Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 612: Come on, work hard, be strong

By the time the explosion disappeared, the cracks had completely disappeared, replaced by a vast space.

At this time, the space of the kettle body has reached its limit, and if it continues to expand, it will eventually collapse completely.

"go with!"

Under Li Changsheng's control, the Lunar Decree turned into a crescent, emitting silver moonlight, and the originally trembling space began to stabilize.

The lotus platform of the Sixth-Rank Star Palace turned into a galaxy and began to sort out the ground, water, fire and wind to prevent them from continuing to wreak havoc.

When it stabilized completely, the entire space began to undergo inexplicable changes. Under an inexplicable force, Li Changsheng's consciousness went black and was forcibly ejected from the space.

It was also at this time that the imitation demon refining pot emitted strange waves, faintly resonating with this world.

With the sound of a bell-like sound, the originally dim night sky suddenly changed, and the dark clouds were forcibly dispersed, revealing the bright moon and shining starry sky, giving people a sense of celebration in the sky, as if celebrating imitation The birth of the Demon Refining Pot.

At the same time, a large number of bright spots of energy suddenly appeared in the backyard, like the old swallows returning to their nests, frantically flooding into the imitation demon pot.

Even though it is just a copy of the refining demon pot, it is still a world wonder, and the world will celebrate this world wonder in its own way.

The imitation refining demon pot shined brightly, and vivid scenes began to appear on the pot body.

Under the big sun, the golden crow flutters its wings, looking up and looking down all living beings; when the moon shines on the deep sea, the big kun flies over the North Sea and transforms into a moyun golden winged roc; there is auspicious white turquoise, knowing everything, every evil and good luck; There are sapphire merchant sheep, foreseeing the future, and graceful; there are nine infants of water and fire, without souls and souls, who bear nine lives; there are rain masters, who are riding the wind and rain, showing their sharp edges...

The demeanor of ancient beasts appeared on the pot body one by one, as if it existed.

Suddenly, centered on the imitation refining demon pot, the extremely rich and ten-color brilliance suddenly illuminated the surroundings, and the sculptures of the beasts on the pot body seemed to be alive, flying out a vivid shadow of the beasts.

However, in the face of the fully operating enhanced version of the restraint, these phantom beasts cannot escape, and can only evolve scenes of ancient times in the backyard.

Soon, these visions disappeared in the imitation demon refining pot again, and disappeared, looking like a large copper pot.

"Huh, it's done!"

Since the appearance of the vision, Li Changsheng has always had a brilliant smile on his face, which means that they have successfully refined the imitation demon refining pot.

Li Changsheng did not immediately check the effect of the imitation demon refining pot, but sat on the ground, holding his breath and adjusting his breath, trying to recover the lost mental power.

Not far away, Ning Bizhen is the same. Although the two are not as hard as they did when refining the semi-artifact, they are not much different.

Unlike them, the three-legged flamingo and the crowned flaming bird don't have much loss. They stand leisurely on the branches and exchange a few words in bird language from time to time.

Soon, the two recovered.

"Changsheng, I will raise some credits first!"

Ning Bizhen knew that Li Changsheng must be busy tonight, so she found a reason to leave.

"Bi Zhen, don't forget to practice!"

Li Changsheng confessed that the sooner Ning Bizhen becomes the king, the more confident he will be.

After Ning Bizhen left, Li Changsheng stretched out his hand to take a photo, and the imitation demon refining pot flew into his hand.

For the first time, Li Changsheng began to refining and imitating the refining demon pot, by the way, to test its efficacy.

Li Changsheng's mental power began to envelop the imitation demon refining pot, which is a world-class treasure after all. In the process of refining, illusory beasts and phantoms flew out of the imitation demon refining pot again.

The difference from the previous ones is that these phantom beasts are much smaller, and they revolve around the imitation demon refining pot.

When the moon was in the middle of the sky, the imitation demon refining pot turned into a brilliance, rushed straight into Li Changsheng's Yintang acupoint, and disappeared.

This means that Li Changsheng has completed the preliminary refining and it will take a lot of time to complete the refining.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the imitation demon refining pot appeared in a place deeper than the sixth-rank star palace lotus platform and the original light, and it was almost equal to the lunar order.

From this point of view, the imitation demon refining pot should have reached the level of an intermediate world wonder.

After all, it took six treasures of heaven and earth, and a lot of imitation demon refining pots made of gold essence and mithril.

Soon, Li Changsheng understood the function of the imitation demon pot.

In addition to being used to purify the essence and blood, the imitation demon pot also has a strong protective ability, almost not inferior to the lunar order, and the ability to change size.

Following Li Changsheng's thoughts, the imitation demon refining pot rushed out of the sea of ​​consciousness and fell on the ground in front of him.

Li Changsheng began to prepare, refining the batch of materials collected by the Starry Sky Auction House, and experimenting with the effect of the combination of the imitation demon pot and the book of blood.

He didn't act immediately and began to deduct the steps step by step, such as what aspects should be assisted by the imitation demon pot.

However, this requires a lot of experimentation to get the best refining step in the end.

Li Changsheng's first material is the Qingluan bird, with a pure-grade Qingluan bloodline.

