Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 610: Ying Long, Dragon Scale, Butterfly Love Flower

Li Changsheng didn't think much, picked up the wood chips on the side and looked at it.

"It turns out to be Ying Long's dragon scales!"

Li Changsheng sighed. Among the dragons, the strongest are the unique ancestral dragons and candle dragons. The Qinglong and Yinglong are basically the only ones behind, and they are also among the top beasts.

For this reason, this Yinglong dragon scale is undoubtedly a very precious forging material.

Of course, it is not comparable to the basalt tortoise shell on the first authority exchange list. After all, even the broken basalt tortoise shell is much larger than Yinglong's dragon scale.

Li Changsheng picked up the Yinglong dragon scale, and his hand sank slightly. The weight of this dragon scale was hundreds of kilograms.

After putting away the dragon scales, Li Changsheng hesitated a little, and then used the last voucher to open the treasure box placed in the corner of the desk.

This time, it was a dark green delicate pendant.

Li Changsheng picked up the wood chips, only to realize that it was not a treasure, but a very precious one-time treasure.

This pendant called the Flower of Butterfly Love is still a treasure left by the first principal. After being activated with spiritual power, it can transform into a space portal and escape thousands of miles away.

Simply put, this is a life-saving treasure, even if Li Changsheng is chased by the king, it can quickly activate the Butterfly Love Flower out of danger.

If Li Changsheng was used in Langya country, it is very likely to appear in other countries.

The only flaw is that the space portal is not based on human will, it is completely random transmission, and it may appear in dangerous areas, such as in the family of a certain king, or in the territory of a demon king or above. and many more.

Even so, the value of the Flower of Butterfly Love is still difficult to measure by value. For Li Changsheng, it is comparable to a treasure and can provide further protection for his safety.

"Sure enough, the original principal is the most generous!"

Li Changsheng exclaimed, he deserves to be the king, and his shots are much more generous than other principals.

After the choice was made, Li Changsheng left Zhenbao Pavilion without nostalgia and returned to Courtyard One.

In the backyard, Li Changsheng took out the nut shell and began to scan it mentally.

Under this sweep, Li Changsheng smiled.

Although the energy fluctuation of this husk is far less than the seed of the tree of life, it is still at the essence of heaven and earth.

If there is no accident, this is the seed of a high-level spiritual root, and it is also a high-level spiritual root related to the power of the stars.

However, before the husk took root and sprouted, Li Changsheng didn't know which kind of high-level spiritual root of the celestial species it was.

The energy fluctuations contained in high-level spiritual plants are juxtaposed with the treasures of heaven and earth, but the former can be called a living thing, while the latter is a completely dead thing, which is essentially different.

Even so many years have passed, but due to the well-preserved relationship, the shell still contains amazing vitality.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng transplanted a spiritual plant near the tree of life, then buried the fruit shell in the soil and watered it with some life water.

I believe that with the care of the little boy, the breath of the tree of life, the water of life and the soil, such an excellent growth environment, the entire Langya country is also unique. I believe that it will not be long before this husk will take root. Then it will be able to reveal its true face.

This time, Li Changsheng did not purify the essence and blood, which was rare. He planned to test the efficacy of the imitation demon refining pot after refining the imitation demon refining pot, which can also effectively avoid waste.

Li Changsheng put down the golden nut and snail, and Ning Bizhen came to him before long.

"Bi Zhen, how is the investigation?"

Li Changsheng naturally asked about credits.

"The person with the most credits is Dean Zhang Kaishuo, who has accumulated more than 500,000 credits, followed by Dean Ning Wei, who has only more than 300,000 credits."

Li Changsheng didn't feel too surprised. Dean Zhang Kaishuo is simply an otaku who often retreats to make alchemy. Almost all the high-level pills of the academy come from him, which has also accumulated a lot of credits for him.

Like Zhang Kaishuo, Ning Wei is also a veteran dean and has accumulated a lot of credits.

Li Changsheng asked suspiciously: "What about President Xu?"

"In the past few years, President Xu first redeemed "Liangyi Mochen Yuyao Jue", and then redeemed a barrier-breaking pill and a batch of precious materials ten months ago. The remaining credits were less than 100,000."

Ning Bizhen investigated very carefully and explained everything in detail.

"How many credits can the university give you a year now?"

After becoming the No. 1 institution, the salary of Yuanling Academy’s senior leaders and tutors will surely rise by a certain amount, which is certain.

"Thirty thousand credits per year, are you very short of credits now?"

Thirty thousand credits seem to be a lot, but Ning Bizhen is a pseudo-king, and his daily expenses are also very high. In one year, he will have 10,000 credits left.

"I want to redeem the mixed yuan golden lantern!"

Li Changsheng didn't conceal it, and revealed his plan.

Ning Bizhen was full of surprises, but she knew the exchange price of the mixed yuan golden lantern, even if the credits were exchanged for the halving discount, it would still need 1.5 million credits.

If calculated by purchasing power, 1.5 million credits are almost equivalent to more than three million soul crystals.

