Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 317 Siberian Reinforcements

What Zhukov said is actually what Stalin is most worried about right now.

The German army, which has already reached the gates of Moscow, has launched multiple large-scale air raids on Moscow in recent days.

The rain of aerial bombs turned buildings into rubble. German fighter jets swooped and strafed across the streets, mowing down people running away amid air raid warnings.

The villages located outside Moscow burned and turned into a scorching purgatory. With victory as its ultimate goal and intent on destroying the will of Moscow's military and civilians to resist, the Luftwaffe completely abandoned the so-called morality of benevolence and justice, just like all invaders in history. Sprinkling death and fear across the land like a plague.

Carrying out a military parade under such preconditions and background is undoubtedly a very high-risk task. It would be weird if Hitler, after learning of Stalin's intentions, did not come to disrupt it. But even so, he has already done so. Stalin, who was determined and resolute, issued the final order in a deep voice as always.

"This year's Red Square military parade must be held no matter what. This is not only a political statement and firm determination from our top leaders in Moscow, but more importantly, it is to strengthen the morale and determination of our Red Army troops."

"I will transfer fighter jets from other places to protect the air security on the day of the military parade. Moscow must defend it no matter what. I believe you know better than me what the terrible consequences will be if Moscow falls. You understand what I mean. ?"

Looking at his loving father Stalin's firm but unquestionable and negating expression, Zhukov, realizing that everything was settled, immediately raised his right arm and gave his own to Stalin with a firm salute. Answer.

Malashenko, who is commanding the troops and is stepping up to complete the final stage of training and running-in tasks, naturally received the news that the 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment led by him will represent the heavy tank formation to participate in the upcoming Red Square military parade. news.

Although he is extremely familiar with and understands the 1941 Red Square military parade that existed in history, when Malashenko, who traveled from later generations, learned for the first time that he would personally participate in such a event that would remain in history. During this great and famous event, an indescribable excitement and excitement still filled my heart unstoppably.

"Military parade in Red Square? Just three days later? Damn it, Malashenko, am I awake or are you really kidding me?"

It is unimaginable to hold a grand Red Square military parade at this extremely critical moment. After learning the news from Malashenko, Lavrinenko was almost speechless in shock.

"Isn't this a good thing? Don't act so surprised, Lavry. Our 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment will drive through Red Square as a representative of the entire Red Army heavy tank force and be reviewed by Supreme Leader Comrade Stalin. After that, go directly to the front line. Do you think there is any greater honor than this? "

Compared with Lavrinenko's hesitation and worry, the high-spirited Malashenko was obviously much more happy and excited. Being able to show his face in front of his loving father Comrade Stalin is undoubtedly the best thing for Malashenko at the moment. It would be a better result if he leaves a good impression and rises steadily from then on. .

Lavrinenko, who felt a little speechless at Malashenko's answer, finally said nothing more after smacking his lips a few times. After all, as Malashenko said, one can control one's own steel. The mount rumbled through the Red Square to be inspected by the supreme leader. This kind of thing is undoubtedly a great honor for the hot-blooded Red Army soldiers in this era.

While Malashenko led his troops to actively prepare for the military parade and final joint training, the Soviet Red Army troops standing on the front line outside Moscow also unexpectedly received assistance from a new force.

One early morning at the end of October and near the beginning of November, the German army woke up from their sleep and launched a half-hour artillery fire as usual in an attempt to continue to advance and break through the Soviet defense line.

The German offensive troops, who had been fighting fiercely with the Soviet enemy in front of them for almost a week, thought they knew their opponents very well.

There were serious attrition, insufficient artillery fire, and even fewer tanks and armored units. If you have to describe it, this Soviet army that sticks to its position and fights to the death is like a shabby house that is about to topple over and collapse. The attack that the German army is about to launch today will kick this shabby house. The final finishing touch on the house.

"As long as we exert a little force, the positions of those Russian Ivans will instantly collapse to the ground like broken door panels."

But when the German troops with such thoughts in mind launched a charge with the help of artillery fire and tank cover, the scenes they encountered immediately afterward were somewhat different and even different from those they had encountered before. Separate from each other.

Brand-new military uniforms, sufficient firepower, complete echelon configuration of defensive positions, and the high morale of the loud roar that almost overwhelmed the gasoline engines of our own tanks. Everything encountered in just a few minutes was in the most cruel way. This method proves how naive and wrong the German army's previous ideas were.

"Damn it! These Russian Ivans have changed! This is not the same defensive force as yesterday! Didn't they say in the meeting this morning that the Russians no longer have reserve forces? Where did these guys who are as desperate as Stalin's guards come from? Where did it come from?”

The loud roar that almost toppled the roof of the tent at the field division headquarters was so terrifying that the somewhat panicked German staff officers immediately took action according to the orders of their division commander and chief of staff. The efficient and outstanding German staff-style model efficiency soon put a piece of investigation results just sent from the rear intelligence department in front of the German division commander.

"The Russians mobilized 11 divisions from Siberia with more than 200,000 people? What the hell are they doing! What on earth are those Japanese dwarfs with little bandy legs doing!? Forget it if they don't go north to attack the Soviet Union. Now even the Russians in Siberia The troops can't be restrained! These Japanese bandy-legged dwarfs deliberately let the Russian troops come to the front line in Moscow to deal with us! This is betrayal, the most shameless betrayal!"

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