Start With a Fake University

Chapter 910: Gotta give some pressure

No. 1 on the Weibo Hot Search Ranking #National Football World Preliminaries Lost Artest Team#, the popularity value is 30796145!




The news that the national football team lost to Artest in the preliminaries of the World Cup has made headlines in major news media and social media platforms. After breaking the 30 million popularity value, the Weibo server almost collapsed.




This is not a good thing for domestic fans.


For the fans who were watching the game at the Haicheng Sports Center at the time, this was a heavy blow. The fans were completely disappointed with the national football team this time.


At that time, reporters and media such as Haicheng TV and National TV wanted to conduct interviews on the spot. As a result, the audience was already numb, and no one was interviewed. Fans left Haicheng Sports in frustration and despair. The stadium in the center, such a scene can be said to make Ding Yue unforgettable for a lifetime after watching it.


Ding Yue could see that the fans were really desperate this time, and they no longer had any hope for the national football team.


It can be said that today will be the darkest moment for the national football team!


On the Internet, those netizens who did not watch the game live, but still watched the live game, also cried a lot, and at the same time, their criticism of the national football team became more violent.


"It's hopeless, the national football team is really hopeless."


"Alas, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. No, I have no hope for the national football team."


"It's still as bad as ever, the national football team."


"Which team will Artest lose after losing? It doesn't matter if you lose again, your face is gone anyway."


"I won't watch the national football game again in the future. It's really boring."


"Let's go, the national football team is just trash. Let's not pay attention to the national football team."




"I'm convinced, even Artest can't win, and this World Cup is over."


"Isn't it normal that you can't play football? Look at the attitude of the players of the Artest team, and then look at the attitude of some of our national football players. It's really speechless, only Li Shuangying and the others. Work a little harder, but it's useless, you have to lose if you should lose."


"Alas, there is no hope for the national football team. It's a pity that Li Shuangying has a few of them. They are quite good young players."


"In the end, Li Shuangying was tired and collapsed on the ground. It hurts to see him."


"Li Shuangying tried his best, and he got one point back, but his teammates are not good enough."


"I think Li Shuangying and Liu Zhan played very well in this game, and Zhao Xuanming didn't pull his hips either."


"These young players from Feiyue Football Club are very good."


"Look at the other teammates, they're really pig teammates. I've taken it all in. The national football team should make a quick change. This kind of garbage is all over the place. Don't we have any great players?"


"I think the players of Feiyue Football Club are very good. I watched the Xia Super League. It's better to let Feiyue Football Club go directly to the national football team."


The players of the national football team are probably too lazy to take a look at those who scold them on the Internet.


Just after the game, Wang Dachao, Zhou Peng, and Ai Tianlun went to a high-end hotel for dinner. They were accompanied by a few beauties with celebrity faces. It could be seen that today's game with Team Artest would be nothing. Even if they lose, they don't care at all, they still need to eat and drink, what should they do, the game? What if you lose?


Anyway, they are used to losing.


In another five-star hotel in Haicheng, Li Shuangying, Liu Zhan, Zhao Xuanming and Zhu Tan were different, and their mood was always low.


After the game, the national football team "put a holiday", so Ding Yue called Li Shuangying and the others to the hotel where he was staying, and wanted to have a good chat with them.


In fact, Ding Yue mainly wanted to enlighten Li Shuangying and Liu Zhan.


Today's World Cup preliminaries with the Artest team is expected to be quite a psychological blow to them. Originally, they were full of confidence and wanted to take the national football team to the World Cup, but now it seems that even the Artest team can't play. To win, not to mention the Yuehou team to face later, as well as the Central Asian team, the island team and the stick team.


"Principal Ding."


"Good evening, Principal Ding, we..."


In the restaurant box of the hotel, Li Shuangying and the four met Principal Ding.


"Let's sit down and eat first. I'll invite you to dinner tonight. I was planning a celebration dinner, but I didn't expect to lose the game." Ding Yue said to Li Shuangying and the other four with a smile.


"Principal Ding, I'm sorry for disappointing you."


Zhao Xuanming sincerely apologized.


"You don't have to say sorry. I watched the whole game. I saw that each of you played very well. Losing this game has nothing to do with you. You have done your best."


Ding Yue shook his head and said.


At this time, Li Shuangying and the others cannot be made to blame themselves too much. Otherwise, it will definitely be detrimental to the next training and competition. This is like a nightmare. If the nightmare is not eliminated, it will definitely last for a long time. Sexuality has a serious impact on their state of mind.


And once the mentality is seriously affected, it will be difficult to perform well on the court.


"Principal Ding, this ball... this ball, it's really embarrassing to play!"


Li Shuangying said aggrievedly: "How can you win if you play like this."


"I know."


Ding Yue nodded slightly and said to Li Shuangying, "Hurry up and eat. You must be exhausted from your game today. Your physical exertion is too much."


"Headmaster Nading, let's start."


Zhao Xuanming is quite optimistic. Since Principal Ding invited him to dinner, he would definitely be welcome.


In a team, there must always be one or two people with an optimistic attitude. Otherwise, once the game is lost or the whole team is in a down mood, if there is no more optimistic players to liven up the atmosphere, then A very bad thing.


"Mmmm, let's eat."


After Ding Yue nodded, he called the waiter over again, brought a menu, and handed it to Liu Zhan: "What else do you like to eat? Just order it, I'll treat you."


"Thank you, Principal Ding."


Liu Zhan also thanked him happily.


Today's game is already very depressing. If you are depressed again, the whole person will probably be depressed. You might as well have a good meal, not to mention that this meal was invited by Principal Ding.


During the dinner, Ding Yue still chatted with Li Shuangying and the others about the "future" of the national football team.


