Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3243 Malashenko Medal

Brezhnev, who only kissed Malashenko's left and right cheeks and did not kiss her mouth to mouth, had time to react before the solemn call for Malashenko's salute with his hands raised sounded.

This did a good job of covering up the problem and leaving out the details of the last kiss.

It not only maintains the record that Malashenko has never kissed a man on the mouth, but also ensures that Xun Zong will not be embarrassed. They are good to everyone, which is the best of both worlds.

There is a saying that Malashenko is very happy to be treated as one of his own by Xunzong and given the highest courtesy of "triple kiss" when he comes up. This means that my life will be much easier in the future, at least I will no longer have to be "exiled to the border and unable to return home."

But good intentions can be appreciated, but etiquette cannot be accepted.

You said the first two kisses were just that, and the cheeks were still acceptable.

But this third mouth-to-mouth kiss was really unbearable. What kind of thing were these two men doing? Fortunately, Malashenko was almost a head ahead and had the absolute initiative.

If he were as tall as Xun Zong, he would probably not be able to avoid this last kiss no matter what.

"Ah, very good, Comrade Malashenko. Just come. I've been waiting for you for a long time. Please sit down."

Comrade Brezhnev, who was indeed happy today, obviously did not intend to care about the trivial matters just now, and immediately responded to Malashenko's salute and raised his hand to invite Malashenko to sit down and speak.

When the two of them were seated one after another, Brezhnev asked the secretary on duty to quickly serve tea to entertain the guests, and then Brezhnev smiled and spoke.

"You have been wronged for such a long time, Comrade Malashenko. In the past, your reputation and treatment have been unfairly treated. This is not good, very bad! The mistake must be corrected."

"This time the Supreme Command has decided to fill the gap for you at once, and you will be the commander of the armored tank corps. The outstanding contributions you have made to the military construction and national defense development in the past few years have been witnessed by all comrades. The recognition is unanimous. , it is most appropriate for you to hold this position, and it is highly anticipated by our comrades.”

Nowadays, Brezhnev, who is not yet old enough that his brain cannot turn around, is clearly articulate and well-spoken. He made a speech in the style of "crying out injustice and complaining about injustice for Comrade Malashenko", which made Comrade Ma call him " "Crying with gratitude", at least on the surface, it must be a continuous thank you.

Malashenko, who thought that the breaking news would be over here, did not expect that there would be even more breaking news waiting for him.

"In addition, the Supreme Command has also decided to establish a new military honor in your name, called the "Malashenko Order." It will be used to commend those comrades who have made outstanding contributions in the fields of command operations, army building and national defense development. , you will be the second person to receive this honor.”

As he spoke, Brezhnev did not forget to hand over the documents related to the establishment of new military honors to Malashenko for personal review.

On the surface it looked like nothing, but in his heart he was stunned and stirred up a storm. Malashenko quickly looked through the documents and breathed a sigh of relief.

It turns out that the honor level of the "Malashenko Medal" is not high, it is on the same level as major battle commemorative medals, and it is far from comparable to top honors such as "Hero of the Soviet Union" and "Victory Medal".

The fields of distribution are also very wide. As Xunzong said, almost any field that has something to do with the military can be distributed. To be honest, it is not conspicuous in the rather complicated Soviet honor system, and it will not attract too much attention.

Malashenko, who didn't want his name to cause too much noise, was relieved. He suddenly remembered what Comrade Brezhnev had just said, "You will be the second person to receive this honor." He couldn't help but Curious who the first person will be.

Subconsciously, he was about to ask a question, but his mind also turned around at the same time.

Malashenko, who remembered some of Comrade Brezhnev's "special hobbies", felt that it would be better to put away this "knowingly asked" question.

Next comes the new position and some work matters, and that's all.

Malashenko, who has always focused on his career, can always answer questions fluently no matter what he is asked. Brezhnev, who already admired Comrade Malashenko, was overjoyed and called Comrade Malashenko the pillar of the country and the hero of the motherland.

After settling this matter, Malashenko, who shook his head while stroking his face as he was kissed twice by a big man and almost didn't get kissed a third time, quickly left the Kremlin and prepared to go home.

Before he reached the roadside, he saw Malokov coming on a bicycle and leaning against the car, waving to him.

"Didn't you go back to work? Why are you here again?"

He opened the door and got into the car. After the car started, Malashenko sat in the passenger seat and spoke.

Malokov, who was the driver himself, smiled and waved his hand, holding a lit cigarette between his fingertips and replied while driving.

"I just remembered something was wrong when I got back. Your vehicles, guards, drivers, etc., can only be put in place after you have officially taken up the post at the Ministry of National Defense and completed the formalities. So how do you go back now? Take a taxi? It's not that you can't, it's just that It’s outrageous that you are so ignored when you come back after an absence of 7 years.”

He is such a reasonable person, but Malashenko never thought that he would be treated specially.

I have experienced ups and downs over the years, and I no longer care about this.

"What now? Just go home or..."

"Go home. I want to surprise Natalia and the two children. It's been too long since I've seen them."

"Well, this does look like you and fits your style. But there is something I have to remind you, it may not be a good thing."

Before Malashenko could speak, Malokov turned the steering wheel and turned the car across the intersection, continuing.

"The second child is actually fine. Kirill understands you and respects you. He is much more mature and reliable than other children of the same age. I look forward to having you come home early one day."

"But boss, there's something wrong with Nikolai."

"Over the years, I have watched them grow up, and I often visit teachers at school. I have secretly paid attention to their growth and tried not to let the brothers know."

"Niklay is a very strong child, but he has been ridiculed and bullied by many classmates and older children over the years. He was said to be a child without a father and that his father would never come back. These are all. For children who come from high-ranking families, something about you has already spread in Moscow. It is estimated that the children heard what the adults at home said and imitated them before bringing them to school. "

"You also know that Tongyan is Wuji. I can't interfere in anything and interfere with the children's affairs. I can only ask the teacher to enlighten and take care of Nikolai."

"But Nikolai, the child, has had an idea after hearing these words too many times. He feels that the fault lies with you. It was you who never came home that made him suffer all this and made his mother suffer. He had to work hard to raise two children by himself. A child grows up.”

"After all, this child is experiencing this first-hand. As adults and elders, we must also be considerate and considerate of the child. To be honest, I think the fault does not lie with Nikolai, and certainly not with you. It's just that there should be more between you and your father. Let’s communicate.”

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