Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 708 Purgatory in the Rain

Pattering raindrops continued to fall along the brim of the helmet. The cold breath that wetted the whole body from the rain swept over the trembling body, but the weapon held tightly in the hand was still spitting out fiery tongues of fire, shooting the bullets of hatred. Facing another group of people with the same occupation but completely different beliefs opposite, the sounds of gunfire and gunfire echoed in the rain.

The German soldiers cursed the damn Russian weather and did not want to fight in such an environment.

Similarly, the Red Army soldiers on the defensive side also hated such a combat environment.

The falling rain washed away the dust and burn marks on Malashenko's car, revealing the thick armor that was riddled with bullet marks but not one part was completely penetrated.

The black muzzle was aimed at a slowly moving German Panzer IV tank a hundred meters away.

The huge battlefield losses and the ineffectiveness of the armor of our own tanks made the German armored soldiers fighting in the Soviet Union complain. The front-line logistics support force temporarily attached 10 mm gap additional armor to this Panzer IV tank. This was the final solution.

But obviously, such temporary defense reinforcement was not enough to allow this Panzer IV tank to escape doom.

"One o'clock, the German's No. 4, kill it!"


The propellant fire that burned and expanded rapidly exploded into a blazing flame in front of the black muzzle and spread.

The raindrops falling in the air were blown away by the hot muzzle blast and changed their trajectory. The hot shell, which was barely wet by the rain at the moment it came out of the barrel, rushed toward the target at high speed with a shrill scream. This car was an invader. The fate of the Panzer IV that set foot on Soviet territory ended here.


The powerful ammunition exploded, shattering the entire tank body into pieces, and the short turret was lifted into the air like a rocket.

The German soldiers who were kneeling on the rainy and muddy road had no time to react. The scorching air wave that swept over them instantly blew away the entire squad that surrounded the Panzer IV tank and used infantry-tank coordinated attack tactics. German soldier.

The bodies that were disemboweled and shattered by the bombs flew backwards and fell into the rain without making any more noises. But more of them were the sounds of the German soldiers who were not completely dead on the spot but were merely maimed by the bombs. A shrill wail.

"Ah! Legs, my legs, Gordon, Stein, please help me, help me!"

The broken right leg, which was completely blown to pieces, exposed the oozing white bones. The rain washed down the blood quickly and quickly gathered into a small blood bubble on the uneven ground. The small half of the right leg that was blown off was half dead. The owner was lying in the mud at least fifteen meters away, and the German soldiers who could not be heard screaming clearly could not care about his broken leg that could never be saved.

Everything happening 450 meters away can be seen in the PU 5x optical sight.

Wearing a tank soldier's fireproof combat uniform borrowed from the Guards' 1st Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment as a raincoat and cloak, he was lying among the masonry ruins with many small stones used for camouflage pressed on his body. He remained motionless. The Soviet sniper, who moved like a dead man, tightly grasped the Mosin-Nagant sniper rifle in his hand, waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the time to maximize the results.

The pitiful howls of their comrades made the German soldiers suppressed behind the surrounding bunkers feel frightened and unbearable at the same time.

A German soldier whose name was called several times hesitated and then took the rifle out of his hand and was about to rush out. The veteran squad leader hiding with him immediately raised his right arm to block him behind him.

"Are you crazy? He is already like that. He will die within three minutes of being rescued. You are still alive! There is no need to lose your life for a dying person!"


The moment of contention provided the perfect opportunity for another German soldier with the same intention.

When no one reacted on the spot, the young German soldier, who put his rifle directly behind his back, ducked and rushed out.

He dodged several direct bullets with his swift and agile steps. His hands, which were only thinking about saving people, finally caught the half-part of his comrade whose lifeblood had been blown away. Just as he was preparing to exert force, a sound was heard in the pouring rain. The sound of gunfire, which was almost suppressed to the smallest decibel, ended all efforts in an instant.



Different from later movies that depict agent plots, snipers in war rarely choose to shoot their enemies in the head. Especially in this situation where both wind and rain have a great impact on ballistics, the upper body of the torso, which has an obvious target and is easier to hit, is obviously the best choice for defeating the enemy.

With a muzzle velocity of 860 meters per second, the sharp 62mm rifle bullet crossed the short distance of 450 meters and was accurately shot into the chest before the human brain could react.

By chance, the projectile that hit the ribs was forcibly changed in its forward trajectory and became unstable on the spot. After breaking the ribs, it continued to penetrate deep into the human body at an angle of 30 degrees with strong kinetic energy.

The entire right lung lobe was instantly shattered into pieces by the destabilized 62mm rifle bullet after changing its trajectory. The strong cavity effect directly fired a bullet larger than an adult's on the back of the German soldier who wanted to save his comrades. The wound was bigger than a man's fist.

The rising blood blocked his entire throat and he was completely unable to breathe. He felt as if his chest was empty, as if something was missing.

The German soldiers who wanted to save people unconsciously let go of their hands grabbing their comrades' collars, and instead grabbed their own throats and scratched hard to regain breathing.

The futile efforts only lasted less than five seconds before giving up completely. The life force evaporated at a speed that greatly exceeded the brain's reaction speed, and the severely injured body quickly reached the end of death.

What is slightly surprising is that the dead body kneeling on the ground did not fall down, but lowered its head like a statue and allowed the blood to flow and the rain to wash away.

The half of the body lying beside the knees of the corpse has long lost the breath of life, and the miserable cry just now has turned into a pair of lifeless eyes staring at the rainy sky above, seeming to be complaining about some unfair fate.

The Soviet sniper who killed the target with one shot remained calm, not even a trace of facial expression was touched.

His right hand, which was a little stiff from the cold, pulled the bolt of the even colder gun, and with a sound that was too small to be noticed, he ejected the still warm cartridge case with a trace of white smoke.

Cursing the opponent's despicable and dirty tactics is a pleasant compliment to the enemy. This unprecedented war of all-out efforts has already wiped out the last glimmer of humanity on the cruel battlefield.

All that is left is this hell on earth where people do whatever they can to kill people.

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