Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 609: Wonders of the World-Mixed Yuan Golden Lantern

Hunyuan Golden Lantern (damaged): A wonder of the world, it can transform into a Qingyun, hidden in Qingyun, with strong protection ability, because of the broken relationship, it can breed a crystal of element every other year.

Li Changsheng never thought that this was actually a world wonder, even if it was a damaged world wonder, it was still precious.

Even if the Hunyuan Golden Lantern is damaged, it is much stronger than the severely incomplete Xuankun Fortune Stele, because damage means that there is no missing and can be repaired.

Of course, the difficulty of repairing the wonders of the world is naturally extremely high. From part of Di Zhiyi's memory, it is learned that it takes a huge price to repair the wonders of the world.

To be honest, this mixed-element golden lantern Li Changsheng said that he was not greedy. It was definitely a lie. What he valued most was not its protective ability, but the ability to nurture a piece of elemental crystal every other year. So precious.

This is just a broken golden hybrid lamp. If it is repaired, the time interval will be greatly shortened, or multiple element crystals can be grown at once.

Li Changsheng needs a lot of wood element crystals to enhance Kailan's elemental power for her to complete evolution.

However, as Kailan's elemental power reached the rich level, the difficulty of raising it again was definitely increasing by geometric multiples. If only relying on transactions, it would take me how long it would take.

It took Li Changsheng a year to get one large and three small wood element crystals, and he still couldn't make Kailan's elemental power further.

In addition, when Kailan's elemental power reaches the majestic level, how much time will it take to collect next time.

Therefore, Li Changsheng has made up his mind to get this mixed-element golden lamp, and then find a way to repair it.

Only when he saw the credits required by the Hunyuan Golden Lantern, Li Changsheng could only shake his head and smile. This thing required three million credits, which was horrifying.

However, the mixed-yuan golden lamp is indeed worth the price.

The broken Golden Hunyuan Lantern can breed a piece of elemental crystal every year, and even if it is only the size of a baby's fist, the market price is tens of thousands of soul crystals.

Based on the credits and the price-performance ratio of the soul crystal, it will take four to five hundred years to pay back.

In addition, different from other treasures, there is an introduction behind the Hunyuan Golden Lantern, which was accidentally obtained by the first principal when he was exploring a deserted and secret place in the early years. Since the death of the first principal, it has been in the first place. Permission redemption list.

Similar to the Possibility Pill, if you want to redeem the damaged mixed yuan golden lantern, you must not be a major contributor. Coupled with the three million credits, it is no wonder that two hundred years have passed and no one has yet to exchange it.

Three million credits. With Li Changsheng's current strength, if he is only doing academic tasks, I'm afraid it will take decades.

Naturally, Li Changsheng couldn't wait so long. He decided to use three methods to raise more credits.

1. The soul crystal can be exchanged for credits. With his current first authority, he can exchange soul crystals for 10,000 credits every year, and the exchange ratio is one to one.

Second, exchange some urgently needed items to the university, just like the pill that Li Changsheng used to provide to the university, but one thing is certain, the items that can be exchanged must be very few.

Third, if the students, mentors, and senior executives are anxious, they will spend money to exchange or borrow credits.

The third point seems to be very good, but the cost is not generally large, and you have to find a goal with a large amount of credits, and the best target is the senior management.

Li Changsheng was going to ask Ning Bizhen to help investigate who the Yuanling Academy had accumulated the most credits.

However, according to common sense, the accumulation of new senior executives like Lu Qian, Xu Fanghua, and Qian Yuanfei is probably not as good as Zhang Kaishuo and Ning Wei.

What is certain is that even if Li Changsheng uses these three methods, it takes a lot of time.

"How many credits can be exchanged for those three top Danfangs?"

In order to raise a large sum of credits, Li Changsheng subconsciously put his ideas on three top-level pills.

Only in the next moment, he dispelled this idea, Yuanling Academy is the institution of Langya Kingdom, as long as the royal family can easily make a copy.

This can be seen from the Royal Yuyan Tower and the Secret Law Building. Li Changsheng discovered that all the Yuyao Jue and Secret Laws owned by the Yuanling Academy were also owned by the royal family without any omissions.

Because of this, Li Changsheng didn't have any idea of ​​redeeming it, whether it was a top-level pill, a top-level Yuyao Jue, or a top-level secret.

In this way, he is more inclined to exchange treasures, and his first choice is the Scarlet Fire Dragon Scale Fruit.

"The barrier-breaking pill can sell 200,000 credits, how can the Scarlet Fire Dragon Lin Guo sell 500,000 credits, right?"

When he thinks of Pozhang Pill, Li Changsheng thinks of the Red Fire Dragon Scale Fruit, which is significantly more effective.

The barrier-breaking pill can only increase the probability of breakthrough by less than 20%, while the red fire dragon scale fruit is a full 50%, and the gap is naturally not large.

It is a pity that Li Changsheng only has two Red Fire Dragon Scale Fruits in his hands.

One is to be taken by the Crowned Flaming Bird, and the other is to be given to Ning Bizhen, who also has a red dragon, but has not yet reached the 9th rank of the lord.

