Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3242 Meeting that man

With Lavrinenko's advice, the worried Malashenko finally boarded the return flight and flew all the way to his hometown after an absence of 7 years.

Because he did not notify his family in advance, Malashenko did not expect to meet anyone waiting or picking him up at the airport.

But he didn't expect to see a very familiar person standing in front of the parking lot after landing.

It was Malokov who had never seen Malashenko again since he was punched by Malashenko.

"Welcome home, Comrade Marshal."


Looking at Malokov who took the initiative to congratulate him, Malashenko felt mixed emotions in his heart and didn't know what to say for a while.

After thinking for a long time, I finally said the words that I had been thinking about all the way back and that I finally made up my mind to say.

"I'm sorry, I wronged you. I'm sorry that I misunderstood you for so long. I know why you did that. Thank you for taking care of my family during the past seven years. Thank you! Comrade Malokov."

Although Malokov's acting style is very different from that of Malashenko, he can always rely on his own professional characteristics to keenly sense the changing direction of the times, and then make wise choices in line with the times. It is not allegiance to A certain individual has adapted to the times and vividly embodied the saying "He who knows the current affairs is a hero".

However, Malashenko will not blame or look down on Malokov for this.

First of all, it is the professional characteristics of Malokov. It is difficult for people who do this kind of work not to be like this. In other words, it is precisely because Malokov is like this that he can continue to do it to this day.

Secondly, this era itself is like this.

The new one comes up, the old one goes down, and the new one knocks the old one to the ground.

If Malokov didn't protect himself like this, Malashenko probably wouldn't be able to see him in a place like this now. It's the times that create people, not people that create the times, at least this is the case with Malokov. thing.

Ultimately, he is just a person trying to adapt to the good times, and judging from the results, he has done a pretty good job.

Hearing Malashenko's face-to-face apology, he had never expected this. Malokov, who had always just done what he thought was right, also smiled indifferently.

"The past has passed, why are you still talking about it? I didn't really expect to do those things. For your thank you, I know what I should do and believe in myself. It's that simple."

Malashenko and Malokov, who said nothing, looked at each other and smiled.

There is no need for too many words, mothers-in-law, and no sense of ritual between men, as long as the meaning is in place.

Malashenko, who walked out of the airport side by side with Malokov, looked at the neatly parked KGB convoy in front of him and took a look at the "Lubyanka souvenir flag."

Feeling that most people would be scared to see this posture, he immediately got in the car under Malokov's personal invitation to open the door.

"Oh, by the way, I have something to tell you."

"Don't be in a hurry to go home. I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry. It's never too late to go back to see your wife and children. From now on, you will be based in Moscow, and you will have plenty of time."

"For now, let's go see Comrade Brezhnev. He personally asked to see you by name. He has been waiting for you for a long time and asked me to tell you."

"Huh? Want to see me? Now???"

Malashenko couldn't say whether this was a good thing or a bad thing, but after thinking about it, there was no reason not to go. He could only nod his head and agree, and follow Malokov's arrangement.

Of course, this can also be seen from this, that is, some of the rumors from the outside world are indeed true.

Malokov was not only retained, but continued to be reused.

From the Stalin era to the Khrushchev era to the current Xunzong era, the "veteran of three dynasties" has become more and more awesome, which is enough to brag about.

Looking out the window at the Moscow streets passing by, I looked at the people still bustling and laughing on the streets.

Malashenko, who always felt that he had forgotten something, suddenly remembered something, and then hurriedly spoke to Malokov in the passenger seat.

"How is Marshal Zhukov doing lately? Do you have any news about him?"


Malokov was obviously taken aback when he heard this. He did not expect Malashenko to suddenly ask this, but he was not surprised for too long and replied immediately.

"It's not very clear, but he has been idle at home and has nothing to do except write letters. It is said that he is decadent and old."

"The superiors are discussing restoring his reputation. It shouldn't be too difficult, just, you know."

"What can a person like him do even if his reputation is restored? Does he still expect to go out and do something big again? Even if he thinks so, no one else dares, so at most he can just restore his reputation. He should stay at home and be honest. Just stay there, that's what this kind of person will do for the rest of his life."


Although it doesn't sound good, it's true.

Malashenko also knew that what Malokov said was true, but he still wanted to see the old leader again. There was no way around the fact that Zhukov was kind to him.

"I want to see him, is that okay?"

"Well, I knew you would say that, and there's nothing wrong with it. After you finish working at this stall and go home to check it out, I'll help you arrange your itinerary. Just let me know when you want to go, and I'll go at your own time. But, I’ll make arrangements for him.”

Once upon a time, if I wanted to meet Zhukov, I had to follow his schedule and find time to make arrangements.

Now the situation is completely reversed. Time has to follow his own arrangements. Zhukov has to stay at home and wait, being clearly arranged by a KGB lieutenant general.

There was no sense of ridicule, but Malashenko felt that this change had an indescribable feeling, as if some impressive things from long ago had now changed beyond recognition.

But there was no time to think too much, and the car soon arrived at the destination of the trip - the Kremlin.

It was the first time in his life that Malashenko came to this top power office. It would be a lie to say he was not excited.

Fortunately, Malokov had warned him in advance, and knowing that the current owner of this office praised and recognized him very much, I thought that the first meeting should go smoothly.

But what Malashenko didn't expect was that as soon as he came up, dear Comrade Xunzong hugged him without any explanation, and put his face close to him with a smile.

Unfortunately, Malashenko is too tall, and Xunzong, who is only 1.8 meters tall, is still a bit out of reach.

Malashenko, who knew what Xunzong was going to do, thought about rejecting him. He couldn't leave a bad impression during this first meeting, so he could only suppress the discomfort in his heart and move his face closer.

The left and right cheeks were slapped once each, just when Xun Zongqin was about to hit him for the third and most important time.

"I have the height, I have the initiative." Malashenko pretended to think that it was over, quickly put his head back with a smile, then took a step back, straightened his waist with his feet together, and gave a resolute military salute Open your mouth and report.

"Reporting to Comrade Leader, Commander of the Armored Tank Corps Malashenko has been ordered to return to Moscow to report to you. I wish you good health!"

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