Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3206 Return (Part 1)

On the way back to Moscow, Malashenko had been thinking about how to tell Zhukov about this matter that he regarded as very important.

What should I say to make him listen to his words and revoke the order to transfer the leader's army back to Moscow to serve as a tool at this time?

Personal relationships and trust alone are far from being able to convince Zhukov. Malashenko knows this very well, and even Malashenko himself is not sure of successfully persuading Zhukov.

But if Malashenko is allowed to watch all this and do nothing, then Malashenko asks himself that he cannot do it and will go all out no matter what.

"Comrade Commander, do you want to go home first? My wife has learned about your return and is waiting for you at home."

Haruka remembered that she had not been home for nearly a year. She had been busy with military affairs and neglected her small family, Natalia and her two young sons.

There was indeed a moment when Malashenko wanted to go home immediately, but he hesitated to speak. After thinking again and again, he finally gave up the plan and put the overall situation first.

"No, take me to the Ministry of National Defense to meet Marshal Zhukov."

"Okay, Comrade Commander."

The soldier in charge of driving confirmed Malashenko's order, then changed lanes at the next intersection just after entering Moscow and drove straight in the direction of Malashenko's order.

The feeling of returning to his hometown city of Moscow seems to be no different for Malashenko.

The initial disturbance of the change of power has passed, and peace and tranquility still surrounds the city as always, and happiness and joyful laughter can be found in every corner of the city.

This is exactly what Malashenko and his former comrades-in-arms wanted to see when they fought in the coldest winter of 1941.

Time flies now, time flies, and some of the old friends and comrades are no longer here.

Looking back on everything he had done in the past ten years since the end of the war, Malashenko, who still had a firm gaze, finally mustered up the courage to step into this extremely familiar office.

"Ah, Malashenko, you are here."

Zhukov, who was flipping through the report behind his desk, immediately stood up and raised his hand to interrupt Malashenko who was preparing to salute the report, indicating that these red tapes were unnecessary.

Words that seemed like a matter of course followed.

"The garrison arranged for the leadership army has been prepared, just outside Moscow. Once the first batch of troops returns, preparations will begin for inspection. Comrade Khrushchev will -"

"Comrade Marshal."

Unexpectedly, his words would be interrupted by Malashenko, and Zhukov looked a little stunned and confused.

Not letting the brief silence last too long, Malashenko, who had already made up his mind, continued to blurt out.

"I violated your order and did not lead the army back to the country. First of all, I want to apologize to you."


In a short period of time, his expression quickly changed from puzzlement to an unexpected smile.

Until now, I haven't realized what the problem is, and I haven't even thought about Malashenko deliberately disobeying him. Even if he thought about it, he would subconsciously think it was impossible. Zhukov then laughed and said.

"Why? There must be a reason, right? Maybe the enemy on the other side of the city is still restless, and the military deployment of troops makes you feel uneasy? It doesn't matter, I have made sufficient preparations in this regard--"

As he was talking, he realized that Malashenko's expression was not what it was, at least it was not what he imagined. It was still a meticulous and bright-eyed look.

It was as if he was not talking to himself, but in the last moments before heading off to the battlefield.

"Okay, it seems I may have made a mistake. Then I'll give you the right to speak. I'll listen, and you can tell me why."

Zhukov, who had put away his smile, also knew that this matter might not be as simple as he thought. He immediately took a serious and serious attitude and sat back behind the desk, waiting for Malashenko's answer, who was standing in front of the desk. .

"Comrade Marshal, as the commander of the garrison in Berlin and the commander of the Leading Army, I request you to cancel the order to dispatch the Leading Army to return to Moscow."

"I don't want to repeat why too many times, give me a reason."

Facing Zhukov, who was already frowning slightly, Malashenko, who remained calm-faced, continued to speak firmly.

"Because the leading army should not and cannot be reduced to a tool for others to manipulate, let alone lose the honor that countless comrades have won with their lives and blood under the city of Moscow."

"You know everything? About the revocation of the honorary title of the Leader Army."

Zhukov's answer was Malashenko's unhesitating affirmative answer and another plea.

"Comrades have already been talking about it, Comrade Marshal. The morale and morale of the army are now affected. I ask you again to cancel this order."

"No matter what, the leading army should be pure. It should not be involved in politics, nor should it be reduced to a tool. This precious honor should not be lost. It was protected by countless comrades with their lives during the war years. , announcing the revocation of the honorary title of the Leader of the Army under the city walls of Moscow will break the hearts of the comrades, please consider it carefully again!”


The noncommittal Zhukov did not answer directly. He stood up from his chair and walked to the window, his brows almost knitted together by now.

All that came out of his mouth again was a cold question.

"Is this the whole reason you disobeyed orders?"

"Yes, Comrade Marshal, that's all."


Facing Malashenko's unthinking answer, Zhukov, who was standing in front of the window with his eyes slightly closed, never expected that things would develop to this point.

It was obviously the link that I trusted most and had never doubted that there would be a problem. But now it was this link that blocked my plan, causing almost all subsequent deployments to be stalled and unable to proceed.

A sense of frustration that he had not felt for a long time could not help but arise spontaneously. Zhukov, who was still able to hold it in and was not inconvenient to attack, just turned around again and continued to speak.

"It is an order to bring the leadership back to Moscow! It is an order, Malashenko, and I need soldiers who can carry out the order! Carry out the order without compromise and without questioning, just like you did in the war years That’s what we did.”

"How to deal with the problems of military morale and morale is what you, as the military commander of the army, should consider and do. You know the reason why you were transferred back to the position of commander of the leading army. So don't Leave the problem to me and you should figure it out yourself!”

"In short, my order remains unchanged and will not change in the future! Transfer the leading army back to Moscow and announce the cancellation of that title before Comrade Khrushchev's inspection. From now on, only the Guards will be combined into the First Army. What you should do is Execute this order immediately!"

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