered Malashenko's question in words, and the entire venue was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Malashenko knew what kind of answer everyone would have in mind, and the words that it was time to throw out finally came out of Malashenko's mouth again after being silent for a few seconds.

"The last question is, at the same time as our defeat, how many times have the Germans on the hills repeated similar victories?"


Malashenko is right. The ancient Chinese revealed the truth of war as early as 2,600 years ago. No matter how times change and how many years pass, these ancient truths of war have never changed.

The Chinese can reveal the truth of war, and they also have a way to decipher the truth of all wars.

At this moment, Malashenko already knew the way to overcome the difficult problem of Mamayev Kurgan.

"The arrival of the 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment is a restart button, comrades. Tomorrow's battle will be a new starting point from scratch. The first "big push" after the restart will provide us with Win this battle!"

Malashenko's words have already lifted the shackles of inertial thinking for everyone present.

Everyone began to change their perspective and no longer considered failure as the final result. Instead, they began to think about how to turn it into realistic tactics based on the fact that victory was within reach.

To pierce through this layer of window paper that is so close but is ignored by most people, all it takes is a person who can see through everything to step forward and boldly pierce it with his index finger.

Through this punctured hole, everyone will see the light hidden behind it.

Malashenko, who felt that there was no need to continue talking, ignored the others, whispered a few words to Chuikov and then indicated that he would wait outside the conference room.

It was the same lieutenant colonel who had yelled at Malashenko just now, but this time his tone and attitude were obviously completely different.

"Can you tell me why you are so convinced that we will win? Comrade Malashenko."

Malashenko, who had turned his back to everyone present, smiled without looking back. As he walked away, he left only one sentence for people to ponder.

"Many Germans who were sent to prison camps and cemeteries by our regiment probably also want to ask this question. I think it is not difficult to answer."

"Because the First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment was born to crush the tracks on the heads of those Germans to win, that's all."

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