Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 624: Deceive me, no one cares about Yuanling Academy

Soon, Li Changsheng found three sneaky figures on the route between the Xuefu District and Los Angeles.

Although they did some disguise and wore human skin masks, they reduced their momentum, but they were invisible under the secret method of heavenly vision.

Sky Vision's secret method can penetrate obstacles, which naturally contains the so-called human skin mask, and it is only possible to block it like a mask of ever-changing fantasy.

"Dou Yuanbin, Liu Zongtang, Liu Xuguang, I didn't expect that these three guys were all gathered together. Since you want my life, you have to give you an unforgettable memory for what you say today."

Li Changsheng hated in his heart, these three guys made it clear that they wanted his life, if so, he would never let them get better.

Even if you can't keep them, let them keep the price.

However, these are three pseudo-kings after all. With the strength of Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen, they have the upper hand at most, and it is difficult for them to leave a price.

In addition, in this way, the news of Li Changsheng's promotion to the pseudo-king would be exposed.

Dou Yuanbin, Liu Zongtang, and Liu Xuguang gathered here on a hill more than ten kilometers away from the Xuefu District. The three began a boring chat, quietly waiting for the arrival of Li Changsheng.

Liu Zongtang looked at Dou Yuanbin and asked, "The third prince, if he appears, how sure are you to kill him?"

"Ninety percent!" Dou Yuanbin gave the answer, after thinking about it, and then said: "The reason why there is only ninety percent is mainly due to a factor of instability, that is, Vice President Ning Bizhen of Yuanling Academy, if not surprising, Li Changsheng will probably bring her there."

"Then is there a way to separate them temporarily?"

Dou Yuanbin shook his head and replied, "I can't do it temporarily."

At this time, Liu Xuguang inserted a sentence: "In this case, if I fight for a while, I will try my best to entangle her. As for the kid, I will leave it to you."

"By the way, how long do we have to wait?"

"I have asked my subordinates to buy a member of the Li clan with a lot of money. I believe Li Changsheng will get news soon."

Dou Yuanbin's face is full of confidence and a slightly hideous smile. Since he was humiliated in the race, he has held a grudge against Li Changsheng.

Since childhood, Dou Yuanbin, who has always been in a high position, has never suffered such a big loss. Based on the principle that revenge is not overnight, he has this plan.

In addition, this plan can completely tie Langya Liu to his chariot.

From beginning to end, the three pseudo-kings did not sense Li Changsheng's peeping eyes.

This is mainly related to the realm of Li Changsheng, everyone is in the same realm, and the secret method of sky vision is the top secret method. Unless there is a treasure of induction type, it is difficult to rely on the sixth sense to detect it.

Yuanling Academy, after seeing the whereabouts of the three of them, Li Changsheng thought, and said to Ning Bizhen: "Bizhen, let's go to the principal, I am going to discuss a major event with him!"

Ning Bizhen didn't ask much, and joined Li Changsheng to the house where Xu Wenhua lived.

Soon, they met Xu Wenhua in the meeting room.

"Changsheng, how is your family?"

As a qualified principal, Xu Wenhua knew everything that happened in Yuanling Academy.

"Thanks to the principal's blessing, it has been resolved. However, they are just following orders, and the mastermind is someone else."

Xu Wenhua frowned and asked, "Then who is the mastermind?"

"The Three Princes and Langya Liu Clan!"

Regarding Xu Wenhua, Li Changsheng did not hide it, because he knew that Xu Wenhua would be on his side.


Xu Wenhua was taken aback and got up from his seat. Obviously, this news was beyond his expectation.

At this time, he thought of the conflict about the secret realm of Huoyan half a year ago. At that time, Dou Yuanbin was obviously partial. On the surface, it seemed fair and just, but he wanted to put Li Changsheng to death.

"Now they are lying in wait outside, waiting for me to get the bait!"

Li Changsheng laughed pretentiously and put himself in the position of the weak.

"Asshole, this is deceiving me in Yuanling Academy!"

Xu Wenhua was furious, and slapped a slap on the table in front of him. A good table, which became the object of his vent, was directly photographed into powder.

Xu Wenhua is a little jealous of the third prince, but not very jealous. Even if the third prince is the most popular candidate for the next emperor, he is not the emperor after all.

Of course, punishment can be done, provided that he cannot be killed, otherwise Xu Wenhua will not be able to bear the guilt of the royal family.

After all, Yuanling Academy is also an institution of Langya Kingdom, and its ability to withstand pressure is also limited.

Suddenly, Ning Bizhen interrupted and said: "Principal, we really can't touch the third prince, but Langya Liu can!"

"But they are pseudo-kings after all. Even if we make a shot together, it is difficult to keep one."

"Principal, it's man-made. Since we can't keep them, we will try to weaken their strength. Since they plan to ambush me, then we will follow the flow..."

Li Changsheng stated his plan, but this requires Xu Wenhua's support.

