Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 735 Just begun

"General Osheim, listen to me. First of all, I want to emphasize to you that our Air Force does not intentionally not provide escort for bombers. It is just that the recent air battles with the Russians have caused great losses to our fighter units. , the personnel and equipment are almost reaching their limit.”

"In addition, a considerable number of fighter planes need to be deployed to block the water of the Volga River during the day. The Russians have established complete and dense anti-aircraft artillery positions on both sides of the river. Low-speed and heavy fighter planes cannot break through the blockade at all, and those Russian boats It runs very fast, and high-altitude bombing on the river is difficult to achieve the desired effect. Close-range and low-altitude attacks are the only way."

Major General Osheim still chose to listen quietly without changing his expression, and Major Steiner's explanation continued quietly.

"Blocking the Volga River requires dispatching a lot of fighter jets to perform the mission, and fighter units transferred by the Russians from other directions are also constantly joining the battlefield to support it."

"Although it is the same Stalingrad theater, our air force is actually fighting on two fronts. We must not only ensure that we have air control over the city, but also ensure the continuous blockade of the Volga River during the day so that the Russians At least I can't transport supplies and support into the city comfortably, which is the greatest help to your army's operations."

Major General Osheim couldn't help but frown after hearing this. He wanted to say a few words to refute but couldn't find any suitable excuse. What Major Steiner said was indeed impeccable. .

Seeing that Major General Osheim moved his lips twice but finally chose to remain silent, Major Steinauer, who was convinced that his explanation should have had an effect, immediately continued.

"I think you should have basically understood the reason why our fighter units did not appear in time. The sky over Stalingrad is very wide, and there are many defensive airspaces that need to be taken care of from south to north. It is impossible for our fighter jets to cover everything and always appear in time. "

"You also saw the battle just now. The Russians should have invested in a new type of fighter jet. This is different from all the Russian fighter jets I have seen before. The performance can be said to be completely different. I can see it clearly from the ground. ”

"There was no suspense about the outcome of this air battle from the beginning. It can't even be called an air battle, but a one-sided massacre. Protecting bombers is one of the missions of fighter jets. Failure to complete the mission is not because you don't want to complete it, Oshay General Mu, it’s because our current capabilities make it difficult to accomplish such a goal as planned.”

Major Steiner was so cool that he was so handsome that Major General Osheim, who had no idea what the Air Force was doing, was even directly put in. He was confused and confused. He only knew that this pot should not be carried by the Air Force. The army should not carry it. In short, the German army should not carry it.

Are the Russians to blame?

Major General Osheim didn't know clearly, and his head hurt a little from thinking about it. In the end, he could only explain himself away with the result of "maybe".

The chief of staff glanced at Major General Osheim's strange expression and couldn't help but sigh, secretly lamenting that Major Steiner was really eloquent. Osheim asked so many twists and turns in just one sentence, Even I could barely understand what he was saying at such a fast speed.

Although they could not fully understand the reason, at least Major General Osheim and his chief of staff could not fully understand it for a while.

But an obvious problem on the table right now is that the Stuka fleet, which was destroyed by Russian fighter jets after just a dozen bombs were dropped, has been completely destroyed. Those dozen bombs were destroyed according to the Oscar regulations. Major General Heim estimated that the number of Russians killed in the explosion was just over three figures.

Should we continue the attack when air support fails?

Although this is a question worth thinking about, Major General Osheim did not have much time to think. He quickly turned towards the hour hand as darkness approached and evening forced him to issue a combat order immediately. This was what Paulus wanted to see and finally An order directed at the will of the Führer.

"There is no other way. Without those Stukas we still have to attack. Let's start as planned, now."

Major General Osheim's tone was somewhat helpless, and the chief of staff beside him who received the order could clearly realize this. But this is an order that must be carried out after all, and there is no chance of discounting it. The chief of staff, who always felt uneasy, immediately conveyed the order to Major General Osheim to start the attack in advance.

A full 15 minutes earlier than the scheduled attack time, the German soldiers who had already made all preparations before the attack jumped out of the trenches under the supervision and orders of their respective commanders, following the tanks and assault guns with black smoke billowing from their engine nozzles. The waist moved forward quickly, and the uneasiness spread quietly like a plague.

"Did you see that those Stukas were beaten like dogs by the Russians just now? To be honest, this reminds me of when I was in Poland."

"You should add that we are the Poles now, and those Russian planes are the winners now."

"Be careful, Russian fighter jets are coming!"

Before the whispers coming from behind the tank could be heard, the La-5 fighter jet that had just killed a group of pregnant German seagulls was already diving straight down at full throttle, pushing the throttle at full speed.

No air force in the world can tolerate the enemy's ground forces massing on a large scale under its nose, and even dares to launch an offensive against its own ground forces.

Even though these extremely early-type La-5 fighters only had small-caliber cannons and large-caliber machine guns, even if they hit the domes of German tanks, they would be ineffective and scratch the itch.

But the large number of German infantry who followed the tanks like locusts looked so dazzling and eye-catching in the sky, and they were also the primary hunting targets of Soviet pilots.

"Damn it! Get away, disperse! The Russians are flying"

Dong dong dong——

Da da da--

call out--

ah! ! !

The roar of machine guns and machine guns overshadowed the roar and roar of the rapidly approaching engines. Together with the screams of the German infantrymen who swept through the crowd in a dark red mist of blood, they formed a battlefield concerto that echoed over the battlefield for a long time. .

After the battle just now, the La-5 fighter jets, which had few reserves of ammunition, quickly plowed through the German infantry formation twice with their dexterous movements. The barrage attack that did not let go caused an unignorable impact on the German infantry. Casualties.

The La-5 fighter jets that had emptied all their ammunition slapped their butts, leaving the corpses of the German infantry on the ground and quickly walked away.

What Major General Osheim did not expect was that he breathed a sigh of relief after witnessing this scene.

A bigger disaster had just begun when these shit-stirring La5 fighter jets flew away.

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