Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3177 The attack is imminent

After years of construction and renovation, Shenyang has now extended beyond the scope of the old city and outside the city walls, but the city walls of the old city are still there.

Malashenko was standing on the high ground on the outskirts of the city, and what he saw with his telescope was the city wall of the old city.

This also made it relatively easy for the Japanese army to blockade the old city, and it could be done with just one letter at a few key city gates and intersections. How this kind of handwritten information came out from under the Japanese blockade naturally aroused Malashenko's curiosity.

It sounds like Chen Weiguo and his comrades not only have a stable intelligence system, but they can also circumvent the Japanese blockade and transmission, which is very important for the next operations of the leadership army.

Faced with the question raised by Malashenko, Chen Weiguo also spoke immediately without thinking too much.

"It's a tunnel, Comrade General. We have tunnels that connect the city and outside the city, directly passing through the city wall and extending to the outer city."


This was an unexpected answer from Malashenko. He was quite surprised and couldn't help but ask subconsciously.

"You mean your tunnel goes through the city wall? This is not easy. Even the foundation of the ancient city wall is made of rammed earth to prevent sinking. Can you dig into such hard soil?"

The ancient city wall looks unremarkable, but in fact there are many doorways inside. It is not just a matter of putting huge bluestone bricks on it.

Especially in the Northeast, the soil is soft and fertile, with abundant underground water. Malashenko discovered this situation during the early battles.

Sometimes the Red Army's heavy artillery smashed down, creating a crater that was more than one meter deep and nearly two meters deep. Fertile loose soil was blown up all over the sky, and groundwater was quickly poured into the crater to fill the bottom.

It may sound unbelievable, but this is the fact. The land in the Northeast is so fertile and watery. Sometimes it is not even one meter deep, and a depth of tens of centimeters is enough for water, which is very, very, very suitable for planting crops and extremely conducive to growth.

It is nothing more than that the Northeast can be called a granary. This group of self-respecting Kwantung Army has not only been able to produce its own military equipment, but can also solve its own food problems. If you don't use local guns and don't use local food, you are so tough that you don't want to give up.

If you are happy to listen to the orders from the base camp, if you are not happy, who is the boss of the base camp?

It is precisely because the soil in the Northeast is soft and watery that the taller the building, the more difficult it is to build it. Foundation settlement alone is a headache.

The reason why the ancient city wall can stand for hundreds of years and remain firm despite wind and rain is that the solid foundation soil is indispensable.

If you want to dig a tunnel by hand in the rammed soil layer, the difficulty is not much different than that of digging a mountain and building a road without a shield machine. It is especially difficult when you can't make a big show of it and have to dig quietly to avoid alerting the Japanese. .

And given the soil quality in the Northeast, you can’t dig too deep. If it’s too deep, the underground water will not be able to withstand the intrusion and infiltration. I will dig it in the morning and turn it into a sewer for you to see in the afternoon.

Malashenko couldn't figure out how to do this, and Chen Weiguo, who was grinning, happened to know the answer.

"It's nothing, Comrade General. There are ready-made cellars in other people's houses under the city wall. Our comrades will continue digging along the cellar. When water comes out, they will continue in another direction. After digging, we will build a few more holes. Connect the tunnels.”

"The rammed earth foundation under the city wall is difficult to dig. I have excavated the foundation stone before. It is so hard that I can't even dig it. I have no choice but to dig down and pass the foundation stone through. It is just right. The roof is reinforced, so there is no need to worry about collapse.”

"It's just that the rammed earth is really difficult to deal with. The comrades dug it out with a lot of effort, just to avoid the Japanese devils' eyes and facilitate passage. If anything happens, you can get out even if the devils seal the city. Look, doesn’t this come in handy?”

"I see, thank you for your hard work."

It was confirmed that Chen Weiguo and the others had stable intelligence transmission channels in the city and could access the old city. They basically knew the situation in every district in the city. Malashenko couldn't help but sigh that the decision to bring Chen Weiguo from Changchun was correct.

As for how to fight next, Malashenko also thought of a countermeasure.

It is unlikely that the Japanese army will voluntarily surrender. At least they have to put pressure on these militaristic fanatics and force them to a dead end before they can surrender.

In addition to the civil unrest among the Japanese troops in the city, Malashenko estimated that first, it would not last long, and second, it would not be too serious. The first priority was to launch an attack while the Japanese troops were busy rectifying the civil unrest.

Thinking of this, Malashenko decided to listen to Chen Weiguo's opinions to brainstorm. Maybe Chen Weiguo, who was more familiar with the situation in the city, had any better suggestions, and then led Chen Weiguo to stand in front of the map.

"The population of the expanded urban areas in the four directions of the old city, east, west, south and north is too dense. Attacking these places will inevitably cause a lot of civilian casualties. Moreover, the dense buildings are not convenient for the troops to deploy, but it is conducive to the Japanese army to hold on and delay the time. Therefore, it is not a last resort. I don’t intend to use troops in these places.”

"The news we know so far is that the Japanese army has focused its defense on the arsenal in Dadong District, as well as the Hunhe District further south. It is far away from densely populated areas, and the terrain is relatively open, making it easier for troops to deploy and dispatch. The same goes for the leader army.”

"Maybe it's because that old devil Yamada Otsuzo just retreated to Shenyang, and before he could adjust his defenses, the leader's army came after him. It could also be because their command system collapsed, and the headquarters had just been transferred. , it’s still in a state of chaos.”

"No matter why, it doesn't matter. But it is relatively good news for us. The Japanese army with concentrated troops is easier to be destroyed, and they have no reinforcements. The Japanese army on all fronts are now unable to protect themselves. As long as they are destroyed These Japanese and puppet troops in their early 10s will be considered successful."

After saying the above, Malashenko thought for a moment and then gave a further specific action plan.

"My plan is to launch an attack before the main force of the Japanese army in the city adjusts its deployment, even if it is possible. Cut off its retreat to the densely populated areas, and try to encircle and annihilate them within the above two areas."

"Then there will be the Kwantung Army Headquarters located in the Heping District. If the old devil Yamada Otsuzo is beaten to the rank of bare commander and does not surrender by then, then we will have to destroy his old home."

"After he loses his main force, the problem will be much easier to solve. Even if he wants to set up defenses in the city around the headquarters, he will not have many soldiers left."

"And when that time comes, the only question left for him is survival or destruction."

The brothers went out for a party during the holidays and came back late. I originally thought about taking a leave, but after thinking about it I decided not to. I posted the code and kept everyone waiting.

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