Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 316 Prelude to Red Square

What do people pursue and gain in life? The final result is not important. What is important is what you have paid on the way to implement your beliefs and ideas, and whether you are doing it for these at the last moment when your life is about to end. I feel satisfied and gratified for my past efforts.

No matter how long a person's life is, it only lasts for a few decades. What each person can accomplish in his life seems insignificant compared to the great goal and belief that is firm in his heart.

It is incorrect to simply judge the people who have pledged their lives under the red flag to serve the most noble ideals and beliefs as a single individual unit.

Physical annihilation cannot stop the spiritual inheritance. The most correct way is to entrust the path that oneself and the predecessors have not been able to complete in their lifetimes to those who come after them.

The great spirit that has been passed down from generation to generation along the red road is the most indestructible thing. Even if the body is annihilated and ashes in the world, it will be remembered forever and guide the direction that people in the future should move forward.

Simple words and words are not only things written in handwriting and passed down orally. The trust and will transformed into life are the things that will never be lost in the long river of history.

Recalling the scene in his previous life when he was a child in his father's arms and ignorantly flipping through the book containing the great will, his eyes were like a slideshow. The flame of speech, the blood flowing in the blood vessels seemed to be completely soaked and boiling, and when he raised his head, he let out a recognition from the deepest part of his heart.

"As you just said, Comrade Political Commissar, there will never be regrets and shame on the road of lifelong struggle towards the lofty belief! Let those fascist lackeys and idiots know where they stand now. On a land of one color!”

The two big hands clasped together no longer need any unnecessary words. The same will flowing in each other's hearts is like an unstoppable prairie fire, enough to instantly devour those who try to strangle the red flag in this motherland. Any arrogant person of the land.

Although it was only a short process of a few minutes, some things that would have been passed down until the Cold War and even the darkest and desperate moment of the Soviet Union had already settled at this moment.

Malashenko, who was in the relatively safe rear of Moscow, led the 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment, which no longer had any vacancies under his command, to intensify training and complete final preparations for war, working tirelessly day and night.

At the same time, a group of Red Army troops fighting under the city of Moscow regarded death as a united effort. They crossed their iron hooves with their tracks and continued to attack the flying German army until they were exhausted and suffered heavy casualties.

The steely and indomitable will to hold on to every inch of the land, even fighting to the last man, to support the Lad Army, is revealed. It seems that everything is going smoothly according to the original plan. Under the surface of the Moscow offensive, there is a huge undercurrent hidden in it. Hidden danger.

The worried Guderian, the father of the German armored forces, came to the Soviet positions that had been captured by the Germans more than once to inspect the situation.

The stump of the arm, which had been blown apart by artillery fire and grenades to the point where the original owner could no longer be found, was still holding tightly to the remains of the rifle that had been broken into two pieces. An entire platoon of Soviet soldiers who had their anti-aircraft caverns collapsed by the fierce German artillery fire was buried alive under the soil and had long since died. However, the almost completely stiff and cold hands were still tightly held. Holding their respective weapons, they were as motionless as statues.

If Guderian could travel to the future and witness with his own eyes the terracotta warriors and horses in the far eastern countries, Guderian, whose expression would have been so silent that he looked directly at the corpses of Soviet soldiers but could not say a word, would never be so gloomy again. .

"We are fighting against a group of enemies with an iron-like tenacity and unyielding will. From now on, everyone throws all the insipid voices on the propaganda broadcasts into the trash can! These Russians have fought hard for their so-called lofty ideals. Stop everything! Moscow is not Paris! The Soviet Red Army is not those stupid British bulls! If we don’t stop everything, razing the Kremlin to the ground will only be a distant dream!”

Marshal Bock, who had never seen Guderian so rude except in front of the head of state, couldn't help but be a little confused. He looked at the front-line soldiers who had just listened to Guderian's instructions with either recognition or enthusiasm and disdain in their eyes, as if Marshal Bock, who was in that young and equally passionate years, finally recalled the fear he had experienced personally.

"It seems that Stalin did inherit some things from the old White Russia very well."

The passage of time intertwined with artillery fire and death, and the brutal fighting day and night quickly ended at the end of October and came to the beginning of November. Stalin, the Supreme Leader of the Soviet Union, who felt that the frontline war was still serious and not optimistic, made a decision on this day that was very important to the entire Soviet Union and could be recorded in history.

Facing General Zhukov who hurried back to Moscow from the front line as soon as he received the telegram, his eyes that were slightly cloudy due to a long-term lack of good sleep quality still showed an undeniable look of determination, and his voice was obviously a little a little bit. Stalin, who was hoarse, blurted out the words that he had already prepared in his heart.

"This year's October Revolution Day, in addition to holding the annual celebration meeting, I also want to hold a military parade in Moscow. What do you think? Does the situation on the front allow us to do this?"

Zhukov, who had commanded the troops to fight for countless days and nights on the battlefield filled with artillery fire, death and blood, blurted out without hesitation.

"I personally think that the German army does not have the strength to launch a large-scale offensive in the past few days. They suffered serious losses in the offensive in October, especially the armored forces and experienced veterans on the front line. Now they are replenishing troops and adjusting deployment to accumulate strength to prepare for the next wave of offensives."

"But the German army's strong ability in intelligence collection and telegraph decryption is a realistic problem that cannot be avoided. Large-scale troop mobilization and military parade preparations will definitely not be hidden from the Germans. At that time, even if they are unable to launch an effective frontal offensive, they will definitely launch targeted sabotage operations, such as air strikes. The Germans are now fully capable of doing this."

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