Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 371: I would rather be a villain

The day before the opening, the fathers of both families came back. Because I was tired, I went to bed early, but the four adults were still talking around the stove. I vaguely heard my father say: "Not going to school is not an option. If such a young child doesn't go to school, he can't hang around outside all day long..." My mother added: "He is always bullied at school. , I really hate going to school." I wanted to interject and say, why am I always hanging around? Don't I help my mother open a shop? But my mind was in a daze and I couldn't speak. Then I heard Father Yu say: "Why don't you go to a vocational college? With my son taking care of you, you won't be bullied anymore."

Drowsily, I fell asleep again.

The shop officially opened the next day. Sun Dafei and the others had been asked to distribute flyers at the school gate the day before, so there were quite a few students who came, and it was a bustling scene. Xiao Zhishan personally sent a plaque saying "Happy Business Opening", while Sun Dafei and others sent a plaque saying "Guiding Prosperity in Financial Resources". Amidst the crackling firecrackers, I, the waiter, also worked very diligently.

Because I helped Bai Qing's family sell vegetables, I knew how to communicate with customers, and soon I became acquaintances with everyone. In the endless busyness, my body and mind were completely devoted to this small shop, and I had no time to think about the past. Busy, but happy. I suddenly felt that this was pretty good. Wouldn’t it be nice to stay in this small place for the rest of my life?

Because we were very busy and tired, we fell asleep as soon as we got home at night. When we got up in the morning and waited for the waiter to bring fresh vegetables, we started busy making skewers again, and then went out for business in the afternoon. Being so busy all the time left me no time to recall the past, and I gradually came out of that haze. My phone is still turned off and I have no contact with my past friends. After more than a month of this, the store's business gradually stabilized and it had a large group of regular customers. The business of the stalls outside did not decline, and the boss actually thanked us for bringing more customers. Because our place was always full, his business grew accordingly, making him smile from ear to ear.

In the early morning of this day, the three of us were still wearing strings when there was a sudden knock on the door outside. I wiped my hands, went out to open the door, and was stunned when I saw the girl in front of me. Zhou Mo, a girl with short red hair, was leaning on her red sports car and looking at me calmly. "You are capable." Zhou Mo said, "Are you ready to completely cut off contact with us?"

I smiled: "No way, I'm just too busy recently. Why are you here?"

"I'm here to take you to Beiyuan City."

"What are you going for?" I was a little confused.

"Today is the day of the court hearing of Hou Shengshuo. Are you sure you don't want to go and take a look?" Zhou Mo crossed his arms across his chest.

"Go, of course." When I think of Hou Shengshuo, all the blood vessels in my body feel like they are about to burst.

"Then let's go." Zhou Mo shook his head. I walked towards her car, and as soon as I took two steps forward, Zhou Mo suddenly ran over and threw himself into my arms. "Asshole..." Zhou Mo murmured, tears already flowing out, and bit me on the neck, which made me gasp in pain. I patted Zhou Mo's back gently with my hands. On the surface, I was trying to comfort her, but in fact, I wanted her to let go of my neck as soon as possible. It really hurts, bastard! After Zhou Mo bit down a tooth mark, he finally let go of my neck. She gritted her teeth and looked at me, and said bitterly: "Are you really willing to never look for us again?"

I said nonchalantly: "Isn't it busy lately..." Zhou Mo hugged me tightly, put his head on my shoulder, and said softly: "I don't ask you for anything, I just hope to see you often, Can't you satisfy even this wish?" I had no choice but to continue patting Zhou Mo's back gently and said, "Why not? Of course it can. I opened a small spicy hotpot shop in Dongguan Town, and I have been really busy recently. If you can't leave, you can come and play with me on holidays or something."

"I don't want you to stay in this small place." Zhou Mo looked up at me and said seriously: "You don't belong in this small town, you should go to a wider big city, where you can really fly. Go to Beiyuan City. If you don’t like going to school, then I will help you open a hotel, which is much better than Malatang..."

My expression changed slightly, and Zhou Mo quickly said: "No, I didn't mean that, don't get me wrong. I meant that I like your ability and am willing to convince my dad to invest in you. He is a businessman, of course he likes it. Do things that pay off.”

I sighed: "Let's not talk about this for now. When will Hou Shengshuo's case come to trial?"

Zhou Mo looked at his watch and said, "There's still more than an hour left. I have enough time. Can I hold you for a little longer?"

Looking at Zhou Mo's loving eyes, I had no choice but to obey. Because I was still thinking about Xia Xue, I had to lie to myself that this was a hug without any evil intentions, and it was just a way for friends to express friendship. Amitabha, we monks do not lie. I am really not tempted or tempted.

