Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3205 Time flies

"Good morning, fellow listeners. Welcome to the broadcast of the TASS Berlin branch. I am your old friend Comrade Redman."

"While the ill-intentioned people in the same city as us are still provoking troubles, the heroic General Malashenko finally returned to Berlin as his 41st birthday was approaching and once again led the leadership as the garrison commander. The army protects our peace. Please allow me to wish you a happy birthday in advance.”

"At the same time, Marshal Zhukov has just led a Ministry of National Defense inspection team to inspect the construction of nuclear weapons. Marshal Zhukov gave important instructions during the inspection, requiring that we concentrate on overcoming difficulties and ensuring our leading development advantage in the field of nuclear weapons."

"According to the news from Moscow by a TASS reporter, Comrade Khrushchev in a new round of reports expressed concern about going to Stalin—"


A big hand that was stained by time but still steady and strong gently turned the knob of the radio, forcing the end of the early morning program that had not yet been broadcast.

The tall figure who had withdrawn his hand from the desk was still standing by the window sill, staring out the window at the Brandenburg Gate standing at the end of his sight, staring at the city that he had fought desperately with countless comrades to conquer.

After many years, he received an order to return to his hometown again, and once again served as the commander of the leading army and "reinstated his post". What lingered in his heart was an ominous premonition and a deep longing for his old friend.

"What should I do? Comrade Political Commissar, I wish I could listen to your teachings to me again at this time."


A knock on the door quietly from behind interrupted Malashenko's thoughts. He could probably predict who was coming and spoke immediately.

"Please come in!"

"Comrade Commander, urgent call from Moscow."

It was Malashenko's deputy, Lieutenant General Kulbalov, deputy commander of the Soviet garrison in Berlin, who pushed through the door.

Malashenko, who knew almost without guessing who would send what telegram at this time, replied immediately.

"Is it Marshal Zhukov? The content of the message is still the same as last time?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander."

Kulbalov, who was holding the telegram, nodded in response and continued to speak.

"Marshal Zhukov hopes that you will be ready to lead the leadership army back to Moscow as soon as possible. A formal transfer order will be issued soon. The replacement troops coming to replace the leadership army are already on the way and are expected to arrive in succession in the next two days. Take over our defense."


After hearing this, Malashenko was noncommittal and did not answer directly. Instead, he turned away from the window sill, returned to his desk, sat down, closed his eyes and meditated.

Malashenko did not speak, and Kulbalov, who had not received an order, continued to stand for more than a minute until Malashenko, who was leaning back on his chair and bowing his head in thought, raised his head again.

"Do you know the purpose of my being ordered to come and lead the army back to Moscow this time? Kulbalov."


He did not expect that his old leader would suddenly speak and ask such a question. After careful consideration, Kulbalov, who did not realize anything was wrong, answered truthfully.

"It should be just an ordinary defense change mission, Comrade Commander."

"The Leader's Army has been stationed in Berlin for three years. I think the rotation is reasonable at this time. Guarding Moscow is a glorious task for us."

This answer was just as Malashenko had guessed earlier.

Kurbalov has always been a pure soldier. He didn't even realize that there was anything wrong with a transfer order at this sensitive time. He still regarded this as a normal and honorable task.

But this is good and not a bad thing.

Malashenko did not want to involve a pure-minded soldier like Kulbalov after he was inevitably involved.

If he was involved, he would at least have the ability to protect himself, but Kulbalov.

Malashenko really couldn't imagine how it would end.

Thinking of this, Malashenko, who felt a little tired for no reason, spoke slowly again.

"This is not an ordinary rotation of defense, Kulbalov. The political particularity of the leadership army is destined to be urgently transferred back to Moscow at this time. It will not be as simple as a simple military mission."

"But don't forget, we are still "in the name of Stalin" now, and that is already a bygone era."


Before Kulbalov could say anything, Malashenko, who had received two urgent messages in a row, had already made a decision.

"You stay and continue to command the leader's army. I will go back alone to talk to Marshal Zhukov in person and ask him to cancel this order."

"What? Comrade Commander, are you sure you want to do this? Our order is very clear, Marshal Zhukov wants us -"

Kulbalov's words were stopped by Malashenko's calm gesture of raising his hand, and the words blurted out without hesitation.

"Perhaps the leadership army will eventually return to Moscow, but that will be after my attempt failed and you will lead it."

"I will try my best to do everything I have to do, but there is no guarantee of the result. Even I am not sure of doing it, but I will try hard."

"The leader army should not be involved in such a vortex and become a tool that it should not be reduced to. There is always something that must be done, and I am the most suitable person."

After hearing this, Kulbalov probably understood something.

I want to say something, but my mouth is halfway open and I don’t know how to say it.

At the end of the day, I could only say something that even I felt powerless but had no choice about.

"I hope you can succeed, Comrade Commander. You and Marshal Zhukov have a close relationship and mutual trust. I believe you can do it."

After explaining all the important matters to Kulbalov, Malashenko immediately set off. On the way to the airport from the headquarters, he saw through the car window a leadership unit that had just been withdrawn from the front line of the confrontation.

"What do soldiers think of the latest T-58 main battle tanks? It has been two months since the first batch was delivered to the leading army."

Looking at the latest main battle tank rumbling past the car window, the major general accompanying the car immediately spoke.

"Very good, Comrade Commander."

"Soldiers praised its 115mm smoothbore tank gun and strong composite armor. The power system also performed well. The 950-horsepower diesel engine is enough to support this 40-ton tank with a power-to-weight ratio of more than 23. In contrast, Compared to that, the American M48s on the opposite side are just scraps and scraps.”

"It's just that some commanders are worried that if such an advanced and latest tank arrives on the front line of confrontation, will it give the enemy a clue and quickly catch up with us? These comrades think that the latest tank should be kept secret."

After hearing the "worry" of the major general next to him, Malashenko, who rarely had a happy thing that made him smile, immediately replied.

"This worry is unnecessary. It can be said that this is more like a strategic deception."

"The General Administration of Tanks and Armored Forces is reviewing the latest main battle tank with a 125mm main gun. It has reached the end of the process. It will not be long before it will be officially put into production and installed in the army. It will be a powerful tank with an innovative design."

"As for now, let the enemy have a headache looking at the tank that is about to fall behind."

The first part of the Cold War background plot has officially begun. Some things that cannot be deduced have to be skipped. I hope everyone can understand. The story will still revolve around Lao Ma, so stay tuned.

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