Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 750 Witness of Truth

The emergence of nuclear weapons has completely destroyed all the art of war. Modern warfare armed with high technology has reduced the role a soldier's courage can play in combat to the lowest point in the recorded history of human warfare.

But before all this comes, in this unprecedented war, which is the largest and last in human history and includes the complete art of war, Malashenko firmly believes that miracles can be created by relying on human subjective will.

"This is so crazy! Comrade Malashenko! Do you know what you are going to say? If our attack fails, even if it is just repelled by the Germans, we will be left with nothing but a doomed end! Your plan is too Crazy and makes no sense!”

Malashenko, who was standing next to the command table, glanced at the staff officer who was reaching for him and yelling. This staff officer, who had the same rank as him and the rank of lieutenant colonel, obviously regarded him as an opponent. A layman who knows nothing about commanding, at least the formation of troops on the map, is definitely not as powerful and professional as his own strength.

In fact, there was definitely more than one person among the staff officers present who had such an idea.

The more reserved person did not express it in public, but stared at Malashenko with a strange look that was obviously an expert looking at an outsider, and even shook his head repeatedly.

Those who did not conceal their true thoughts nodded frequently to express their agreement with the lieutenant colonel and staff officer's shouting. There were many whisperers pointing fingers at Malashenko. Malashenko could even guess that among these people How do you evaluate yourself.

But all this is not important to Malashenko. As a time traveler, there is really no need to argue with these short-sighted and pedantic natives.

To be honest, even Chuikov didn't agree with the plan proposed by Malashenko.

This plan is simply like a gambler who is about to lose all his money to try his best to give it a try and die generously to try to regain the hope of victory, even if this hope is very slim and there is no recovery behind him. The abyss is still fearless.

"Young people are still too reckless, it seems."

Although he doesn't quite agree with the plan given by Malashenko, Chuikov still has to do the face-saving project. Otherwise, letting the little hero lose his status in front of so many people would not be in line with the requirements of his superiors. It is also very detrimental to future image building and political propaganda.

Chuikov breathed out lightly and already thought about what to say, then pointed at the map and said.

"Comrade Malashenko, the plan you proposed has your uniqueness, but some comrades are obviously still confused. It may be that your explanation is not enough. Can you explain it in detail so that everyone can understand it better?"

Malashenko had already expected that Chuikov would say this. Of course, even if Chuikov didn't say this, he would still strive for a chance to explain himself, because the Mamayev Gang in this timeline must usher in victory in his own hands.

"Comrade Commander, and everyone present, I would like to ask you a question. How much do you know about our motherland's neighbor, the distant China in the south of Far East Siberia?"

As Malashenko blurted out his loud question, everyone present was almost stunned. No one, including Chuikov, knew or could figure out which song Malashenko was singing.

"There are too few of our commanders and soldiers who are willing to understand that ancient country in the far east, Malashenko. Even myself, if I hadn't accidentally come into contact with a Communist International fighter from China, I might have spent my whole life They won’t take the initiative to learn about this distant ancient country.”

Malashenko still remembers his shocked expression when he first saw Commissar Petrov writing traditional Chinese characters with a pen.

Although Commissar Petrov just laughed at himself and said that he was just missing a Chinese friend from the past, Malashenko relied on his strong curiosity to reveal this story that Commissar Petrov rarely mentioned to others. history.

"His name is Chen Xingguo, which is how it is pronounced in Chinese. We met at the Communist International conference in 1926. At that time, I was sent to study, observe the conference and take notes. After I returned to the army, I would meet with my comrades. Sharing the spirit of the meeting and the ideas his superiors asked him to convey, he was one of the Chinese representatives, a bespectacled young man who looked more like a teacher than a communist fighter."

"He gave me some books. I still can't remember the names of these obscure Chinese books. It's so difficult to understand their characters and culture. I don't even have a teacher. And Chen After we broke up, I never saw him again. I had to learn everything by myself, but I have always kept this.”

Malashenko took an old and yellowed piece of cardboard handed to him by Political Commissar Petrov at his desk. This was a small bookmark that Political Commissar Petrov always carried with him and used at all times. There is a line of vigorous and powerful traditional Chinese characters written in pen on the front.

"Thank you for the cannon shot of Red October that brought light and hope to the people trapped in darkness. We will always be comrades and comrades fighting under the same flag and sharing common beliefs and ideals. I will always remember being with you. During the 37 days together, Comrade Petrov, I wish you could compose the red song of victory more passionately and illuminate the world, and bring light to more people in darkness - Chen Xingguo."

Below the traditional Chinese characters, there is a gorgeous and neat Russian content with the same content.

From the two paragraphs of handwriting next to each other, Malashenko could tell that the handwriting in these two different languages ​​was written by the same person in one go, without any trace of pause or dragging, and it might even be smoother than writing it by himself now.

"This little bookmark let me know that those comrades in the far east are trying so hard to understand us. All the communists in the world are comrades united under the same flag, Malashenko, this is the teaching left by Comrade Lenin."

"Since then, I have begun to try to understand that distant ancient country. It has been 16 years so far. Although I have never seen Chen again and never heard of him, I believe that as long as there are more people with the same eyes, the same firm beliefs, and the same willingness to fight for great ideals, they continue to move forward bravely, the red flag will one day rise slowly on that distant eastern land. I have no doubt about this!"

"This era and the world will witness all this, just like those decadent Western capitalist running dogs witnessed the rise of the Soviet Union from the ruins of Tsarist Russia!"

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