Start With a Fake University

Chapter 909: The fire of the fans

From Fake University Main Volume Chapter 909 The flames of anger of the fans "What the hell!"

In the auditorium, the famous money-refunding brother really hated that iron is not steel.

Thinking back to that time, Brother Qianqian was extremely disappointed with the national football team, but despite this, Brother Qianqian has been supporting the national football team all these years. He hopes that in his lifetime, he can see the national football team enter the World Cup again.

This time, the World Cup Asian preliminaries are still full of expectations.

As a result, in the first game, and it was a home game, you gave yourself such a big surprise?

It doesn't matter if you concede a goal in the first eight minutes of the first half. At any rate, when the first half was about to end, the lost point had been recovered. However, in the second half, the national football team still showed that "urination". Now Artest team to break through the defense to get a point.

Two to one!

The most important thing is that one of the national football players who were desperately trying to save the field collapsed to the ground.

Li Shuangying was a little desperate at this moment.

So the national football, how to reach the World Cup?

Exhaustion and endless disappointment made Li Shuangying's tense mental will collapse at this moment, and then he collapsed to the ground with exhaustion.

Remember http://om for a second

In this game, to say that he ran the most diligently, did the most things, and ran the most steps and miles, Li Shuangying was undoubtedly Li Shuangying. to make up for the crisis brought by teammates.


Li Shuangying only felt that the moment he was lying on the ground, his body was extremely relaxed.

After seeing this, the medical staff at the scene rushed over to check on Li Shuangying's situation. At the same time, teammates Liu Zhan, Zhao Xuanming, and Zhu Tan also rushed over quickly.

"How is it? Where do you feel uncomfortable? Is your body okay?"

The medical staff quickly asked about Li Shuangying's situation.

After all, Li Shuangying didn't fall to the ground because he had fierce confrontation and contact with other players, but fell to the ground suddenly, so once he came up, he had no way to start, so he could quickly ask about Li Shuangying's situation.

Li Shuangying opened his eyes and took a long breath.

"I'm fine, sorry to bother you."

After Li Shuangying finished speaking, he climbed up from the green field.

This World Preliminary match against the Artest team has been tense for more than an hour. Li Shuangying never imagined that he might not even be able to hold on to a game.

In the previous Xia Super League games, a ball lifted was nothing to Li Shuangying at all. Whether it was physical or psychological, it was impossible to cause excessive fatigue.

But this time, it's really different.

Li Shuangying is too tired.

Tired body.

more tired.

"Brother Eagle, are you alright?"

Liu Zhan asked quickly.

"I'm fine, maybe I used too much force just now, and then suddenly I didn't hold back and relaxed." Li Shuangying shook his head, looked at Liu Zhan and said, "Don't worry."

The medical staff immediately made a general inspection of Li Shuangying's physical condition, and found that Li Shuangying's current condition is not bad, but it seems that his whole body and expression are quite tired.

"Hey, can you do it, you, it's a shame for our national football team, do you want to let the coach replace him directly?"

At this time, Zhou Peng came forward and shouted at Li Shuangying, his tone was not very friendly.

When Liu Zhan heard this, his whole person was angry, he immediately stepped forward to Zhou Peng, and said angrily, "What do you mean? Why is Brother Ying so tired, don't you have a point in your heart?"

Whether it was Liu Zhan or Zhao Xuanming, they all knew how Li Shuangying fell down suddenly. It was obviously due to the dual pressures of body and mind that prevented him from holding back all of a sudden.

In fact, the two of them, Liu Zhan and Zhao Xuanming, are almost reaching their limits. After all, the Artest team was like a chicken blood in the second half, while the other teammates of the national football team were more "leisure". Up, this caused Li Shuangying, Liu Zhan, Zhao Xuanming and the others to work harder.

"How do I know what's going on with you guys, and what does it have to do with me? I don't take my usual physical training seriously when I ride a horse. Do you blame me?"

When Zhou Peng heard this, he became unhappy in an instant, and directly confronted Liu Zhan.