While my mind was buzzing with chaos, I suddenly heard my mother’s voice coming from behind me: “Haohao, who is coming…”

A chill ran down my back, knowing that my mother had seen me and Zhou Mo hugging each other. This... I can only slowly let go of Zhou Mo and slowly turn around. Sure enough, my mother's face was a little shocked. She looked at me and then at Zhou Mo. I said with great embarrassment: "Mom, this is my classmate when I was in Peking University." My mother nodded and said confusedly: "Oh."

She has already met Xia Xue and Tao Zi, and knows that my relationship with these two girls is not shallow. Now……

Zhou Mo also blushed and timidly called out: "Auntie." Hey, can you please stop feeling so guilty? How did you create such a scene where the daughter-in-law meets the mother-in-law? I roared in my heart, and I couldn’t tell if I jumped into the Yellow River now. I quickly said: "Mom, my classmates and I will go out for a while." Then I got into the passenger seat as if I was running away. Zhou Mo also said: "Goodbye, aunt." He got into the car with a red face, drove away in a hurry, leaving his confused mother behind.

When the mother returned home, Yu Mu, who was putting on the string string, said, "Who is here?" The mother said with some guilt, "It seems... it seems like another girlfriend of my son." Yu Mu said in disbelief, "You Are you bragging? There are already two of them, aren't there?" The mother said helplessly: "It's true. When I first went out, I saw them hugging each other like this." She also made a gesture: "That girl is so tall. She is so beautiful, and she drives a very beautiful car, which is worth a lot of money at a glance."

Yu Mu was stunned for a few seconds and said: " son also has several girlfriends..."

The car was running all the way, and Zhou Mo and I were speechless for a while, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward. After a while, Zhou Mo said: "How did I behave just now?" I asked strangely: "How did you behave?" Zhou Mo said: "This is my first time meeting your mother. I won't leave her feeling frivolous." Impression, right? Why did you hug me so well just now?" I said speechlessly: "Miss Zhou, you wanted to get into my arms, right? It's over now, my mother must think that I am not very affectionate. He’s a playboy.”

Zhou Mo glanced at me: "Are you dedicated to your feelings?"

I felt guilty and said, "Let's talk about other things." Then I asked her how everyone was doing lately.

Zhou Mo told me everything. Beiyuan No. 7 Middle School has been renovated a long time ago, and students have been in regular classes for a long time. Beiyuan No. 7 Middle School is now leaderless, but their group is still the largest force. Brick returned to Chenggao and wore the scarf Yang Mengying gave him every day, but he never smiled again. Ye Zhan's body slowly recovered and he can now walk around. Things are going smoothly in all three schools. Although there are occasional frictions, they are not major problems.

"The most important point is." Zhou Mo said: "Everyone misses you very much. I hope you can return to Beiyuan as soon as possible. The students of Beiqi say that no one is convinced now, but only you. Even if you are no longer studying in Beiqi , as long as you have something to do in the future, everyone will come out to help you immediately without any hesitation." After a pause, he added: "At first, everyone called you, but you kept turning off your phone. They also wanted to call your home. We even came to Dongguan Town to look for you. But Brother Yu said that you must want to be quiet now and not let us disturb you casually, so everyone suppressed their longing and did not come to find you. "

Then Zhou Mo exhaled: "But everyone misses you so much, so they took advantage of Hou Shengshuo's trial and asked me to drive over to pick you up in person, just to see you. Now you are like a god, It’s so hard to see you once.”

I said with some embarrassment: "I've been really busy lately..." Then I thought, sure enough, the three schools were particularly calm during the days without me. It seemed like it was a wise choice not to go back to Beiyuan. As soon as I leave, there may be another disturbance, and the peaceful days will be broken by me again. I'd better just stay in Dongguan Town.

Zhou Mo added: "Wang Hao, you should come back to school. It doesn't matter if Chenggao and Beiqi don't want you. There are so many high schools in Beiyuan City. Although they are not as good as Chenggao, they are much better than Beiqi. With Sister Nannan and I here, it won't be a big problem to help you switch to another school." I shook my head: "Going to school is not interesting, I don't want to go." Zhou Mo said angrily: "How can you? What about these thoughts? Even if it's not for us, it's for Xia Xue. Didn't you promise her mother that you would go to the same university as Xia Xue? How can you fulfill your original promise now that you don't even want to go to school? "

After Zhou Mo said this, I remained silent for a long time. After a long time, I said: "I would rather be a villain who doesn't keep my promise than watch my friends around me fall one by one."

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