Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 481 Reunion

Most of the people who live in this high-profile building are Moscow government officials. For these Soviet officials who often hear and see the instructions delivered by their superiors and read Pravda every day, this picture of Malashenko The young but triumphant face is one of the most frequently seen photos in recent times.

The brief conversation with the middle-aged man he had never met lasted less than half a minute. Malashenko, who had other things to do, quickly waved goodbye to him with a smile on his face.

Hearing the sound of hurried footsteps going downstairs that gradually faded away, Malashenko, who stepped onto the stairs again, couldn't help but ask Corporal Valentin beside him.

"Am I really that famous now? Any passerby can recognize me. This is a bit exaggerated."

After hearing Malashenko's words, he couldn't help but smile. Corporal Valentin, who has never left Moscow since the outbreak of the Self-Defense War, is extremely familiar with how well-known Malashenko is in Moscow. .

"You may not know this name a few months ago, but it is different now, Comrade Malashenko."

"Your name can be heard or seen almost everywhere in meetings, newspapers, and propaganda. This special name indicates victory to everyone. As long as this name appears on the newspaper headlines, it must be Nazi. Good news of another defeat by the Red Army."

"I heard that many girls already regard you as a hero. Comrade Malashenko, do you know about this?"

"Think of me as a hero?"

Naturally, he knew in his heart the meaning of Valentin's double-entendre heroic words. Malashenko, who seemed very surprised by this, did not speak again and responded with any answer. He just lowered his head and continued to move upward. He raised his legs and stepped up the square stairs.

It is undoubtedly a good thing to have many girls who admire you as a hero and idol for future generations, but at this moment when you may die with your head in your belt, Natalia alone is enough to give Malashenko a headache. The situation really left me no time to think about other women.

Corporal Valentin, who was leading the way, came to the corridor at the corner of the fourth floor and immediately stopped going up. Turning around and walking towards the corridor, his steps and back looked a bit indescribable to Malashenko.

After thinking about many things, Malashenko no longer dared to face Natalia.

It is not absolutely accurate to use the word "dare" to describe Malashenko's current state of mind, but it is also an objective reality that there is no more suitable and appropriate adjective.

Malashenko, who is entrusted by another deceased soul, does not dare to think about what will happen after his death. If there is anything in this strange and alien world that does not belong to him, it is what worries Malashenko the most. The only one who is worried is Natalia, who regards herself as the most important person.

"Hey, what the hell is going on! Why am I not a scumbag?"

In my previous life, I always looked down on scumbags, but now I envy scumbags for not having to bear the guilt of conscience and heavy psychological burden.

Contradictions collided fiercely in his heart, and Malashenko, who took hesitant steps, finally followed Corporal Valentin's footsteps and came to the door.

During daytime working hours, the long corridor was very quiet and deserted. The environment where a pindrop could be heard was completely opposite to Malashenko's conflicting inner feelings that were fiercely colliding at this moment.

After hesitating for nearly half a minute, he finally raised his right hand in the slightly confused eyes of Corporal Valentin. Malashenko, who had been hanging in the air for several seconds at the closest distance to the door panel, finally gave up gently. Knocked down.


After three gentle knocks on the door, what came at the same time as a burst of brisk footsteps was the slight opening of the wooden door.

The young girl, who always smiles and brings encouragement and laughter to her neighbors, opens the door as always with a warm expression like the sun.

But facing this extremely familiar face that suddenly appeared in front of her and made her worry about her all the time, Natalia, whose expression was once frozen, forgot to let go of the door handle and was stunned for nearly ten seconds. The long-separated lovers threw themselves into Malashenko's arms.

Feeling the warmth and softness of the man who was more than a head lower than himself, Malashenko's hands floating in the air seemed a bit awkward, and he really didn't know where to put his hands. Natalia, who always laughed and laughed in front of her neighbors, seemed to be suffering from aphasia when she saw Malashenko reunited after a long absence. Only Malashenko, who had inherited that strange memory that did not belong to him, knew this. The reason for everything.

The only thing this body and soul hold for Natalia is the heaviest responsibility in Malashenko's heart right now. Malashenko, who could only express his mood at the moment with a sigh, also didn't know what to say.

Corporal Valentin, who knows nothing about frontline combat, is no longer a rookie in the relationship between men and women.

Knowing that he would only look redundant and light bulb if he stayed here any longer, Corporal Valentin, who was still smiling, pointed to another door panel not far away from him and then turned around and left.

Until the figure of Corporal Valentin disappeared into the corridor with the closed door, and the sound of pindrops a moment ago was restored. Malashenko, who had not known what to do since just now, finally put his Put your hands gently on your lover's back and slowly hold each other.

"I'm back and everything is fine."


The lover in her arms still did not let go of her arms even after hearing the voice she most wanted to hear again.

From that inherited memory, we can clearly understand why Natalia is in the state she is in today. Her rough arms, which can continuously load more than thirty rounds of fixed 85mm artillery shells, do not have the strength to hold this in her arms at this moment. The weak body was pushed away gently.

Malashenko, who quietly felt the scene at this moment, waited for nearly ten minutes. Unfinished tears were shining on his ice-like face as he finally raised his head slowly while sobbing softly.

"You have never deceived me, Malashenko, not when we were little, not now, not always."

Although this was not the first time he heard Natalya's words, Malashenko was still shocked after hearing such thoughts.

The worries and anxieties that have been in her heart for a long time are not groundless. Natalia's affectionate and tearful words once again confirmed a truth that has long been engraved in her heart.

This man who was a tank hero of the Red Army and was even appreciated by Supreme Leader Comrade Stalin was also the only one in Natalia's mini world that had countless cracks filled.

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