Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 573 I love my motherland

An armor-piercing round and a high-explosive grenade knocked down nearly twenty German prisoners. The deafening explosion and the death before their eyes finally made these German prisoners of war who were trying to escape understand their stupidity, and they were oppressed by the strong fear. Kneel down again and choose to raise your hands above your head to surrender for the second time.

When he surrendered for the first time, Malashenko gave him face and did not give any orders that would be too difficult for the group of Wehrmacht soldiers who laid down their weapons.

But this group of German prisoners of war attempted to escape during the chaos of the bombing, which obviously angered the Red Army soldiers responsible for guarding them.

Those who had just been bombed by a German plane suffered heavy casualties and had nowhere to vent the evil fire in their hearts. The blind German prisoners of war tried to escape again and finally failed, which only added fuel to the fire.

The Red Army soldiers, who were running away and rushing over, did not leave any good looks to these German prisoners of war. Rifle butts and fists and kicks fell like raindrops on these German prisoners of war who had scored twice, and their cries for mercy were mixed with terrible sounds. The sound of curses echoed over the village.

"Damn it! You should run away again!"

"Run! Run! Keep running! Are you still running? Fascist lackey, keep running!"

"Stop fighting, stop fighting! I was wrong, please stop fighting! We really surrendered!"

Not all German soldiers chose to escape during the chaos of bombing. Although this was certainly related to the fact that the German prisoners of war did not discuss it in advance, the fundamental reason was that those German prisoners of war who did not escape had a certain degree of self-awareness.

A very strange and strange scene appeared outside the village that had just been wiped out by a bombing.

The German soldiers who did not escape squatted on the ground with their hands on their heads under the supervision of the more severe Red Army soldiers around them, watching helplessly as their comrades not far away were beaten but remained indifferent.

The German soldiers who were beaten by the angry Red Army soldiers cried like ghosts and howled like wolves. The miserable German soldiers rolled on the ground and kept begging for mercy. Their rifle butts and fists and feet continued to fall like heavy rain and hit their bodies, causing a series of bruises and bruises.

Such a scene did not finally stop until Malashenko stepped forward and raised his right hand after getting out of the car again. Many of the German prisoners of war lying on the ground gasping for breath had only their last breath left. It is estimated that If Malashenko had arrived even half a minute later, someone would have been beaten to death on the spot.

"Lieutenant Vasily!"

Malashenko, who was holding a Tokarev TT33 pistol in one hand, shouted without moving his head. He thought he would get an answer soon but there was no news for a long time.

Malashenko, who was wondering where the person had gone, looked around. Among the Red Army soldiers surrounding him, he could not find the figure that was already familiar to him. The words he spoke again had become For crying out loud.

"Lieutenant Vasily! Answer me and report immediately!"

Hedong's roaring words could almost scare the little kid in crotchless pants so much that he dared not cry out, but even so, Malashenko still failed to get any answer.

"Damn it, where did the people go?"

Malashenko, who cursed in his heart, had no good temper. The ensuing bad situation made Malashenko want to kill someone on the spot to vent his anger.

When he couldn't yell at anyone, he decided to go out and find someone in person. But just as Malashenko stepped forward and held the gun in his hand to prepare for action, a militia soldier who was obviously running towards Malashenko quickly. But suddenly he stopped trotting all the way.

The panting footsteps stopped in front of Malashenko and he took a few deep breaths. The short military training and the almost wild pace made the militia soldier a little unable to bear it.

Malashenko, who was holding a gun in his hand, waited calmly and quietly without urging him. However, what the militia soldier said next was completely unexpected by Malashenko.

"Comrade Commander, Comrade Lieutenant Lieutenant Vasily, he is dying!"

! ?

Two simple punctuation marks best reflect Malashenko's somewhat distorted and unbelievable expression after hearing this. After a moment of surprise, he grabbed the collar of the militia soldier in front of him with his big hand and then roared loudly.

"What did you say!? Lieutenant Vasily is dying!?"

Frightened by Malashenko's almost distorted face and the Hedong lion's roar, his face turned pale for a moment. The militia soldier who only dared to mechanically nod his head immediately raised his right hand to signal the direction to Malashenko without even daring to say a word.

Malashenko threw away his collar and pushed away the militia soldier in front of him. Without saying a word, Malashenko turned around on the spot and strode quickly, crossing over to a place less than 30 meters away in just a few seconds.

Three militia soldiers and a medical soldier were squatting on the ground to take care of the person lying on the ground. It was a miracle that Lieutenant Vasily, whose entire right half of his body was almost completely blown to pieces by an aerial bomb, could still breathe. Mara Shenke could even clearly see Lieutenant Vasily's white ribs exposed to the air so abruptly, and the living organs wrapped in them were already visible to the naked eye.

After witnessing this scene, Malashenko felt that his mind went blank for an instant and he had no idea what he was thinking. An inexplicable evil fire then flowed upstream from the soles of his feet and went straight to his forehead. Malashenko was only a few steps away. He had to turn around on the spot and order all remaining German prisoners of war to be executed on the spot.

"Ahem Comrade Commander, can you come closer to me?"

Hearing the whispered call to him, Malashenko moved his stiff body mechanically. He didn't even dare to step on the mottled and broken pieces of flesh under his feet. This would make Malashenko feel an indescribable and inexplicable sin in his heart. feel.

The gun in his hand had slipped and landed on the grass at some point. Malashenko didn't care about it at all. His half-crouched face looked like a machine and he didn't even dare to get too close to Lieutenant Vasily. Malashenko was a little afraid of the sudden change at the last moment. arrival.

"Comrade leader, you must believe me. I have never betrayed my oath under the red flag. I am a party member and all my actions are completed in accordance with orders. You must believe me."

Malashenko, who no longer knew what he was thinking, knew exactly what Lieutenant Vasily was referring to. He almost choked and nodded slowly to reveal the answer that Malashenko could no longer open his mouth to.

Malashenko's simple nod was like a panacea that brought back the light. His face, which was already pale due to excessive blood loss, suddenly seemed to have a trace of blood-red vitality. His right hand drooped on the grass followed. The thing held tightly in the palm of his hand was slowly handed to Malashenko.

"Everyone said that you can meet Comrade Commander, and even have the opportunity to meet Comrade Stalin, the leader. Please tell them, Comrade Commander, I love my motherland. I tried my best to protect everything behind me. I want to be the pride of my mother!" "

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