This is a complete corpse of the blue bird, and Li Changsheng skillfully removed the extra feathers and minions.

Following Li Changsheng's thoughts, the imitation demon refining pot was suspended, and the mouth of the pot was pointed at the preliminarily treated corpse of the green Libird.

The next moment, a burst of brilliance spurted from the mouth of the pot, and when the corpse of the Qing Li Bird flew towards the mouth of the pot, its size quickly shrank, finally turning into the size of a finger, and entering the space that the imitation demon pot comes with.

The space is filled with colorful energy spots.

At the moment of entering the space, these energy light spots pupa rushed towards the corpse of the blue bird.

In an instant, the corpse of the Blue Libird changed, and its bones, flesh and blood, and meridians quickly softened and turned into a huge mixture.

In this process, the essence of the corpse of the Blue Libird is minimal, which is more efficient than Li Changsheng's technology in this area.

It was also at this time that Li Changsheng did not continue to let the imitation refining demon pot work, but took out the mixture, and under his skillful movements, it initially melted into a large amount of viscous blood.

It took more than ten minutes to extract less than 1/3 bowl of Qingluan's blood from the corpse of the Qingliu bird.

Li Changsheng began to calculate the purification ratio this time, and soon got results.

Without the help of imitation of the demon pot, his purification rate is about 23%, but this time it has reached 27%.

This was the first experiment. When Li Changsheng found out the best way to cooperate with the imitation demon pot and the book of bloodlines, he believed that the purification rate would increase a lot.

In the following time, Li Changsheng began to experiment continuously, turning each material into essence and blood. Because of the different combination methods, his extraction rate also fluctuated up and down.

After spending more than 20 materials, Li Changsheng can be said to have experimented with all aspects of the imitation refining pot. Only then did he sum up the most effective combination method, and the extraction rate was close to 30%.

In the future, as long as you become skilled and determine the best time to shoot, I believe it can increase by one or two percent.

With such purification efficiency, Li Changsheng gradually purified all the corpses of Thunder Cloud Storm Tiger, ancestor Flame Bird, Qixi Flying Horse and a bunch of moon elves.

The Qixi Pegasus has a rich bloodline of Pegasus. After completing the purification, Li Changsheng finally collected a pot of Pegasus blood, which can be used by Ning Bizhen's blue-eyed suet horse to complete the evolution.

As long as Ning Bizhen's six-armed naga and blue-eyed fat horse complete the evolution, then Ning Bizhen's demon pet will also have a full-bodied bloodline.

In addition, with the help of evolution, Ning Bizhen's demon king level demon pets may increase again.

The biggest gain was the blood of the Elf King. Li Changsheng successfully collected three cans, enough for Kailan to complete the evolution.

However, Li Changsheng didn't have the idea of ​​letting Kailan evolve right away. He planned to wait until he reached the sixth rank, and then let Kailan evolve to increase the probability of Demon King level breakthrough.

As for the Phoenix blood, Li Changsheng collected two and a half cans, only one step away from the three cans.

As for the other blood, there is still a long way to go.

After everything was over, Li Changsheng stretched his waist, his spirit is still very good, seeing that there are still nearly two hours before dawn, he condensed his mental power in the dark.

When the cultivation ended, a ray of light began to appear in the east, and in Li Changsheng's sea of ​​consciousness, the second round of silver moon was on the verge of completion.

"About two or three days!"

Li Changsheng calculated it silently. It was as fast as two days and as slow as three days, depending on the weather.

After taking care of his personal hygiene and filling his stomach, Li Changsheng left the first courtyard and was going to find Dean Zhang Kaishuo.

At this time, many students are going to the teaching area to prepare for class.

"team leader!"

At this time, a clear and sweet voice came from behind.

Li Changsheng turned around and saw Luo Xiaoman trotting up to him, holding a copy of "Langya Country's Major Lists" in her hand, which seemed to be the latest version.

According to the urgency of "Langya Country's Major Lists", whenever large-scale competitions such as academic exchange competitions and national competitions are over, they will always be added as soon as possible.

"It turned out to be a school girl, what can I do for you?"

"Senior, I want to ask you a question, when do you think I will reach your current level?"

Perhaps it is because he feels that there is not much difference between himself and Li Changsheng last year, and Luo Xiaoman wants to follow in the footsteps of Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng thought about it for a deliberately tilted his head and said: "Two or three years are always necessary!"

"So long!" Luo Xiaoman was a little disappointed, and continued to ask unwillingly: "Then how can I have such a rapid pace of progress as you?"

"I have everything in my dream!"

Li Changsheng was unable to complain, Luo Xiaoman didn't know that he would soon become a sixth-order or even a pseudo-king.

Hearing Li Changsheng's answer, Luo Xiaoman seemed to be petrified, showing a disappointed expression, standing there stupidly.

"School girl, come on, work hard, be strong!"

Li Changsheng comforted him and took away the "Langya Kingdom List" from her hand.

Encouraged by Li Changsheng, Luo Xiaoman resurrected like a chicken blood, and his whole person was full of energy and vigor.

What she doesn't know is that only after working hard will you know the cruelty of reality. If you don't work hard, you won't know what despair is.

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