Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 480 A loving father’s gaze

It is obviously inappropriate to use the facts that are happening now to criticize Corporal Valentin's statement as wrong.

But Malashenko didn’t know how to explain some deep things to Corporal Valentin who had never been on the battlefield. These things that cannot be perfectly expressed in words can only be experienced by himself on the battlefield. Sometimes Even Malashenko himself didn't know what this indescribable feeling existed.

"If people have the ability to predict death, then I am probably about to reach the end. Where will people like me go after they die? Will it still be the same world and the Moscow hotel after the Red Square military parade when I wake up? ? Hehe, who knows.”

It is still too early to say whether the casual words can be turned into reality.

However, as the car braked lightly and stopped in front of a small, yellow-looking building, there was at least one thing that Malashenko could be sure of right now.

"We are here, Comrade Malashenko, this is the residence arranged by your fiancée."

When the German army approached the city of Moscow, all the satellite villages dotted along the entire urban area of ​​Moscow were evacuated. Among them, the families of the Red Army were the priority for safe evacuation.

As the fiancée of the Red Army tank hero Malashenko, who is currently appreciated by the Supreme Leader Comrade Stalin, is very popular next to the Red Army God of War General Zhukov, and is also talked about by the Red Army Chief of Staff Shaposhnikov from time to time.

Almost all the Red Army officers and department heads responsible for transferring and evacuating the masses, without exception, selectively forgot Natalia's identity as a descendant of the Tsarist Russian aristocracy.

The person in charge of the transfer and evacuation work, who did not dare to neglect, arranged Natalia into a small apartment building that looked pretty good in the core city of Moscow.

At a time when air raid sirens were ringing throughout Moscow, this level of proper arrangements could be considered five-star hotel treatment at the end of 1941.

He knew very clearly in his heart that Natalia could be properly placed in such a residence only because of the blessing of her aura. Malashenko, who didn't think there was anything wrong with all this, subconsciously recalled another Malashenko's words of advice to him before parting.

As the memories and thoughts in his mind continued to slowly swirl, Malashenko suddenly realized that the real reason why Natalia had everything she had now was entirely due to herself.

If one day she dies on the front line, what will happen to Natalia?

Will he be tried and sentenced to death as a remnant descendant of the Tsarist Russian aristocracy? Malashenko realized this possibility but shook his head slightly and thought it was unlikely. If this was the case, it would be too chilling for the majority of Red Army soldiers.

Although those who have already gone down in history will continue to take care of Natalia after their death, this is a fact that Malashenko can be sure of today.

But when those who can protect Natalia after her death are also knocked down, persecuted and sidelined, what kind of situation will Natalia find herself in at that time? Die in deep sorrow? Judging from Malashenko's current consciousness after taking over control of this body and meeting Natalia for the first time, this possibility is not absolutely impossible.

Malashenko, whose brain's thinking activity was soaring, did not realize that his subconscious had begun to develop various extended thoughts around Natalia as the core of the problem.

Although it sounds a bit unbelievable, this seems to have a very subtle connection with the body that Malashenko inherited.

Since Natalya had not been notified in advance that Malashenko was coming back, the process of going upstairs was still completed under the leadership of Corporal Valentin, who had already received orders from his superiors.

This antique-looking building has existed since the Tsarist era. After being transformed by the Soviet regime, many symbols and signs representing the feudal dynasty no longer exist. Instead, a large portrait of Comrade Stalin hangs on the first floor as soon as you enter the door. In the middle of the hall, Malashenko couldn't help but feel a little shaken by his father's gaze.

"Damn it, living in this era and looking at Stalin's portrait makes me feel completely different. Damn it, you are the power of a loving father."

Malashenko, who was muttering in his heart, had just followed Corporal Valentin to the second floor at the corner of the stairs. A man who was walking in a hurry collided with Malashenko without any expectation. Full of arms.

"Oh! Glasses, my glasses"

Although being a tank soldier does not require him to "exercise" during battles and transfers all day like infantry or artillery soldiers, Malashenko, as a lieutenant colonel of the Red Army tank soldiers with sound limbs, is still incomparable to ordinary people in terms of physical fitness. of.

This thin man, who looked a bit thin, took the initiative to hit Malashenko in the chest but was blocked by his strong chest. He almost sat on the ground and dropped his glasses.

Malashenko, who was accidentally hit, did not mind getting angry. Instead, he leaned down to pick up the glasses that had fallen to the ground, and handed them to the opponent's hands that were constantly groping the ground.

"Ah, the eyes are here! Thank you so much, comrade! If I didn't have my glasses, I would be like a blind man. I really don't know how to thank you. I bumped into you accidentally just now. I'm very sorry."

He repeatedly thanked the Lieutenant General and put his glasses back on the bridge of his nose. He stretched out his hand to straighten them up. Only then did the middle-aged man, whose vision returned to clear vision, clearly see that standing in front of him was a tall Red Army tank soldier lieutenant colonel standing 1.9 meters tall.

It was different from the previous times when he wore combat fire-proof uniforms. Malashenko, who returned to Moscow with honor and merit, not only put on his brand-new lieutenant colonel uniform, but also put on a brand-new big-brimmed hat with clean and shiny cap badges. , and by the way, the two Red Flag Medals he had received before were pinned to his chest and sparkled.

Such a Red Army tank lieutenant colonel may not have attracted much attention in 1945, but at a time when 1941 has not yet completely passed, there are only a handful of Red Army tank lieutenant colonels who can achieve such honors at such a young age. number.

"Are you Lieutenant Colonel Malashenko? Are you Lieutenant Colonel Malashenko, the tank hero of our Red Army?"

He did not expect that he would be recognized at a glance. Malashenko, who was slightly surprised, quietly looked back at Corporal Valentin beside him. Corporal Valentin didn't think this was so strange. Instead, he put on a smile. In his opinion, it was normal for Malashenko to be recognized by the residents of this building.

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