Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 613: Half Step Epic Flying Alpaca

While watching the latest issue of "Langya Country's Major Lists", Li Changsheng walked toward the administrative building, and he could step more than ten meters at every step.


In the most important list of the 100 battles of Langya Kingdom, the name of Li Changsheng appeared for the first time, and ranked 73, which was higher than Liu Xuguang, who was still at the fifth rank at the time.

In this academic exchange competition, Li Changsheng defeated Dou Niwan of Tier 4, Dou Yuansheng of Tier 5, and Dou Yuanhua of Tier 6 in succession. They are all princes and princesses. Naturally, they are far from being comparable to those of the same rank. Generally high.

In addition to Li Changsheng, there are several people from Yuanling Academy who are on the list of the hundred battles. Xu Wenhua's ranking has not changed and is still seventh.

Ning Bizhen may be stronger than Xu Wenhua, but she is very low-key and has barely made any shots.

Due to the lack of information, the editor of this list believes that Ning Bizhen has only two demon king-level demon pets, the Hanyu Rabbit and the Blue-eyed Golden Eye Beast, and ignores the stronger three-legged fire crow. Xu Wenhua's reason.

Even so, Ning Bizhen is still the 13th place in the hundred battles.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, Ning Bizhen's combat power is slightly stronger than Xu Wenhua, probably about the same as Zuo Qiulin, the elder of the Tiantai Sect.

The rankings of the two deans Zhang Kaishuo and Ning Wei have not changed, and they are still standing in place, not as good as Li Changsheng.

What is gratifying is that this time there is still one person who squeezed into the list, that is, Qian Yuanfei, who has just been promoted, but is ranked last.

Qian Yuanfei's ability to squeeze into the list is mainly due to the higher quality of his demon pets. The best unicorn alone can add a lot of points to him.

There was a time when Li Changsheng was quite envious of Qian Yuanfei's superb unicorn. Now, his main demon pet can't find it inferior to it.

As for Lu Qian and Xu Fanghua, they still did not make the list.

This time, the number of Yuanling Academy entering the Hundreds of Battles is as high as six, which is the same as the Royal Academy.

In addition, Dou Yuanbin, Dou Yuanhua, Liu Xuguang and Liu Zongtang, whom Li Changsheng "cares about" most, are also on this list.

Among them, Liu Xuguang ranked the highest and ranked 11th. What made Li Changsheng wary was that this guy had another breakthrough recently and he had an extra Demon King-level demon pet in his hand.

Dou Yuanbin ranked 20th, the ranking remains unchanged.

Liu Zongtang is a veteran pseudo-king, with two demon king-level demon pets in his hands, ranking 16th.

As for Dou Yuanhua, who also squeezed into the top 100, his ranking is relatively low, ranking 93rd.

"The prince is also on the list. It seems that he has also broken through."

At this time, Li Changsheng saw a familiar name, but it was the eldest prince Dou Yuande who also squeezed into the list after successfully advancing to Tier 6, just behind Dou Yuanhua.

Li Changsheng turned to Qianlong Ranking, and his ranking rose again.

The first place is still Liu Xuguang, Ning Bizhen is second, Li Changsheng rises to third, and Dou Yuanhua is fourth.

Among the students related to Yuanling Academy, Zhao Shuyi ranked 56th, and Luo Liang rose to 88th.

In the final list of the top 100 college students, Li Changsheng took the top spot for the first time. Under him, Dou Yuanhua, Zhao Shuyi and Luo Liang also entered the top ten.

In addition, Xu Xiangzhi, Zhang Yi, Luo Jie, Wang Xinyi, Qin Danxin and Luo Xiaoman are also among them, but there is still a big gap with the Royal Academy.


After reading the three lists, Li Changsheng found Zhang Kaishuo in the office of the dean of the alchemist.

Dean Zhang Kaishuo was a little surprised, but he said kindly, "Changsheng, what can I do for you?"

"Send the dean a chance!"

"Opportunity?" Zhang Kaishuo looked at Li Changsheng, as if thinking of something, then asked with expectant eyes: "What kind of opportunity?"

"I heard that the dean has a Jinyu alpaca, and I happened to get this in the Secret Realm of Fire Flame!"

Li Changsheng took out the pot of Baize blood, but he calmly lied.

After Li Changsheng opened the lid of the jade clay pot, the thread of blood condensed and turned into the image of Bai Ze, exuding a certain degree of power.

"Baize blood!"

Seeing the image of Bai Ze, Zhang Kaishuo instantly became excited, and he hugged the jade clay pot, looking like he would not let go, for fear that Li Changsheng would take it back.

Seeing Zhang Kaishuo look like this, the old academic image of Dean Zhang in Li Changsheng's mind instantly collapsed.

However, after thinking about it, it feels normal. After all, the goal that Zhang Kaishuo has been pursuing is the pseudo-king. Even if the success rate is not high, he will not give up lightly.

Holding the jade clay pot, Zhang Kaishuo said: "Changsheng, as long as I have it, please speak up!"

"Dean, then I will use it to exchange credits with you?"

"I can give out 300,000 credits!" After Zhang Kaishuo finished speaking, he seemed to feel that he was not strong enough, and continued: "No, I will add another 50,000, what do you think?"


Li Changsheng nodded in a hurry. He didn't expect Dean Zhang to be so generous, 100,000 credits higher than his estimated 250,000 credits.

