Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 736 Reversal

Just like the German General Staff before the launch of Operation Barbarossa seriously underestimated the total strength and mobilization capabilities of the Soviet army.

Even in 1942, a year after the war lasted, the German army still had a serious lack of understanding of the production capabilities of the Soviet wartime military industry, which had been severely damaged. They arrogantly believe that as long as they can exhaust all the Soviet aviation fighters on the front line, the production capacity of the Soviet military industry, which has suffered heavy losses and has been relocated and fled many times, will be unable to replenish battle losses with blood transfusions in time, and the production capacity will not be able to keep up with the rate of loss on the front line. , and the Soviet frontline aviation was downgraded to an existing air force.

In fact, only Gorky Factory No. 21, which is responsible for manufacturing La-5 fighter jets, had the total number of available La-5 fighter jets actually delivered to front-line troops in the four months from September when the production target was determined in September to the end of December. That’s 1,107 aircraft, not including aircraft entering the final assembly stage at the factory.

As for aircraft manufacturing plants like Gorky Factory No. 21, this is not the only one in the hands of the Soviet Union.

Human beings are creatures that never understand each other. It's like the Germans can't understand why workers who, in their view, were brutally exploited by the Bolsheviks, had no human rights, and received nothing, could work two shifts 24 hours a day and keep the factory production line at full power without stopping the machine. .

What capitalism cannot do, in this red land, the spontaneous will of people will burst out, turning illusory and unattainable fantasies into tangible realities, and then completely crushing all impossibilities.

Even in the timeline where the Soviet Union in Malashenko's previous life has disappeared, this spirit and the will to crush everything that is impossible still continue to be passed down in a red country.

This giant red ship that is cutting through waves and constantly moving forward on the vast ocean of human civilization is called China.

The departure of the La5 fighter group from the battlefield was just the beginning of a nightmare for the German army, which had just been ridiculed.

Accompanied by the roar of engines roaring at low altitude, Major General Osheim saw with despair in his telescope that a group of Russian "flying tanks" were full of seeds of death and were heading towards where he was. The location comes quickly.

"Planes! Russian flying tanks! Disperse and take cover!"

It was too late for the startling roar that could almost break the throat. The Soviet pilots who pushed the throttle all the way had already pent up their energy and were ready to pour out the fury of revenge against these fascist lackeys.

Family, friends, comrades, teachers, neighbors

Countless living lives that should not have been lost like this have given rise to endless reasons for revenge. Hatred has taken over the entire body like viruses and bacteria that have been artificially bred and grown endlessly in a petri dish.

This cruel war of life and death from the beginning has no winner or loser, only the living standing and the dead lying on the ground. The difference between the dead and the living is the only truth to test the final result of the battle. It has always been the case. So true.

The 132mm rockets and aerial bombs ranging from 50 to 100 kilograms came like a tsunami, knocking the German infantry and armored troops off their feet and leaving corpses everywhere.

Any attempt to escape from a large-scale air attack will often end up with a bad result, especially when such a deadly air attack is a low-altitude, close-range, face-to-face dive and sweep. The adjective "like a flock of sheep" is no longer even enough. Describe the tragic situation when it was attacked by 24 Il-2 attack aircraft.

Fire a salvo of rockets at a distance of six to five hundred meters, press the trigger of the machine gun at a distance of four to three hundred meters, and use the dive inertia in the last two hundred meters to throw the external aerial bombs at the Germans. On his face, after he yanked the joystick into his arms, there was only a figure that climbed up for the second time, spraying death all over.

The German army was more afraid of the IL-2 attack aircraft than the Soviet frontline tactical bombers.

This extremely terrifying "Ivan Third Company" can arbitrarily harvest all objects on the ground with maximum destruction, whether it is people, tanks, assault guns, armored vehicles, anti-tank gun emplacements, or machine gun positions.

Nothing could escape this horrific continuous attack. A few seconds after the death storm raged, all that was left were the burning, pungent remains and the battered and mutilated corpses.

The German troops who had already launched a dense offensive formation suffered heavy losses. If you look down from a high altitude, you will find that the German formation at this moment is like a piece of cheese that has been gnawed by a mouse, and the center is full of people running away and dying. The plague is still spreading rapidly to the outside of the entire formation.

The situation on the battlefield sometimes reverses in just a moment. The key lies in whether the military chiefs of both sides can accurately grasp this God-given opportunity that is enough to turn the tables.

Malashenko, who was originally prepared to fight to the death with the Germans, realized that the situation of the battle had suddenly changed. If he continued to stay in the position in such a good situation, he would really become a bastard!

Malashenko, whose breathing was a little cramped and confused, dropped the binoculars in his hand, reached down and reached down to grab the radio transmitter from the commander's position in the turret, held it tightly in his hand and pressed the button. .

"The battle plan has changed! Charge! All the 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment charge! Crush those Germans into pulp! Don't stop without my order, Ulla!!!"

Birds of a feather flock together.

Commander Cherchenkov, who could make eye contact with Malashenko, was full of the manic and savage character unique to the barren mountains and cold waters of Siberia, even without communicating and exchanging views with Malashenko. , and also quite clear on what to do in this one-sided massacre situation.

"Charge! Put in all reserves, follow the tanks, and drive those Germans out of the train station that belongs to us!"

Ula! ! !

The German infantrymen, who were pinned to the ground by the indiscriminate air raids, felt the terrible tremors coming from the earth in a bewildered posture lying on the ground. Reflected in the desperate and almost collapsed Shuanghu, was the roaring figure of a group of people who lived on this land in that era who came to take revenge. A hand-to-hand fighting that was destined to the final outcome from the beginning broke out immediately.

"Iushkin, straight ahead! Twelve o'clock! The German number four, kill it!"

"We're doing it! Hurry up, hurry up, I caught you! Die, you bastard lackey!"



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