Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 691 Extremely evil

The rapid tone of the three questions was enough to show how anxious Malashenko was at the moment. The sound of fierce firefights was still coming from behind. It was Second Lieutenant Igor and several tanks behind him who were resisting the vicious pursuit of the German army.

"The troops have all been withdrawn. They have been stationed in the four warehouses. All firepower configurations are in place. Some of the weapons left here in advance are enough to support us in blocking the onslaught of those Germans."

Malashenko listened to Commissar Petrov's words and at the same time glanced sideways at the four armored trains parked on the tracks in front of him.

The soldiers who had just accepted the garrison duty were filing in through the opened train door. The light and heavy machine guns and even anti-tank guns deployed in the door facing the platform were visible.

Although this kind of defensive firepower is not enough to withstand the fierce counterattack of the German army, it can at least allow those Germans who also know pain to bleed more and be repelled by one or two waves of attacks. The premise is that these temporary modifications with heavy armor defense If train leather can really be used properly.

Malashenko, who had no time to think too much, immediately began to direct the tanks to quickly drive down the platform, cross the railway tracks, and go to the other side of the platform to prepare for the next German attack.

At the same time, Second Lieutenant Igor, who was fighting and retreating with the last two tanks, also followed the large troops and retreated to the platform in accordance with the order Malashenko left before leaving.

Malashenko, who had already arrived at the opposite platform first, immediately commanded all the tanks on hand that could fire to turn their guns. Following Lieutenant Igor, who had just been knocked out of the wall by Malashenko and his entourage, and ran out, he caught a glimpse of the formation. He was immediately startled, thinking that these black muzzles were aimed at him, and immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

But after calming down and thinking about it, Second Lieutenant Igor understood what Malashenko meant by doing this. If the Germans hanging behind his butt really catch up, he must be on guard, and those on the opposite platform who are well prepared must be on guard. Machine guns and tanks seemed to be prepared for the German army.

Second Lieutenant Igor, who took three seconds to realize what was going on, quickly took action. However, the two remaining T34 tanks that were originally moving with him were left forever next to the ruins of the platform. Only a few crew members who abandoned the vehicle were left wearing tank hats and holding self-defense weapons and withdrew.

The swarming German troops continued to attack the two T34 medium tanks as the mainstay of firepower like crazy. Various tank gun armor-piercing shells and even cluster grenades were thrown at them as if they were free.

One of the two T34 tanks had its tracks broken and lost the ability to move. The other was penetrated by the Chang 75 No. 4 tank in the turret, killing the gunner and loader. Only the driver and machine gunner were left to abandon the vehicle and escape.

Second Lieutenant Igor, who was fighting and retreating, and his party had just run onto the railway and were about to run to the opposite platform, which was just a short distance away. The German tanks that had been chasing them with their butts biting their butts immediately appeared in the gap.

Like Second Lieutenant Igor, the German soldiers who were holding various small weapons and shouting had just rushed out of the gap in the wall and saw the Soviet tanks lined up on the opposite platform and the black muzzles.

Being frightened for a moment is enough to describe the true feelings of these German soldiers at this moment.

However, the first one to open fire was not Malashenko's troops who had deployed defenses on the opposite side of the platform. The four steel bunkers straddling the center of the railway tracks ferociously poured out tongues of death before the astonished Germans could react.


Dong dong dong——

Da da da--


"Russian, Russian armored train! Hurry and take cover! Take cover!"

The German soldiers, who were instantly stunned by the unexpected ferocious firepower, panicked and searched for all possible bunkers. However, they had been waiting for a long time. A steel storm has just begun.

"Aim at those Germans! Blast them all to pieces!"

"Taste the warm greetings from Stalingrad, you fascist pigs!"

An order from Malashenko was followed by the sound of gunfire as the Soviet troops deployed on the opposite platform.

Suppressed by the sudden and ferocious storm-like blows, the initially panicked German troops quickly calmed down and tried to fire back at the Soviet troops occupying favorable defensive terrain.

But unfortunately, those four harmless-looking freight train skins seemed to be possessed by a demon. The leathers were far more durable than imagined, enough to shock the German army.

A Panzer III tank rushed out from the gap in the wall and fired three shots at the train skin that obviously had the anti-tank gun fire point, but all the shells seemed to be in vain and even hit the damn train skin. well.

The German soldiers who were wondering what the hell was going on in front of them immediately found the answer in the damaged part of the train skin that was hit by the 50mm main gun of the Panzer III tank.

The outer skin of the train, which was broken open by two high-explosive bombs and one armor-piercing bomb, was twisted and deformed from inside to outside. What was revealed under the dark iron surface of the train car was a solid, solid armor plate. Presented before our eyes.

Realizing that these ordinary freight train skins, which seemed harmless to humans and animals, had been used by the Soviet army to strengthen their defenses, the German army, unwilling to fail, also tried to bring in additional reinforcements and use more powerful direct firepower to kill these four steel turtle shells and break through the Soviet army. The fire defense line crossed the railway tracks and continued to attack the opposite platform.

However, the German army, which was full of wishful thinking, soon realized that it was powerless.

The terrifying direct fire from the opposite platform was far more ferocious than these four steel turtle shells. Various 76 mm and 85 mm caliber artillery shells kept hitting the face of the almost defenseless German army as if for free, from head to toe. The various machine gun barrages that kept crackling at the tail were like the strong wind and waves of the North Sea, turning the poor German army into a lonely boat in the sea of ​​Vikings.

Already anticipating the possibility of the current confrontation, Malashenko ordered the removal of all obstacles and things that could be used as bunkers on the platform when he commanded the deployment of defenses the night before.

The purpose is to allow the German troops to be directly and unobstructedly exposed to the intensive firepower of their own side, and to be pressed down on the platform unexpectedly and receive an impressive and ferocious beating, giving those who want to cross this railway platform of death The German army dealt the heaviest blow.

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