"After a lot of deliberation, I decided to use the result of today's game to put some pressure on the Football Association and the General Administration of Sport to reorganize the national football team, either directly let us leap to the football club team, or At once......"

When Ding Yue said this, he suddenly stopped and did not continue.


"Principal Ding, what do you mean?"


Li Shuangying's eyes flashed brightly when he heard it.


It would be great if the entire Feiyue Football Club team in the national football team could really be like what Principal Ding said. Li Shuangying and Liu Zhan would no longer have to worry about the other teammates being dragged back, because every Feiyue Football Club's team A player is very good, and the cooperation and tacit understanding between each other are perfect.


Li Shuangying and the others are the most powerful offensive players, and the most wanted and ideal teammates are undoubtedly the players and teammates of the current Feiyue Football Club team.


"Can you really let Feiyue teammates form a national football team?"


When Liu Zhan heard this, he was very excited.


If the teammates of the Feiyue team are really called over to form the national football team, let alone the World Cup preliminaries, even if I am the top sixteen or even the top eight of the World Cup, I have the confidence to enter.


Even, this group of young people are still "excited" and want to compete for the Hercules Cup of the 2026 Yingjiamo World Cup!


Of course, the former may have a chance, and the latter is a "big goal" or a fantasy, but it's not absolutely impossible, at least if you reach the finals of the World Cup, then everything is possible. .


"This still requires me to have a good talk with the Football Association and the General Administration of Sports. After all, it is not a small matter, but even so, the World Preliminaries, even the World Cup, and the future of the national football team are more important to us."


Ding Yue said with a serious face.


Originally, Ding Yue didn't plan to talk about this matter. After all, there would definitely be some conflicts and contradictions with the Football Association and those from the General Administration of Sport.


But today's game between the national football team and the Artest team made Ding Yue see it clearly. If the current national football team does not change, it will never be able to reach the World Cup, even if he owns Feiyue Football Club. Contributed four top and excellent players like Li Shuangying, Liu Zhan, Zhao Xuanming and Zhu Tan.


"Yes, we must let the gang from the Football Association see this clearly. The domestic football environment has already undergone a complete change."


Huang Youjie said indignantly.


"Old Huang, calm down."


Xu Bin glanced at Huang Youjie and said, "We still need to take a long-term view on this matter."


"Well, President Ding, Director Xu is right, this matter must be discussed in the long-term, even if...even if this year's World Preliminaries and the World Cup are missed by us, then we must work hard to make this happen. completion of things.”


Li Shuangying is also a very structured person.


Rather than letting the national football team recruit a group of players from various football clubs to train with each other, it is better to use the best team in the Xia Super League to form the national football team to play in the preliminaries of the World Cup and the Asian Cup in the future. Various international football games, the effect will be better, or even a lot better.




Ding Yue nodded slightly, thinking that Xu Bin was right.


For this matter, you can't just go directly to the Football Association or the General Administration of Sport. You must. . . . . . Start with external conditions.


And now.


It happens to have a good external environment.


That is, the domestic fans and the majority of netizens, who are seriously dissatisfied with the current national football team, can use this matter to put some pressure on the Football Association and the General Administration of Sport, and then talk to them about the national football team. The next World Cup preliminaries, and even the hope of the World Cup.


"After the loss to Artest in this game today, the domestic fans and netizens are more angry. We can take this opportunity to talk to the Football Association and the General Administration of Sports. In addition, Li Shuangying, you can also come It's time to cooperate with us internally."


Ding Yue said conspicuously.


"Well, Principal Ding, no matter what you ask us to do, we will cooperate with you!" Li Shuangying said immediately.


Liu Zhan, Zhao Xuanming, and Zhu Tan also nodded their heads with firm will.


Because they knew that Principal Ding did this so that they could truly realize their football dream, and if the current status of the national football team is still maintained and not changed, it is absolutely impossible to realize their football dream of the World Cup.


"Principal Ding, there is news, new hot searches, it's almost the first."


At this moment, secretary Wen Ruohan suddenly took the mobile phone and said to Principal Ding.




When Ding Yue heard this, he was a little puzzled and asked, "What other news can beat the hot search of the national football team's loss to the Artest team today?"


"There really is."


Wen Ruohan covered her mouth and smiled and said, "Wang Dachao was beaten by the fans in the hotel."




When Ding Yue heard this, he laughed out loud and said, "Hahahaha, were you really beaten?"


Immediately, everyone took out their mobile phones, opened Weibo, and looked at related hot searches.


Good guy!


On Weibo, the video of Wang Dachao being surrounded by several fans has gone viral on the Internet. In the video, Wang Dachao and Zhou arrived with a few net red beauties. In the lobby of the hotel, I met a few fans who had just watched the game live.


The fans were very angry that the national football team was so **** that they were extremely disappointed. In the blink of an eye, they saw the national football player Wang Dachao and the others came to a five-star hotel to eat and drink. They didn't lose today to the Artest team. matter.


Therefore, the fans immediately became angry. They argued with Wang Dachao and the others in the past. As a result, the two sides disagreed, so they started to fight.


There are many fans, so Wang Dachao was beaten like this.


The length of the video is only about one minute, but it can be clearly seen that Wang Dachao was indeed beaten by the fans, and Ding Yue is relieved to see this video.


Not only Ding Yue was relieved.


Li Shuangying, Liu Zhan, Zhao Xuanming, and Zhu Tan also felt very happy after reading it.


This Wang Dachao really deserves it!


His performance on the court can be said to have no performance at all, making the fans so indignant, and he deserves it. As long as he plays football seriously on the court and strives for the last bit of face for the national football team, he will not Beaten by fans.


"This video makes me really relieved. He deserves this Wang Dachao, he doesn't deserve to play football at all!"


Liu Zhan said very bluntly.


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