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Chapter 112 Don’t tell the truth

When Monica and others saw Caroline arriving, they all tacitly agreed to leave time for the two of them.

He was stunned when he suddenly heard Caroline talking about MAX. Could it be that Caroline had met her best friend for the rest of her life at this time?

"There is no servant named MAX in the manor, but the wedding was too complicated, so we hired another man." Locke replied: "What happened to the MAX you mentioned?"

"When I came here, I talked to some customers about my father's fund company. Later, I overheard her chatting with other waiters. The rumor was so powerful that she sounded like a liar."

"She doesn't understand finance at all, but she is talking nonsense." Caroline said angrily: "When you find someone, you must fire him."

Of course Caroline was unhappy when someone questioned her most admired father, but she considered herself a decent person and was unwilling to quarrel with a waiter. It would be best to just ask Locke to fire him.

"Don't worry, I'll go back and ask if this person is there."

Locke is still not sure whether Caroline is talking about the MAX. The first meeting between the two seemed quite unfriendly.

However, Locke didn't take it to heart at all about their slight verbal conflict.

"There's no need for you to be serious with a waitress who doesn't understand anything. I'll just turn around and warn her." Locke persuaded Caroline: "It's not easy for people to find a job."

Seeing what Locke said, Caroline didn't want him to feel stingy, so she relaxed: "Okay, but you must warn her properly."

"Don't worry, leave it to me." Locke promised, patting his chest.

Caroline Channing and MAX are real besties. Many people who have watched the Bankrupt Sisters feel that they should join hands in marriage.

If it is really the one who can dominate the bear MAX, Locke also finds it quite interesting. She has a good vision and can actually expose Martin Channing's Ponzi scheme in one word.

Don't think that rich people are smart. They have all kinds of character flaws just like ordinary people.

The reason why they are more likely to succeed is not only because they have received a more comprehensive education since childhood, but also because they have far more resources and information than ordinary people. These together form class barriers.

None of the people who were fooled by Martin Channing were so-called social elites, but they were all immersed in the high returns created by Martin Channing.

In the end, when the scam could no longer continue, the entire American financial circle was shaken, and many people went bankrupt and jumped from buildings.

This case is just like the pig-killing plate that Locke had seen in his previous life, using high interest rates to raise funds, taking advantage of people's greed.

Rich people have also heard of this, but there will be no shortage of people who have been deceived, whether in the past or in the future, because they are just as greedy as ordinary people and are blinded by benefits.

After verbally agreeing to Caroline, Locke first contacted the hosting company and asked them to bring the list of waiters. Through the list, he asked them to call the MAX that Caroline mentioned.

After seeing the real person, Locke was sure at a glance that the familiar but slightly green girl in front of him was undoubtedly the MAX.

"Hey, buddy, even though I know I'm big, you don't need to stare all the time." Seeing that Locke was a little dazed, the girl in front of him immediately started to make comments.

"Ahem" Locke felt a little guilty because of the other party's frankness. Fortunately, he had been a scumbag for a long time, and he quickly adjusted and said with a smile: "Sorry, I'm from Texas."

"Huh?!" The girl MAX looked at Locke with some surprise: "You are a rich guy, you can do it, I like it."

Texas is most famous for being big, and everything is big. The MAX in front of us obviously meets this standard.

Of course, when MAX said he liked him, he didn't mean it in that way. He just admired Locke's straightforwardness, unlike some of the 'upper class people' who made pretentious remarks and showed sympathy for each other.

"How did you come here to work as a waiter?" Locke was a little curious, wondering where the contracting company hired this talent.

"If you don't make money as a waiter, why don't you just stand on the street?"

Although the girl MAX looks young, she has been living in Brooklyn since she was a child. Her big bear and poisonous tongue have already been formed, and she can speak freely.

"With this pair of darlings, I'm afraid many people will beg you to stand on the street to work." Locke found it interesting and couldn't help but joke.

"If it really comes to that, are you going to support me?" The girl MAX showed no sign of weakness.

Locke couldn't hold it anymore at this time, so he could only smile awkwardly, thinking that as expected, people say that when women become obscene, men really have nothing to do with them.

"Okay, I asked you to come here this time because of something." Locke did not continue and said, "Someone just heard you say that Martin Channing seems to be a liar."

"Where did you hear that bitch was suing me behind my back?" MAX said: "Is that rich guy named Martin Channing someone you know?"

"I do know Martin Channing. The thing you said about him being a liar was told to me by a friend of mine..."

"Then you want to fire me?" Before Locke could finish speaking, MAX simply said: "You rich guys are all in the same group."

"Wait a minute, it's not that serious. I just hope you will be more careful in the future. Martin Channing is a reputable person on Wall Street. Don't go around telling the truth."

Locke smiled and said, "Can I make another friend?"

"You, a rich guy, want to date me?" Seeing that Locke was trying to flirt with her, MAX didn't answer directly, but just stared at Locke and asked.

"Do you have this honor?" Locke didn't care about the other person's title.

"I like what you just said." MAX smiled and said a phone number: "I still have to work for you, please contact me when I am free."

Watching MAX leave, Locke thought that he was indeed MAX, but he just didn't know how she and Caroline would develop in the future because of him.

Having seen Broke Sisters, he has a crush on both girls.

Caroline fell straight into the abyss but never gave up hope. Even though she had fallen from the top to the bottom, she never gave up on herself. She still did not forget her original intention and worked hard to make progress in life.

MAX was born in Brooklyn. He has seen and experienced too much tragedy since he was a child, but he has always maintained the kindness in his heart instead of becoming completely numb and indifferent.

I heard a saying on the Internet in my last life, I smoke, drink and get tattoos, but I am a good girl.

These words are a mockery of some girls, but for MAX, they are a reflection of herself. Her origin is not something she can choose, and she has tried her best.

It’s just that without super talent and opportunities, no matter how hard you try, you can’t break the class barriers. In the end, you can only have no choice but to compromise with reality.

However, Locke felt that since she had met herself, she had also met the greatest opportunity in life.

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