Xu Wenhua thought about it, and finally agreed to his plan.

The three began to take action. Xu Wenhua and Ning Bizhen were in charge of recruiting people and convening the senior officials of the university.

Although the gap between the sixth-order strong and the pseudo-king is not small, in terms of overall combat power, a sixth-order strong is almost equivalent to a demon king-level demon pet.

Li Changsheng took out the pocket frame. With his thoughts, the frame quickly enlarged, and the two chains on it were tied to the black dragon and the red dragon.

Soon, Li Changsheng made a design on the frame and added a temporary enhanced version of the restraint of interest and defensive restraints on it, and it was announced.

It happened that at this moment, a young man hurriedly ran over here, and two guards followed him.

Li Changsheng remembered that he was named Li Xiaoguang, a member of the family, who was also the group of family members who entered the school district with the four masters of the Li family, but he was studying at a small school in the school district.

Li Xiaoguang panted and said, "Changsheng, I finally found you, there is a disaster in the family, there is a disaster of extinction!"

Looking at Li Xiaoguang, Li Changsheng asked strangely: "How did you know that something happened to the family?"

It was strange, Li Xiaoguang’s news was too well-informed, it would take only an hour to get a full charge. With the distance between the school district and Los Angeles, unless the Demon King-level flying demon pet was used to deliver the news, this time was not enough.

As for the teleportation array, only the high-level family members and a few members of the Yuanling Academy know that Li Xiaoguang's position in the family is naturally not among them.


Li Changsheng's question was beyond his expectation. Shouldn't normal people anxiously ask what happened to the family? How could he play his cards completely unreasonably, this also made Li Xiaoguang startled.

"This is not important. The important thing is that the family has the scourge of annihilation. We must return to the family immediately, and maybe there is still time."

Li Xiaoguang shuddered, and his eyes did not dare to look directly at Li Changsheng.

Seeing his appearance, Li Changsheng faintly understood something, his mouth moved, but Li Xiaoguang didn't hear anything, it was obviously a sound transmission.

Soon, Li Jingyi, who was guarding the teleportation array, walked over here.

Li Jingyi stared at Li Xiaoguang with stern eyes, and said stiffly: "Li Xiaoguang, come with me!"

"Ah, where are we going?"

"Just follow me."

Li Jingyi couldn't help but said, returning to the room with the teleportation array.


Li Changsheng nodded towards Li Xiaoguang, who hesitantly followed.

Li Xiaoguang is full of doubts, and there is a high possibility of being bought by others. Li Changsheng does not have this time, and this matter can be handed over to the family for review.

Without waiting long, the seven high-level leaders of Yuanling Academy came together, including three pseudo-kings and four Tier VI powerhouses. Even if Li Changsheng didn't make a move, this lineup was enough to easily suppress the three of Dou Yuanbin.

"Changsheng, I didn't expect you to have such an exquisite car!"

"Yes, it feels much better than Longma Palace."


Seeing Li Changsheng's car, several high-level executives were amazed by their extraordinary vision. Naturally, they could see that the material of the frame was not ordinary.

"I'm going to trouble you all this time."

"Hey, you don't need to be like this!"

" Don't be so polite, you guys don't hurry in!"

Xu Wenhua interrupted them and walked into the frame with six senior executives.

The frame is quite spacious, even with eight people, it doesn't appear crowded.

The seven high-level executives had obviously discussed and summoned some petite monster pets in advance to avoid accidents.

Li Changsheng began to activate an enhanced version of the restraint of restraining interest. Except for his aura, the auras of the seven high-level leaders and the monster pets were completely obscured.

"set off!"

Following Li Changsheng's order, two 30-meter-long dragons dragged the frame and galloped toward Los Angeles.

During the flight, the purple frame began to give off many visions, and the dragon with a length of 30 meters on both ends really attracted the attention of many people even at night.

No way, the design of this frame is too conspicuous, and the sound and light effects are quite amazing.

Not long after, Dou Yuanbin and the three people found the car coming at a gallop.

For this frame, Dou Yuanbin and the three people can be said to be quite surprised, because this class of car is just one hand in the entire Langya country.

Looking at the black dragon and red dragon dragging the frame, Dou Yuanbin naturally recognized that this is Li Changsheng's demon pet, and the owner of the car can also imagine.

Dou Yuanbin couldn't help being jealous. Even if he was the third prince, his travel car was not as good as Li Changsheng, and it was more than one grade.

"This is definitely the relic of Yan Wang Di Zhiyi!"

Unlike Dou Yuanbin, Liu Zongtang and Liu Xuguang subconsciously believe that this car comes from Yan Wang Di's Yi Zhi.

"Everyone, when the car comes over, we will try our best to fight for one blow!"

After receiving Dou Yuanbin's transmission, Liu Zongtang and Liu Xuguang nodded vigorously. As for whether they would turn their faces with Dou Yuanbin because of "Di Zhiyi's Inheritance" afterwards, only they themselves know.

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