Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 574 Time for Revenge

It is said that people can only truly understand themselves when they are dying.

At this moment, Malashenko, who was sitting on the shell box holding the blood-stained suicide note in a daze, couldn't help but wonder, how well did Lieutenant Vasily know him before he died?

Or, will Malashenko have to be on his deathbed before he can truly understand himself? Understand what is the red heart that is not limited to national boundaries and races?

In most cases, it is impossible for a person to lie about his or her final instructions, and Malashenko knew this very clearly.

The content of Lieutenant Vasily's suicide note entrusted to Malashenko before his death was nothing special. It was nothing more than some words and comfort for his relatives, repeated apologies to his lover, and once again reaffirmed his firm belief and Didn't do anything treasonous.

But it was such a simple-looking suicide note. After reading it, Malashenko held it in his hand and felt it was as heavy as a thousand pounds. It was so heavy that he could hardly hold it in his right hand and fell to the ground. .

Those who are alive are not absolutely lucky. The legacy and unfinished business of the deceased comrades needs to be completed by those who are still alive.

The farther you go on the battlefield, the more things you carry on your back. When accumulated to a certain level, it can even be enough to crush a person, turning a strong-willed man into a crazy bereaved dog and wailing incessantly.

When those heroes who had long been wiped out as nameless dust in the existing history once again left in front of Malashenko, Malashenko, who did not belong to this war-torn era, began to integrate more and more into it and felt more and more Heart-wrenching pain.

The human heart is full of flesh, and no matter how tough a man is, he still has the weakest side in his heart, even if Malashenko is just a passerby from the future who does not belong to this era.

The rough hands brushed the hair stained with blood and mud from top to bottom, brushed the corners of the red and slightly moist eyes, and brushed the dull face that could not see anything in his heart.

Haruka recalled that when she was a child, she was still innocent when she listened to her father recount the experience of his comrades passing away right next to him. He could not feel the heart-rending feeling that was buried in the sad memories at all.

But when Malashenko experienced all this personally as a client, the self-righteousness that he once didn't understand had long been left behind and disappeared.

The soul-tearing feeling of losing a comrade is nothing compared to the failures and setbacks in life.

The almost silent footsteps, which were slowed down as much as possible, moved from far to near Malashenko's ears. Political Commissar Petrov, who had learned everything from Lavrinenko, stood there and hesitated for several seconds, and finally took the step with him. In a somewhat comforting tone, he spoke to the young man in front of him who had watched him grow up little by little.

"Do you know his name?"

With nothing in his heart, Malashenko didn't know what he was thinking at this moment. The bloody and vivid scene is still playing in his mind.

"You know, I can see every story that happened to him."

The bloody suicide note trembled slightly in his right hand, as if to prove to Commissar Petrov the truth of the words of the person holding it.

"The motherland was trampled by the invaders, and the defense line collapsed. Homes were displaced, and relatives trembled in the roar of terror."

"Their fate should not have been like this, Uncle Peter! Look at this, look at this bloody suicide note! His wife will lose the most beloved person in her life because of this suicide note! His children will suffer from worldly and strange things. Eyes grew up in a broken home without a father! His parents will be devastated by the loss of their bloodline!"

"And me! This sinner who was entrusted with everything and failed to protect his comrades, how should I tell all this to his relatives!?"

With an excited tone, Malashenko opened his blood-red eyes and screamed desperately and sadly in a helpless tone.

The hoarse and trembling tone made the plain-faced political commissar Petrov recall the past, recalling that he personally told his late partner, Commander Chernyev, last year that young Malashenko and How similar they were to their similarly young selves in earlier years.

Recalling the night when Kirill's father died to save himself, a young man who was just an ordinary Red Army soldier sat alone next to the cold corpse, crying so heartbreakingly that he almost lost his voice.

Just because our predecessors have walked the same path does not mean that future generations will not repeat the same mistakes. There are countless heroes who have sacrificed their lives on this red land for their faith. Political Commissar Petrov, who can personally understand Malashenko's state of mind at this moment, clearly understands how feeble any words of comfort are at the moment.

"I was once like you, arrogantly thinking that even the breath of a living sinner is filled with sin."

"But some things are not so natural, Malashenko. No fate is destined from the beginning. It is people who choose their fate, rather than fate choosing people."

"The path forward with a heavy burden to continue along the road in front of us is our own choice. Resistance and non-compliance are the fundamental reasons for persisting to this day."

"You, me, Lavrinenko, Iushkin, Kirill, all of us may die in the next minute, or even the next second. The path you choose is because you cannot see the future clearly. What it’s like, but that’s why we have the reason to fight, work hard, and fight, because fate is not destined!”

"What comes after darkness will never be destruction. People who are in the dark night should think of the coming dawn instead of being trapped here!"

"The living must step over the corpses of fallen comrades to witness the coming hope and dawn on their behalf. If one day I also fall, you must take my place to witness what I will never have the chance to see again!"

There is a distinction between the ranks of colonel and lieutenant colonel between political commissar and regimental commander partners.

At this moment, everything turned into an intersection point in the abyss horizon that infinitely tended to the zero realm of nothingness. Two completely different souls across time and space had never been so close.

"I stand here and walk side by side with you carrying the legacy of two people. Now, I want to hear your answer, Malashenko."

The sound of the engine starting up resounded outside the house with the mixed symphony of tracks grinding steel. The blood-stained suicide note that seemed to weigh as much as a thousand kilograms a moment ago seemed to be clenched a little tighter.

"The future is not important, Comrade Political Commissar, what is important is that now is our moment of revenge."

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