"We seem to see that the players of the national football team seem to have some internal conflicts?"

The commentators have already seen something wrong on the field.

Generally on the court, only the players of the opponent will have various conflicts, and even some physical conflicts will occur when the conflict is fierce. At this time, the referee will come up to stop it. There have been cases where players were directly sent off with a red card.


Liu Zhan was so angry that his teeth were itching, his hands were already clenched into fists.

If it wasn't for Liu Zhan being a little more sensible, he would have been working with Zhou Peng long ago.

At this time, Wang Dachao also came forward and helped his friend Zhou Peng to speak.

Seeing this, Zhao Xuanming quickly grabbed Liu Zhan. If his players and teammates fought with each other on the court, it would become a joke.

"Azhan, calm down, Brother Ying is fine."

After Zhao Xuanming persuaded Liu Zhan, he said, "We can't have a direct conflict like this, and we'll talk about it after the game is over."

"Azhan, don't do this."

Li Shuangying also came forward and said to Liu Zhan, "Don't make things worse."

In the end, Liu Zhan suppressed his anger. If it wasn't for the persuasion of his teammates Zhao Xuanming and Li Shuangying, it is estimated that if Liu Zhan said a few words to Zhou Peng, he might have really started.

"what's up?"

"Looks like a fight?"

"Why is it still like this among your own players?"

"What happened to the national football team?"

"I'm so tired and paralyzed. I really don't know what to say about all the players. If I can't play football, I'm going to get out."

"I'm really **** off!"

"Li Shuangying and the others really tried their best, but their teammates are not good enough."

"The Artest team seems to have gotten a lot stronger this year."

"It's over, there are still ten minutes left, can we catch up with two to one?"

The fans at the scene were discussing all kinds of things, some were discussing what seemed to be a conflict just now, and some were talking about whether there was no chance for this game in the end.

But obviously, there are already many fans who don't have much hope for the victory of this game.

Because the Artest team is two to one with the national football team, and there are still the last ten minutes or so of the game, it is too late.

"Brother Yue, this... the national football team is bad, it makes sense, look at Li Shuangying falling!"

Huang Youjie was really angry at this time.

But sitting in the audience, he was powerless.

After seeing all this, Ding Yue had mixed feelings, and it was indeed very irritating. Except for one or two of the other players of the national football team who worked hard to keep up with Li Shuangying's rhythm, the rest, such as Wang Dachao and Zhou Peng , Ai Tianlun, Wang Guoji, and others, they are just playing around, they don't have the kind of hard work they play football at all.

Ding Yue also knew why Li Shuangying suddenly fell.

In the end, after some communication on the court, Li Shuangying shook his head and said that there was no need for a substitution, so head coach Liu Changjian did not replace Li Shuangying.

Sure enough, Li Shuangying's fall was not because of lack of energy. If it was because of lack of energy, he would not be able to run now, but at this moment, he is still the hardest running player in the national football team.

Even if there are only the last ten minutes left, Li Shuangying will not give up. Before the last second, winning or losing is not certain.

Li Shuangying and his teammates Zhao Xuanming and Liu Zhan continued to launch onslaughts and defended their counterattacks desperately, but Wang Dachao and Zhou Peng were still the same as before.

In this way, the 2-1 result in this game lasted until the last minute or two. It seems that the national football team still has no chance to recover that point.

Even if Liu Zhan, Li Shuangying, and Zhao Xuanming cooperate well, they will be marked by the opposing professional. During this period, Wang Dachao was given a chance. Wang Dachao still did not disappoint, and played the ball stably.

The last chance to shoot, Wang Dachao did not score.

The whistle for the end of the game also blew at this moment.


National football lost!

In the first game of the World Preliminary Tournament, the Artest team played at home, and they all lost!

this moment.

The fans at the scene exploded.

"Wocao Nima, what kind of goo are you kicking?"

"Trash National Football Team!"

"What's so special, the national football team really didn't disappoint me!"

"I lost the first game at home!"

