Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3178 Sunset Moment

Unlike the brutal and purgatory battlefield on the Eastern Front, the Japanese troops fighting in the east had not experienced bloody street fighting like Stalingrad.

The Japanese army, which is itself an old-style army, has an uncivilized understanding of war in the new era based on the current timeline, as if it were primitive people.

Malashenko, who knew this situation, felt that it was probably because of the backwardness of the Japanese army that it had little understanding of the meat grinder-like street battles in Stalingrad and Berlin where they fought for each house and street and used blocks as defense positions. Didn't even realize this.

Judging from the formation on the map, the Japanese army's defensive tactics still rely on solid positions and bunkers, and concentrate their forces to defend key areas.

Therefore, as long as the Japanese troops concentrated for defense in key areas can be divided and surrounded, and their retreat to densely populated areas can be blocked, then the next thing should be much easier to handle.

When it gets hot, there is another possibility that Malashenko has not said explicitly, that is, Yamada Otsuzo, who holds the highest command, may be in a state of indecision and wavering.

There are many reasons that determine whether an army can win a war, one of which is very important is "whether the leader is determined".

Judging from the current situation of the Kwantung Army Group, the person who plays the same role as "chief" in this self-respecting military group is undoubtedly Yamada Otsuzo, not the base camp who is already too busy taking care of himself, let alone remotely commanding the battlefield.

If Yamada Otsuzo, who is sitting in this position, is still a "surrender" as in the existing history, he has not thought about whether to resist to the end in this battle and is hesitant.

So it is not surprising that the current deployment of the Japanese army is even reasonable.

As for whether this was the real situation, Malashenko had no time to play guessing games with Yamada Otozo, let alone wait for the old bastard to finish hesitating and make an uncertain decision.

The opportunity for victory can only be grasped in one's own hands, rather than placed on the enemy's body, hoping that the enemy's weakness will lead to victory.

This is Malashenko's decision. Perhaps when the results are announced, it can also be said to be the "chief's determination" gap between the two warring armies.

After hearing the battle plan proposed by Malashenko, Chen Weiguo also felt that there was no problem. It was of course good to limit the battle outside densely populated areas.

But there was still one thing that worried Chen Weiguo. After thinking about it, he finally decided to speak to Malashenko now.

"Comrade General, there is one thing that maybe I shouldn't mention. I know I'm probably not qualified to say it.

"But can you please try to reduce the use of artillery as much as possible during the battle? I know that the artillery and armored forces are what you are most proud of, but once the level of artillery fire of the Leader's Army bombs the urban area, civilian casualties will be very high. It could be tens of thousands."

"I know that the request I made is excessive. You kicked me out just because I said this. I understand and think this is normal."

"But I really beg you, please, Comrade General. Our people have been persecuted by the Japanese army for decades. From September 18th to today, it is a history full of blood and tears. I really want to think about it."

Chen Weiguo was a little surprised by what he said at first, but it made sense to Malashenko. Chen Weiguo, who saw his mood fluctuating more and more as he spoke, was choked up and almost couldn't speak anymore.

Then he reached out and patted Chen Weiguo on the shoulder, indicating that it was okay to stop here and say no more, and words of understanding were immediately blurted out.

"I understand what you mean, Weiguo, and I also know that you and your motherland have been suffering for a long time."

"But why do we call each other gay? I often think that this is not only because we have like-minded ideals and beliefs, but also because we are all victims of aggression and can empathize with each other."

"Comrade General, you"

Before Chen Weiguo, who was still unsure whether his premonition was true, finished speaking, Malashenko had already continued his words.

"In normal times I would have said it's hard to do and I'm sorry. But right now, my answer is I can promise you that, and that's totally fine. And I'm not even planning to use any artillery fire on civilian areas in the city. Bombing and air strikes will not be called.”

"Today's Japanese army is already a ragtag, defeated army. Thousands of improvised Japanese troops are short of guns and artillery. In addition, the number is about the same. Their fighting will and combat effectiveness are not as good as their puppet troops."

"Although we often say that "a lion fights a rabbit with all its strength," but this time I want to make an exception. I also want to say that even if we don't use artillery bombardment to deal with an enemy of this level, the powerful combat power of the leader's army can crush it. Turn into ashes and go with the wind.”

"Comrade General, thank you very much! On behalf of the folks in my hometown, thank you! Thank you, thank you!"

Chen Weiguo, who thought that if Comrade General could agree to use less artillery fire, it would be enough to give him face and be grateful enough, he did not expect that Malashenko would actually make such a decision to directly ban artillery.

Chen Weiguo knew very well the truth that "the more artillery shells are used, the fewer casualties will be." Insufficient firepower requires lives to fill it. This was too difficult for the Red Army comrades who came to help fight the Japanese.

But on the other hand, as a true patriot, Chen Weiguo couldn't bear to see tens of thousands of civilians dying under the gunfire.

This is of course not the fault of the Red Army, but the final madness of those Japanese militarist fanatics who coerced civilians, sealed off urban areas, and prohibited anyone from leaving. They had no humanity at all.

Chen Weiguo knew all the above.

However, the only effective way Chen Weiguo could think of was to ask Malashenko to put him in a difficult situation.

The real situation is that even if Chen Weiguo doesn't say so, Malashenko's decision is already a given.

The group that had already been defeated once by the Red Army gathered their defeated troops and joined the puppet army. They were helpless, poorly prepared, and rushed into battle. They then challenged the leader's army with a serious shortage of heavy weapons to defend the city.

It's not that Malashenko looks down on his enemies, it's just that these Japanese devils really don't have the qualifications. This is the objective reality that is not dependent on human subjective will.

Walking out of the camp and looking at the sunset gradually sinking below the horizon, Malashenko knew that the fate of the Kwantung Army was just like this. It had reached sunset and was about to sink into the endless abyss and never rise again.

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