In addition to the Red Fire Dragon Scale Fruit, Li Changsheng also has many treasures that can be exchanged, especially the Vientiane Guiyuan Pill and Blood Vessel made by Kailan.

Among them, the Wanxiang Guiyuan Pill is a high-level pill used to assist in breaking through the leader level.

"Let's ask first, if anyone has a lot of credits, they can also exchange it for the blood of the beast."

For Li Changsheng, this is the best way. In addition to the essence and blood of the sacred beasts he needs, Li Changsheng accidentally accumulated the essence of other sacred beasts, and there are more than one can of several kinds.

Of course, it's fine to do this kind of thing once in a while, and it's easy to be suspicious of doing too much.

After making a decision, Li Changsheng started to do a two-pronged approach. While asking Ning Bizhen to investigate the credits accumulated by the senior management, he went to Xu Wenhua's office and exchanged some extra items to the university.

Principal's office!

Li Changsheng explained his intention to Xu Wenhua, and took out a lot of items.

Looking at the pile of items, Xu Wenhua was also amazed, and started picking up.

Soon, Xu Wenhua finished the selection, and there were only a few items that met the requirements.

The picking time is very short, and the relative quotation is a lot of trouble.

Xu Wenhua spent a lot of time before he said: "The green dragon dragon scale armor is 5,000 credits, the ancestor black dragon dragon scale armor is 30,000 credits, the ghost wood wood wear is 1,000 credits/piece, and the Wanxiang Gui Yuandan 5,000 credits/ One, 20,000 credits/portion of Blood Vessel Medicine... Do you want to redeem them all?"


Li Changsheng nodded, he left some like the black dragon scale armor of the ancestors and the ghost wood wood.

"A total of 238,000 credits."

Li Changsheng handed the golden student token to Xu Wenhua. Because this is a large amount of credits, the required procedures are relatively cumbersome. For example, other high-level supervision is required to avoid the possibility of guarding theft.

Before long, Xu Wenhua completed the procedures and returned the student token to Li Changsheng.

Coupled with the previous accumulation and 50,000 credits, Li Changsheng has a total of 300,000 credits.

Xu Wenhua began to seduce him slowly: "Changsheng, do you need to exchange items?"

"I don't have any idea of ​​exchange for the time being."

Li Changsheng resisted the temptation and temporarily dispelled the idea of ​​redemption. He decided to exchange the mixed-yuan golden lantern after he had enough 1.5 million credits.

After he went back, he planned to let the three major channels make every effort to purchase high-level devil corpses and other materials for making bloodline potions and Vientiane Guiyuan Dan, and after Kailan produced the finished product, he would exchange them to the university.

Although the material cost is not small, there is a big gap between the material price and the cost price. When Li Changsheng produces an imitation demon refining pot, the cost of making bloodline medicine will surely drop further.

After leaving the principal's office, the sky had already ended, and Li Changsheng went straight to the treasure pavilion.

At the entrance to the third floor of the Treasure Pavilion, Li Changsheng took out his voucher, ignoring the restriction at the entrance, and stepped forward.


At the moment of contacting the energy prohibition, the voucher emits a light, allowing Li Changsheng to enter the third layer unimpeded.

In the room, Li Changsheng looked at the only desk on which a dozen sealed treasure boxes were placed.

Compared with last year, not only did the treasure boxes here have not decreased, but there were two more treasure boxes, most likely Xu Wenhua's handwriting.

Like last year, there is still no way to put out mental energy here. Li Changsheng could only shook his head and opened the first treasure box with his credentials.

At the moment of contact, the voucher and the treasure box radiated colorful light, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

As the prohibition on the treasure box disappeared, the light on the voucher was obviously dimmed.

This kind of one-time voucher is useless once it is used up, but this time Li Changsheng has three, and he doesn't know what kind of treasure he can get out.

Li Changsheng couldn't wait to open the treasure box. The box was very large, but the only thing inside was a nutshell that was smashed into the green liquid.

"It shouldn't be a prank to put it so precious and important here."

Li Changsheng secretly said in his heart, picking up the wood chip next to the nut shell, which contains a detailed description of the nut shell ~ This is the nut shell obtained by the ninth generation principal in a ruin, because it contains powerful The power of starlight, so he brought it back.

However, the ninth-generation principal was not interested in cultivating Lingzhi at all, so he put it here.

Fortunately, the husk is wrapped in the water of life, otherwise, after so many years, even the husk of the top spiritual plant will be finished.

As for what kind of spiritual plants can be cultivated, there is no description on the wood chips. Obviously, the ninth-generation principal did not take the fruit shell into his heart.

Li Changsheng shook his head, put the nut shell into the space ring, and prepared to wait for it to go back and explore it with mental power. Then he opened the second treasure box.

This time, a golden polygonal scale was lying quietly in the treasure box.

The key is its size. This scale is larger than a bucket, and this scale is much larger than that of the ancestral black dragon. Obviously its owner is a big guy.

In addition, Li Changsheng could feel the scales exuding a faint coercion.

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