Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 623: Fall of the False King

After the death of Brass Dragon, Fang Qing shook violently, his face was obviously pale, but he did not vomit blood.

The sea of ​​consciousness of the pseudo-king is far more broad and tough than the ordinary demon master, and the ability to withstand mental shocks is also far beyond that of the ordinary demon master.

After the brass dragon was easily killed, Fang Qing understood the gap between the two, but he still did not give up the hope of life.

In the sky, the archangel, blessed by Fang Qing's several secret methods, dissolved Kailan's offensive at the cost of minor injuries. Then the angel's sword in his hand turned into forty meters long, waving his hand to sweep the army.

Kailan subconsciously retreated for a certain distance and escaped from the attack range of the angel's sword. Just as Fang Qing was in his arms, the archangel took the opportunity to slash the light curtain of the imitation demon pot.

The light curtain twisted violently, and finally it was barely supported, but the light curtain was obviously weaker, and the next blow was likely to be broken.

Before the archangel swung his next sword, Kailan charged up again.

The archangel didn't wield a sword to parry, and straightened out a milky white mask, covering the body surface.


The milky white mask slightly supported it, and then was forcibly broken by Kailan, the green giant blade was slightly reduced by three points, and it fell on the archangel.


The silver armor worn by the archangel blocked it a bit, and was then forcibly broken by the green giant blade, cutting a large scar.

Under this blow, the archangel was almost hit hard, but he still stubbed out his strength, once again swung a half-moon slash, and quickly flew towards the light curtain.

Fang Qing's eyes lit up, and there was hope in his eyes.

At the critical moment, Li Changsheng did not know when he flew in front of Ban Yue Zhan.

Li Changsheng stepped on the lotus platform of the Sixth Stage Star Palace, with the lunar decree above his head, the starlight and moonlight blended together.


Ban Yue Zhan slashed fiercely on the silver light curtain transformed by Lunar Ling. The silver light curtain trembled violently, and finally he survived.

Fang Qing almost vomited blood when he saw this scene.

As a pseudo-king, Fang Qing's vision is not bad, and he naturally feels the power of the imitation demon pot, the lunar decree, and the sixth-rank star palace lotus platform.

Everyone is a pseudo-king, but this guy's equipment is too luxurious.

At this moment, Fang Qing felt like a poor man.


The room leak happened to rain in the night, and before Fang Qing came up with another method, two more demon pets were killed almost at the same time.

Among them, the crowned flaming bird killed one.

The other was just a mighty and majestic golden lion. As a result, Duan broke his stomach and grabbed a heart that was still beating violently.


Even if the sea of ​​consciousness of the pseudo-king was much broader and more stable than the ordinary demon master, Fang Qing could no longer bear it this time, and opened his mouth to spout a mouthful of blood.

In the crisis of life and death, Fang Qing's eyes were almost red. He endured the violently trembling sea of ​​consciousness, and directly blessed the blood-burning secret technique on the earth Titan.

The blood of the Earth Titan burned fiercely, and the whole body exuded a strong **** aura. The already huge body swelled again, swinging a fist about the size of a small house, and slamming it heavily on the colorful light curtain.

Without waiting for Li Changsheng to stop, Earth Titan fell on the light curtain with two consecutive punches.


The light curtain flickered violently, and it could no longer be supported and disappeared.


At this moment, Fang Qing felt like seeing the sky again.

The next moment, he didn't think so, instead he was full of panic.

Because on his retreat, Ning Bizhen was floating in the air. She was sitting on the golden-eyed beast, holding the cold jade rabbit in her arms, and there was a three-legged fire crow above her head, which made people feel like in the moon palace. It's the same as banal.

The road ahead was blocked and the road behind was cut off. Fang Qing shouted weakly like a rooster that had been castrated, "I surrender!"

"What, what did you say?"

Li Changsheng pretended not to hear clearly, and without his command, his demon pet was still taking the opportunity to harvest Fang Qing's remaining demon pets.

In an instant, Fang Qing another demon pet died!


Fang Qing spit out blood again, he still wanted to continue begging for mercy, but when he saw the situation facing the archangel, his eyes couldn't help showing fear and despair.

In the sky, the archangel awkwardly resisted Kailan's blow, and flew back a certain distance in the air, just to retreat in front of the crowned flaming bird.

The archangel was naturally calculated by Kailan, the crowned flaming bird naturally did not let go of this opportunity, and the two sharp claws directly caught the archangel.

Flame storm!

Without giving the archangel a chance to break free, fierce flames appeared around the crowned flaming bird, which quickly enveloped it and the archangel.

In an instant of effort, a flame storm with a diameter of tens of meters took shape, spinning quickly in place, causing great damage to the archangel.

The archangel's screams of misery sounded from the flames, and its voice quickly weakened, and finally the voice stopped abruptly.

When the flames dissipated, the body of the archangel looked like charcoal. He opened his eyes feebly and directly lost his fighting ability.


The crowned flaming bird did not let go of his thoughts, its claws tugged hard to the sides, tearing the coke-like archangel into two pieces.