After the deal was concluded, the two smiled together.

"By the way, Changsheng, haven't you met the conditions for exchanging barrier-breaking pills? Why don't you exchange them?"

"I want to collect enough credits to exchange for a treasure!"

Holding the tea cup, Zhang Kaishuo asked, "You don't want to redeem the fifth-grade sunflower water black lotus, do you?"

Regarding the first-level credit redemption list, Zhang Kaishuo naturally understands that the fifth grade Kui Shui Hei Lian needs 800,000 credits, but after the credit redemption discount is half, only 400,000 credits are needed.

"No, I want to exchange the mixed yuan golden lantern!"

Li Changsheng did not hide it, because there was no one in Yuanling Academy who could meet the requirement of redeeming the golden lantern of mixed yuan, and after trading with Zhang Kaishuo, he could be said to be the person with the most credits in Yuanling Academy.

"Puff, ahem!"

Zhang Kaishuo, who was drinking tea, was obviously choked and looked at Li Changsheng dumbfounded.

After reacting, he opened his eyes and rolled his eyes, and said, "Changsheng, let's discuss it. How about you exchange the barrier-breaking pills and sell them to me? I can give out 300,000 credits!"

Due to the half discount of permanent credit exchange, Li Changsheng only needs 100,000 credits to redeem Pozhangdan.

"Dean, do you still have 300,000 credits?"

"I can borrow it!"

Zhang Kaishuo took it for granted.

Li Changsheng was a little moved. He now has nearly 700,000 credits. If he buys and sells Pozhang Pill, he will get another 200,000 credits difference.

"just forget it!"

Li Changsheng still resisted the temptation. Barrier Breaking Pill has one advantage, that is, a demon pet suitable for all attributes, and maybe it will be used in the future.

Taking a step back, even if he didn't use the barrier-breaking pill in the end, his first choice was Ning Bizhen, followed by Li Haoqiong.

"That's a shame!"

Zhang Kaishuo is not without regrets. If the barrier-breaking pill is added, the breakthrough success rate of his Jinyu Alpaca will increase to about 50%.

However, Zhang Kaishuo also felt that this was reasonable. Apart from the king, who would trade a mere 200,000 credits to break the barrier.

"Changsheng, my Jinyu Alpaca will try to break through again, will we go to observe it together?"

Perhaps because he felt that Li Changsheng had great luck, Zhang Kaishuo offered the invitation.


Li Changsheng nodded and agreed. He also hoped that Yuanling Academy would have another pseudo-king.

Soon, Zhang Kaishuo took Li Changsheng to a small closed training ground, which was specially provided for high-level training ground.

Zhang Kaishuo summoned the Jinyu Alpaca, which was an alpaca with golden fur. Except for the different color of the fur, the appearance was almost exactly the same as the ordinary alpacas, that is, the size was much larger.

Zhang Kaishuo opened the lid of the jade clay pot, Jinyu Alpaca's eyes lit up, staring at Baize's blood with excitement.

Under the guidance of spiritual power, Baize's essence and blood turned into a blood line, Jin Yu alpaca hurriedly opened its big mouth and swallowed it in one mouthful.

The next moment, the Jinyu Alpaca's expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly lay on the ground, trying to digest the Baize essence in the body, and its bloodline concentration began to rise rapidly.

Accompanied by it was an increasingly intense coercion, but Zhang Kaishuo opened the ban in advance, and the outside world could not feel the coercion.

The breakthrough probability of Jinyu Alpacas is only over 20%, and Zhang Kaishuo is unavoidably lacking in confidence and has no idea of ​​invigorating the team.

On the spacious training ground, the Jinyu alpaca was enveloped in rich milky white energy, which increased the brightness of the neighborhood by more than one level, which looked quite dazzling.


Without waiting long, the Jinyu alpaca raised up to the sky and made a call like alpaca, and was immediately enveloped by the white light of evolution.

The body of the Jinyu Alpaca swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the two protrusions on the back made a cracking sound, and then a pair of white wings stretched out.

At the same time, there were two more bumps on its head, but it did not break open. The hair on its body became denser and its aura became even stronger.

Suddenly, Li Changsheng's eyes widened slightly, and he concealed it for an instant. Judging from the feedback of mental power, the moment when the Jinyu Alpaca evolved, it represented that its light spot suddenly became brighter.

Li Changsheng immediately extracted the information of the Jinyu Alpaca, no, the Flying Alpaca.

[Fairy Name]: Flying Alpaca ( Monster)

[Fairy Realm]: Lord Tier 9

[Fairy Race]: Medium Monarch

[Fairy Quality]: Half-step epic "Compared with the superior and the insufficiency more than the following, it will definitely break through the demon king level"

[Fairy Bloodline]: Bai Ze (rich)

[Fairy Attributes]: Bright

【Fairy State】: Healthy

[Fairy Weakness]: Darkness

Li Changsheng didn't expect that the quality of the Jinyu Alpaca, which was developed into a Flying Alpaca, would be sublimated.

However, this is not Zhang Kaishuo's luck, but that this Jinyu Alpaca is already at a critical point, and it is only with this evolution that it can be sublimated naturally.

What Li was certain was that even if the Flying Alpaca failed to break through the Demon King level this time, Zhang Kaishuo would still become a pseudo-king in a short time.

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