Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 690 Race against time

On the railway track that runs across the train station platform and leads to the center of the four warehouses at the rear, four armored trains that have not been destroyed by German air strikes are parked.

These trains are not armored trains in the true sense. Instead, the Soviet engineering troops defending the railway station used tank-cut armor plates brought from the Red October Steel Plant to re-reinforce the inner cabins of the trains. Subsequent temporary modification products.

The tank armor plates produced by the Red October Steel Plant are specially used for the production of T34 medium tanks by the Stalingrad Tractor Plant. The specifications of these armor plates are unified into 45 mm thick rolled homogeneous steel armor.

The freight train skins that have been temporarily modified and reinforced by the engineering troops have been installed with a 45 mm thick armor plate for all-round protection inside the bulkhead. An additional layer of 45 mm armor has also been installed in key parts such as shooting holes that are vulnerable to intensive firepower. mm thick armor plates, double armor plates add up to a physical thickness of 90 mm rolled homogeneous steel armor protection.

In special combat situations where maneuverability is not taken into consideration and is only used as a fixed bunker, these armored train skins transformed into thick turtle shells will undoubtedly have a very significant effect.

"Hurry up! Comrades, follow up, fast!"

His face was stained black and red by blood stains and war smoke, and the various mottled colors were intertwined and superimposed, making Commissar Petrov look as miserable as a refugee on the run.

The military uniform of the political commissar on his body has long been tattered and even turned into strips of cloth. If it were not for the conspicuous identity of having a gun in hand and a military uniform, Political Commissar Petrov would be almost the same as those civilians who are avoiding the disasters of war.

Many of the Red Army soldiers who had just withdrawn from the train station had not even eaten a bite of food since morning. The high-intensity fighting that lasted for more than ten hours had severely exhausted the physical strength of these soldiers.

Facing the conspicuous railway track in front of them, some soldiers wanted to lift their feet and step over it, but they were unable to do so. They threw themselves forward in an unexpected manner and fell to the ground, spinning in circles. The helmet was thrown away like a wheel rolling away.

"Get up, get up! The Krauts are right behind us, we have to hold on, my brother."

When one person falls, two people come to caress him.

The soldier who could barely hold on for breath helped the exhausted soldier from his fallen position, supported his comrade's tired body with his shoulders and continued to walk across the rails toward the warehouse not far away.

After a fierce German air raid, the train platform was already in disarray.

The roof used to keep out the wind and rain was blown into three sections by bombs dropped by the German army and scattered in three locations more than ten meters apart. The four railway tracks were all broken and twisted by the bombs dropped by the German army. A huge 500-kg aircraft bomb crater lay across it. The road in the middle of the railway is extremely dazzling and filled with various metal fragments and craters. It is extremely difficult to walk on the road. If you are not careful, you will fall on the spot.

Seeing a group of soldiers in front of him carrying the few remaining Deshka heavy machine guns on their shoulders cautiously passing the Central Railway, Commissar Petrov estimated that the infantry was almost there, and then thought that they were still delaying the German army to give them Malashenko, who was fighting for time, immediately spoke to Major Nikolayev, who was the same as him, without knowing the specific situation at the moment.

"You stay here to command and deploy the warehouse and surrounding defenses. If the Germans want to reach the opposite side of the train station, they must cross the central railway. We can make good use of this distance without any bunkers to block them. I'll go ahead and see Mara. What's the situation with Schenke? I'm worried that he will be surrounded by Germans if he can't withdraw. "

Seeing that Commissar Petrov was about to make a move immediately, Major Nikolayev had already made a decision in his heart, but decisively stretched out his right arm to block Commissar Petrov's body that was about to take a step. Firm and unquestionable The words immediately fell out of his mouth.

"Let's exchange, Comrade Political Commissar. You stay and be responsible for commanding the defense deployment here. You are better than me at mobilizing and boosting everyone's morale. I went to find Captain Malashenko in front of the train station. I was working more with both hands. It’s suitable for combat, and you won’t be unable to cope with emergencies.”

Nikolaev caught him off guard and stopped him with his hand. Political Commissar Petrov, who was slightly surprised, stopped and listened to these words and answered directly without any hesitation.

"Oh, didn't you also lose an eye? Young people, don't laugh at the old man. Strictly speaking, our situation is the same."

He had already found the answer he wanted from the obviously smiling expression on Commissar Petrov's face. Major Nikolaev, who was about to reply with a smile that symbolized victory, had not yet finished speaking. As he spoke, an unexpected loud noise suddenly came from the direction of the platform wall behind him.



The wall collapsed and the house collapsed, and then a huge steel figure appeared out of the smoke and dust filled with flying sand and rocks.

The mottled traces of war and the shallow pits of unpenetrated ricochet are clearly visible on the Man of Steel. The hazy smoke and dust make this already ferocious steel behemoth look even more intimidating and terrifying under the special effects.

The three numbers 177 painted in white paint on the armor plate on the front of the car body are clearly visible, and the mark of the white bear's head biting the Iron Cross and the Guards badge are painted side by side on the side of the turret.

Malashenko, who led his troops to fight his way out of the German siege, finally came back at the last moment!

Malashenko, who had no time to walk on the main road, chose the most arrogant and wild way of marching: breaking through the platform wall in front of him and then meeting up with political commissar Petrov.

What kind of commander brings out what kind of soldiers.

With a tough and wild man like Malashenko taking the lead, a large number of other Soviet tanks who had already become jealous of the Germans also imitated the same example. They used full power and smashed into the platform wall. Broken to pieces, he fought his way out under the fierce pursuit of the screaming Germans behind him.

The extremely fast grinding steel tracks maintained the maximum driving speed and stopped less than one meter in front of the political commissar Petrov in a sudden braking manner. They almost drifted and rubbed against the ground, creating a burst of intense and dazzling electric sparks.

Before the tank came to a complete stop, he pushed open the turret hatch above his head and leaned out his upper body. Malashenko, whose face was also black and gray, like a deserter on the run, immediately spoke to Commissar Petrov. Asked.

"How is it? Have all the troops been withdrawn? Are there any left?"

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