The archangel's flesh and blood splashed out, but Li Changsheng used his mental strength to catch it in advance, and there was no waste.


After the archangel was killed, Fang Qing curled up on the ground in pain, his head seemed to be pierced by countless steel needles, and an indescribable pain filled his body and mind.

His sea of ​​consciousness is indeed broad and stable, but the archangel is his natal demon pet, and has established a deep connection with his soul, which is very different from the blood demon pet.

Fang Qing's seven orifices are bleeding, his facial features are distorted, and he looks like a ghost, giving people a hideous and terrifying feeling.

However, Fang Qing did not die, nor did he become a vegetative, but his eyes were dull, giving people a feeling of lost soul.

Although not dead, Fang Qing also became an idiot.


Li Changsheng shook his head and stepped on Fang Qing's throat, which gave him a great pleasure.

At the moment Fang Qing died, his other monster pets were also backlashed.


The Earth Titan, who was still in a **** state, hugged his head in pain and fell heavily to the ground. His huge body twitched a few times, and he did not move again.

The blood-burning backlash and Fang Qing's death directly caused Earth Titan to lose his life.


Not far away, three more demon pets fell from the air. Before they could stand up again, Li Changsheng's demon pets rushed over. Their fate can be imagined.


At the same time, the Purple Cloud Leopard Beast that was being suppressed by Ashe was also backlashed and fell straight to the ground.

"Aish, stop!"

Seeing that Ash was about to kill the Zixiao Leopard Beast, Li Changsheng hurriedly stopped it.

Instead of killing the Zixiao Leopard Lin Beast, it is better to take it back and offer it with delicious and delicious food, which can be regarded as leaving its life.

Of course, interest still has to be collected, such as occasionally getting a shot of Zixiao Leopard Linmon's ass.

Ashe hurriedly stopped, then Kailan made hypnotic powder poured into the mouth and nose of the Zixiao Leopard Beast.

The Zixiao Leopard Beast, who was still struggling, couldn't restrain his drowsiness, and fell into a drowsy sleep.

As a demon king-level demon pet, the hypnotic powder made by Kailan has been greatly strengthened by the profound meaning. If there is no accident, the Zixiao Leopard Lin beast is afraid to sleep for a day and a night.

"Gift people from thousands of miles away, courtesy is light and affectionate. You are really a good person. Unfortunately, I don't even know your name.

Li Changsheng sighed while shaking his head, and Ning Bizhen on the side couldn't help rolling his eyes.

After touching the corpse, the crowned flaming bird spewed out a pillar of fire and quickly melted Fang Qing's corpse safely.

Soon, the battlefield was cleaned up.

After confirming that all the traces left by him were cleaned up, Li Changsheng regained his breath and took back all the demon pets except Dumb, and then returned to the Li Manor with Ning Bizhen.

Duan held the sleeping Zixiao Leopard Beast and followed Li Changsheng.

This time, Ning Bizhen was not only here, she also brought a few mentors, and even Dean Ning Wei.

Of course, Dean Ning Wei took the initiative to come and help.

With their help, the fate of the rest of the Fang family can be imagined.

Except for several Fang clan members who fled, the rest were either killed or captured, including a Tier 5 Demon Master.

Li Changsheng sat in the family meeting room, quietly waiting for the family's gains and losses this Soon, the losses have been estimated. Except for the unfortunate death of a few Li clan members, the remaining losses are negligible.

Among these people is Li Wenhan, the son of Li Xinming, who is also the brother of Li Wenbo.

It was because of Li Wenhan's warning that the family avoided huge losses.

It can be said that this time Li Wenhan has made great contributions to the family.

Because of the loss of a close relative, Li Xinming's father was full of tears, and the patriarch Li Wenbo was also depressed. Although Li Wenhan was usually stingy and stubborn, he was willing to pay his life for the family at critical moments.

Li Changsheng also sighed lightly, and could only comfort him with Li Haoqiong and He Yan while discussing compensation for the dead.

Among them, Li Wenhan has made great contributions to the family, and his compensation and rewards are very high, which is received by his immediate family.

In addition, the Li clan members also pried open the mouths of several invading enemies. As for the reason, they don’t know much. However, in their account, they learned that the Fang clan’s Lao Fang Qing had recently been with the third prince Dou Yuanbin. The intersection is close.

After learning that the other party was the Fang family on behalf of the country, Li Changsheng remembered the letter sent by the prince, and felt that the Fang family's actions this time were probably related to Dou Yuanbin.

"But why didn't Dou Yuanbin come?"

Li Changsheng put himself in the role of Dou Yuanbin. He felt that Dou Yuanbin would not be so superficial, and he probably has a next step.

"Right, teleportation array!"

Li Changsheng thought of the teleportation array again. Dou Yuanbin probably didn't know the news. If Dou Yuanbin really had a plan for the next step, he seemed to have guessed his intention.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng hurriedly bid farewell to the Li clan, set foot on the teleportation formation with Ning Bizhen, and returned to Yuanling Academy in the blink of an eye.

For the first time, Li Changsheng flew into the air, activated the secret method of Sky Vision, and began to inspect the movement of the four directions.

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