After two dull rifle shots, this lonely and young Soviet soldier covered the wound on his chest and slowly stepped back a few steps without falling down. He leaned on a wooden telegraph pole behind him. He accidentally wounded his upper hand and stared at the enemy in front of him, trying to use up his last bit of strength to raise the pistol that was still tightly held in his right hand without falling.

The slow and laborious action of raising the gun even stunned the German soldiers surrounding him for two seconds. No one understood what kind of strong will supported the Soviet soldier to do such a move. .

Several strange sounds of metal piercing flesh were heard, and the Soviet soldier who still held on to the handle of the pistol was stabbed through the chest and right button by two bayonets at the same time. The powerful bayonet pierced through the uniform and The body even pierced into the telephone pole behind. The German soldiers who had inexplicably used such huge force by some strange combination of circumstances were unable to draw out their weapons for a while.

The body, which had almost drained of its life force, was still trying to raise the pistol in its right hand, but after just a few seconds of trying, it finally stopped completely due to the loss of life.

After seeing the ending scene in front of me, I suddenly came up with a plan.

The German commander who led the team ordered to take off the rifle, but kept the bayonet in place and continued to nail the body to the telephone pole. The confident German commander believed that this approach should have the kind of "shock" he wanted. ” and the “fear” effect.

The German soldiers who received the order tried to take off the pistol that was tightly held in the corpse's hand. After all, if a weapon loaded with bullets was left here, it would definitely pose a certain safety hazard to the German soldiers. No one would I wonder if someone will come here in the middle of the night specifically to steal this gun.

But no matter how hard the German soldier who went to get the gun tried, the tightly clenched fingers couldn't be broken apart as if they were glued to death. The German soldier, who was already sweating profusely after working with both hands for several minutes, still couldn't. Able to complete one's own tasks.

This situation made the German commander who led the team feel very unhappy. He simply ordered that the entire right hand of the corpse be cut off and packed and taken away. Then he ordered someone to hang a sign in Russian that had been written on the corpse. On the neck of a corpse with a drooped head.

"I tried to protect the bandit leader Stalin"

The proud German commander left. Not far after he walked out, a German soldier who had finished searching the corpses and wanted to find some treasures ran up to him in a hurry and called him.

"I found this, Major. I can't read Russian and have no idea what's on it. It might be some useful list or something."

After taking the blood-stained paper list and looking at it twice, the German major, who also didn't understand Russian, couldn't make up his mind. Finally, he called in a military translator to solve the problem.

"Avenge my motherland and my family. Well, this is a list of Russian names, Mr. Major. There are parents, sister, brother, brother, grandfather, grandmother, comrade regiment commander, comrade battalion commander, comrade company commander, comrade instructor. "Comrade squad leader, there are too many names. Mr. Major, there must be at least thirty. Do you want me to translate them one by one and read them to you?"

Russian names are smelly, long, ugly and difficult to pronounce. This is the unchanging thought of this German major who fanatically believes in the Führer.

"No need, it doesn't make any sense."

He used his left hand to support the wrist of the black leather glove of his right hand. There was a look of disdain on his face, and then he turned back to look at the body that was nailed to the telephone pole.

The conquerors do not need to show respect to the weak conquered. The best way to deal with resistance is brutal suppression and bloody killing. If there is still resistance, it proves that the killing is not enough.

"When the corpses of those Russians pile up in this city, they will naturally stop resisting and surrender obediently. Iron and blood will make them understand how stupid what they are doing now is."

The German major who always insisted on his own ideas left. More German soldiers could not help but take a second look at the corpse nailed to the telephone pole when they passed by.

Over time, the German soldiers who did not know the Soviet soldier's name gave him the nickname "Ivan the Scarecrow."

It is said that not only the German soldiers could not help but take a second look when passing by, but also the Soviet refugees in the German-occupied areas would choose to spend anywhere from a few seconds to ten seconds or even a minute. To stop and stare.

No one knows how the Soviet refugees in the German-occupied areas viewed this "alert corpse", but what is a little surprising is that the corpse disappeared after being placed there for just one night. Gone, leaving only the deep scars on the telephone pole and the blood stains that flowed along the pole and spread for several meters on the ground, proving that something had happened here.

There are rumors that the remaining Soviet guerrillas roaming the German-occupied areas took away the body, while others say that the Soviet refugees in the German-occupied areas took away the body. Various similar theories can give different conclusions.

All in all, it was definitely the Russians who took away the body. This was unquestionable in the eyes of the German army.

Although there is no need to go to great lengths to search for a corpse, this "little thing" that seems inconspicuous to the top brass of the German army still has some subtle effects on the hearts of the German soldiers fighting on the front line.

"Those Russians refused to even abandon a corpse, but our superiors told us that the Russians were opponents that could be easily conquered. Why do I find this statement so funny?"

The Führer said that a kick on the broken door would cause the entire house to collapse. The marshal and generals rephrased the Führer's will, saying that the Russians were opponents that could be easily conquered and told the soldiers below.

No one doubted that the Führer lied, at least not in the actual words spoken.

But this house, which the Führer described as a house that would collapse if he kicked the broken door, was a bit too strong. It was so strong that the German soldiers on the front line almost broke the toes of their shoes and injured their toes. It took more than conquering France. It took dozens of times more time, but still couldn't take down a damn ruined city.

The cold wind outside the house blew in through the cracks in the wall that had been shaken by the shells. The beating flames became more and more prosperous under the blow of the cold wind, and they had the tendency to become more frustrated and braver, and to swim upstream.

But if no one continues to add firewood to the fire or there is not enough firewood, how long can this seemingly strong fire continue? When will it be suddenly wiped out by a cold wind due to lack of firepower?

The few German soldiers sitting around the fire didn't know.

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