With such a large number, several forces have taken it out, and even if it is taken out, it will be a painful one.

Of course, except for the wealthy royal family!

"Why don't I help you raise money?"

"Then I'm not welcome!"

Li Changsheng did not refuse. Ning Bizhen is more suitable than him to raise credits. After all, Ning Bizhen's identity is there. I believe there will be many senior leaders and mentors willing to give Ning Bizhen face.

Li Changsheng prepared for a while, gathered a lot of useless resources, demon cores and soul crystals in a space ring, and handed it to Ning Bizhen.

"You can use these resources in exchange for credits from them. By the way, give me a copy of Demon pet information from Dean Zhang Kaishuo."

"Wait, I will write to you now."

Ning Bizhen knows the situation of the other six high-levels very well, and with her unforgettable ability, she has already kept their various information in her mind.

Soon, Li Changsheng got a more detailed information.

Zhang Kaishuo has a total of eight contract demon pets, only one of the best demon pets, and the remaining seven are all top-grade, either a leader or a monarch.

Li Changsheng was not surprised. After all, Zhang Kaishuo is a veteran Tier 6 powerhouse. After so many years, he can always get some heavenly materials and earth treasures such as Yaochi Jinyu, Shuimu Wonderful Pearl, Bloodline Fruit and so on.

Zhang Kaishuo’s only best demon pet is named Jinyu Alpaca. It has a pure Baize bloodline and a lord level 9th ​​level. This best demon pet has broken through three times in total, but all ended in failure and broke through the demon king. The level of success rate is already less than 5%.

Because of this, Dean Zhang Kaishuo could only temporarily give up allowing it to continue to break through, and instead began to look for items that would increase the breakthrough success rate.

It is a pity that this kind of heaven, material and earth treasures are too rare, and there is almost no flow in the market. Coupled with the situation where there are too many monks and porridge, and the pockets are shy, Dean Zhang Kaishuo has not obtained an item that increases the probability of Demon King level breakthrough. .

Similar to Dean Zhang Kaishuo, Dean Ning Wei is in the same situation.

"I happen to have a pot of Baize Essence Blood. I don't know how many credits can be exchanged?"

Li Changsheng didn't go to the other demon pet information, and silently calculated the gains and losses in his heart.

This pot of Baize Essence Blood is of no use to him, it can only be placed in the space ring to accumulate dust. Instead of this, it is better to use it to trade with Dean Zhang Kaishuo, and both parties will get what they need.

According to Li Changsheng's conversion, if the Jinyu Alpaca evolves to the next stage, the possibility of breaking through the Demon King level is probably only in the early 20s.

Although the odds are not great, Dean Zhang Kaishuo can't miss this opportunity. After all, he is almost 70 years old. Even if he doesn't want to be a king, the pseudo-king is his goal in life.

As for how many credits can be exchanged for this pot of Baize's blood, Li Changsheng thinks of the Bi Fang's blood that was auctioned half a year ago.

At that time, Xu Wenhua took away a bowl of Bi Fang blood at the price of 80,000 soul crystals.

Baize essence and blood belong to the same grade of essence and blood, and their value is almost the same, and one can is equivalent to four bowls. This pot of Baize essence can sell about 320,000 soul crystals.

Of course, the price can't be calculated like that. After all, this is a big pot of Baize's blood. If it were put on auction at the auction house, the average price would definitely exceed that bowl of Bifang's blood.

Li Changsheng estimated that this pot of Baize Essence Blood could be sold for about 500,000, but if converted by the purchasing power of credits, it would only be 250,000 credits. It is still a long way from redeeming the golden lantern.

Thinking of this, Li Changsheng suddenly felt a headache. He glanced at Biren beside him. With Ning Bizhen's full assistance, he believed that he would be able to raise a lot of credits in a short period of time, but he was a little bit more expectant.

After making a decision in his heart, Li Changsheng seemed to think of something, and took out the Shui Mu Miao Pearl and the Jade Lake.

"By the Zhen, these two treasures are of no use to me, I thought I should give them to you, they happen to be useful to the six-armed Naga."

This time, Ning Bizhen didn't shirk, but accepted it generously.

In a sense, the six-armed naga is a ‘letter of love’ given to her by Li Changsheng, which has extraordinary meaning to them.

However, the fairies with twelve-armed Naga blood are too rare, and they live in the depths of the ocean, Li Changsheng can only retreat to second place, temporarily using heaven, material and earth treasure to promote the six-armed Naga to complete the evolution.

"When Xiaona reaches the 9th rank of the lord, I will give it to her, maybe she can become the Demon King Rank in one fell swoop."

Xiaona is the nickname Ning Bizhen gave to Six-armed Naga, and it will take about a few months for her to reach the 9th rank of the lord.

"I'm calling you over this time. In addition to these materials, the main thing is to refining imitation demon refining pots. In order to avoid accidents, I need your help."

Li Changsheng waited for this moment for more than half a year, imitating the combination of the refining demon pot + the book of bloodlines, it is exciting to think about it, and I don't know what level the extraction rate can be increased.

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