"Mad, lost to Team Artest, it's not a shame, Wori!"

"Really served!"

"I'm so special, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!"

"Alas, the national football team is completely helpless."

"Even the Artest team lost, it's really shameless."

"It's right to lose to Artest now. General Fan's prediction has been verified."

"I killed General Fan in advance."

"If you go on like this, you don't have to lose, you don't want to lose your face."

"The national football team doesn't have the ability to know."

"In the whole game, Liu Zhan and Li Shuangying performed well. As for the others, it's really hard to say!"

"Excuse me, how many years is the sentence for rushing to beat up this group of people who are playing football?"

"I can do it, but I'll lose anyway!"

"I'm so **** off!"

Domestic fans, sad, sad, angry, especially angry fans, there are too many, there are tens of thousands of fans in the live sports center, at least more than two-thirds of the fans are full of anger in their hearts. .

This Nima national football team can't even win against Artest. At this level, go to the factory and screw the screws!

The players of the national football team seemed to feel the anger of the audience, but they didn't take it for granted, and left the Luyin Stadium very calmly. There were only four of them, Li Shuangying, Liu Zhan, Zhu Tan and Zhao Xuanming. They felt ashamed, especially when they saw When the fans of the national football team were so disappointed and angry, Li Shuangying and the others were really about to cry.


In this game, Li Shuangying, Liu Zhan, and the others have done their best, but this game is really so overwhelming.

Physical exhaustion is nothing, but the feeling of powerlessness in the heart is extremely hopeless.

"Brother Eagle, we... lost."

Liu Zhan said helplessly.

"We tried our best."

Li Shuangying sighed, shook his head and said, "No way, we have to work harder in the future, but...but the current situation in the team, alas."

"These teammates are really pig teammates, I've taken them all!"

Liu Zhan is a straight man, and he says anything directly.

However, what Liu Zhan said was true.

Most of the teammates in the team are pig teammates, and only one or two are playing with snacks. Look at Wang Dachao, Zhou Peng and Ai Tianlun, the so-called main players in the team, all of them are What is it?

"Look how furious the fans are, look at them again, unimpressed."

Zhao Xuanming looked at the national football fans in the auditorium, and looked at the national football players such as Wang Dachao and Zhou Peng who left the field. He was really unspeakably bitter.

In the VIP auditorium, Ding Yue was in a very complicated mood at the moment. The people around him were all sighing and embarrassed. In the opening match of the World Preliminaries, they lost to the Artest team. Can't lift it up.

In particular, there were so many fans and spectators at the scene, and the seats were full. These fans must be so disappointed.

"Brother Yue, our players have tried their best, so this is the only way to go. The World Preliminaries will probably end the same as before, alas." Huang Youjie sighed and said to Ding Yue.

"I am unwilling."

Ding Yue shook his head and said: "We have spent so much effort to cultivate a team like Li Shuangying and the others. Their ability is outstanding, but on the court, in such an important game as the World Preliminaries, they can only To end up on the court exhausted and helpless, it's really dumbfounding."

"The national football team has too many problems Xu Bin said with emotion: "When everyone saw Li Shuangying and the others, they still looked forward to it, and now they still lose, but it is not because Li Shuangying and the others did not perform well. , but because they have all played their best, but still lost, which is the most uncomfortable. "

"Changes must be made. Otherwise, this year's World Preliminaries will be another shameful moment for the national football team."

In Ding Yue's eyes, there was a flash of firmness.

"Isn't that shameful enough? We've already lost to Team Artest." Huang Youjie said through gritted teeth.

"We still have a chance, but the premise is that the Football Association and the General Administration of Sport must replace the current national football team, and let the team from Leaping Football Club come to replace them. Our group of young guys will definitely be able to do it, I believe them. "

Ding Yue felt that the only way to enter the World Cup is to do so.

Otherwise, just relying on Li Shuangying and the other four, plus the other players, is probably hanging. After all, even the Artest team has lost, then playing the island team and the stick team later, it is not about being hanged and killed. ?

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