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Chapter 111 Sisters meet for the first time

"How are you going to celebrate Christmas next month?"

Maybe it was because of Chandler that Monica asked when she noticed Locke looking at her.

"You should go back to Texas early and leave after the final exam." Locke said.

"It's better to be a student. You can have a vacation early." Chandler said with a bit of nostalgia.

"Yes." Rose looked reminiscing: "Do you still remember when we went out to play together during the holidays? It was such a wonderful time."

"It's indeed beautiful!" Chandler exclaimed.

It can be said that Chandler and Ross have been together since childhood. They also went to college together. They are definitely close buddies.

Listening to the two of them sighing, Monica curled her lips and felt a little sour. She graduated from high school and chose to be a chef instead of going to college. Although it was her favorite profession, she still had some slight regrets when she thought about it.

Phoebe, on the other hand, looked forward to it. When she was a child, she lived on the streets due to family reasons and didn't even have the chance to go to high school.

Joey also became an actor before finishing high school, but he still pretended to be convinced and nodded slowly, trying to fit into the atmosphere.

"Locke, aren't you an orphan? Why do you want to go back to Texas?" Monica asked.

"Ashley, Peggy and Sheldon all live in Texas, so we can drop them off. Also, Alice doesn't want to go home, so she happens to go back with me to see where I lived before."

"Sounds good." Joey nodded: "I originally thought about inviting you to our house. We are a big family and every Christmas is very lively."

"I originally wanted to invite Locke to our house for Christmas." Monica ignored Ross's wide eyes: "What a pity."

"I should spend Christmas in New York if I have the chance in the future." Locke smiled.

This is not polite. After all, he is an orphan in this life. Without family reasons, he has no strong motivation to go back to Texas for the holidays.

Just like this time, it was mainly to send Peggy and Ashley back.

Tang Wei had a falling out with her father, and she didn’t like Christmas very much. She even missed the Spring Festival when she was a child, when relatives and friends gathered together to pay New Year greetings to each other, and ran around in different houses with the children, eating, drinking and having fun.

After coming to the United States, her Christmas was actually quite boring. Her father often worked overtime at the casino, leaving her alone at home. She was not familiar with the place, so even Christmas gifts were often missed.

So this Christmas, she chose to follow Locke.

Speaking of Christmas in the United States, it is not the birth day of Jesus at all.

The reason why it gradually became popular all over the world is entirely the result of the continuous marketing of the United States itself.

It originated from the marketing plan of Feizhai Happy Water.

In order to sell better, the company's executives finally chose the Christmas concept from Europe. They redesigned Santa Claus and then continued marketing and promotion to continuously strengthen this concept.

After countless businesses heard about it, they also started to follow the trend and promote it, because the concept of Christmas is exactly in the interests of these businesses.

Everyone says that Santa Claus gives gifts to children, but it is not the children's parents who actually pay for the gifts.

Because of the strong influence of the United States, Christmas continues to become stronger and bigger, spreading all over the world.

This process is just like the continuous promotion by some businesses in Dongguo in the future, and it is also to attract people to spend more. Year by year, the excitement even gradually catches up with the Spring Festival.

It wasn't until the divine beast called it to a halt that this momentum was suppressed.

"Hi, Locke." At this moment, a girl came over to say hello from a distance. When she saw Chandler and others, she asked, "Is this your friend?"

"Caroline." Locke greeted Martin Channing's daughter: "Guys, this is Caroline, this is Monica, Phoebe, Chandler, Ross and Joey. "

After meeting before, Caroline seemed to be very curious about Locke, a person that her father admired privately. She often contacted Locke and gradually became familiar with him.

This time I heard that Locke was going to attend a friend's wedding, which would be held at Locke's manor, so he decided to come too.

The well-groomed Caroline was stunning at first sight. Her basic skills were first-rate, and with Franklin's blessing, several people were stunned.

Chandler acted most appropriately and reacted the fastest, reaching out and pushing Ross and Joey.

"Hi." Seeing Caroline take the initiative to hold Locke's arm, Joey also reacted and did not use the classic Joe-style greeting.

Although Joey is a prodigal, he is quite particular. Even if he wants to pursue a friend's ex-girlfriend or something, he will at least tell him about it in advance. If he encounters opposition, he will probably give up immediately.

However, Ross still hadn't come back to his senses. Caroline was dressed up like a princess and he couldn't bear to look away.

Monica saw that Caroline was not very old, so she asked, "Caroline, are you in college too?"

"I'm still in high school." Caroline shook her head and said, "But I have already received an offer from Wharton School of Business and will go to school there next year."

"You're awesome for getting an offer from Wharton Business School so early." Monica said.

Wharton Business School is also very prestigious in the United States, especially in economics-related disciplines. It has many powerful alumni. The reason why Caroline reserved her place so early is naturally because of her father, Martin Channing.

"Actually, the pressure is also very high." Caroline said reservedly with a smile.

"Pressure is a good thing." Seeing a beautiful woman like Caroline being so close to Locke, he felt very unhappy and put on a posture of giving advice:

"Feeling stressed means that you are really studying, and the pressure of studying during high school and undergraduate years is really average. When you go to graduate school or even take the Ph.D. exam in the future, you will know the real pressure!"

Seeing Ross holding Joe there, Locke had a smirk in his eyes and squeezed Caroline's hand: "I forgot to tell you, maybe you should call him Dr. Geller."

"It turns out to be Dr. Geller." After getting Locke's hint, Caroline said with a decent smile on her face: "I don't know what kind of doctorate you are studying, whether it is science, medicine or law."

Rose's originally proud face suddenly froze.

There is a chain of contempt for science, just like Sheldon would usually say that geography or archeology are not real sciences, because he has enough confidence. Mathematics and physics are the top of the chain of contempt for science.

In the eyes of ordinary people, doctors of medicine and doctors of law who can make a lot of money are respectable, but Ross did not do either.

He is just a Ph.D. in archeology, and belongs to the bottom of the scientific contempt chain. Sheldon, even if he says it is not real science face to face, would not dare to refute it.

The income is average, and working in a museum is, at most, a leisurely and decent job.

When Caroline and Locke were chatting, they also talked about his friends together, so she naturally knew Ross. She followed her father every day and had a very high emotional intelligence. Ross was speechless with just one sentence.

Seeing that Ross didn't dare to speak, Caroline said to Locke: "Did you invite all the waiters for this wedding?"

"Some are employees of the manor, and some are temporary employees." Locke asked: "What's wrong?"

"Is there one of them called MAX?" Caroline asked.

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