Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 370, Donkey Kong

When I got home, I discussed this matter with my mother. It was not easy to convince my mother. She always had worries of one kind or another. With my persuasion, my mother finally agreed to discuss this matter with my father. That night, a phone call came to the construction site. After listening to my story, my father was silent for a long time, and then he said, "You have nothing to do at home anyway, so just help your mother with it." After hanging up the phone, I was happy. Almost jumped up.

Starting from the next day, I began to worry about this matter. First I went to Mao Xiaoqiang and asked him to go to the restaurant with me. I have to say that this guy was quite dignified in the farmer's market, and finally bought the hotel at a very low price. The next step is to re-decorate, because the business of selling Malatang will change, and the layout of the restaurant will definitely be different. I thought about it and called out some of my former junior high school classmates who were still sitting at home. Sun Dafei, Zhang Weining, Jiang Zirui, more than a dozen came in force. Accompany me to the building materials market to select materials and move them. Each one worked harder than the other, and they all seemed to be possessed by model workers.

But these guys didn't even clean up in the class before, and they didn't have a good relationship with me. I know that the trouble is still my current status as a "bastard". If I didn't have this identity, who would be willing to look up to me? Even if I get into city high school or university, they will just stab me in the back and say I am just a nerd.

Sun Dafei's father was a decorator, so he learned a lot through his eyes and ears. This time he served as the chief engineer of the hotel's renovation, and he really contributed a lot. He directed everyone to do this and that, and it was all completed within a week. During this period, my mother also learned the spicy hotpot technique, which was actually mainly about how to make the soup. The streets are full of franchisee phone numbers, but it is very simple to learn. On the day when the decoration was completed, Mao Xiaoqiang came with all the four farmers and trade tyrants. The leader was naturally Xiao Zhishan, who had scared us with a shotgun before. I immediately shook Xiao Zhishan's hand enthusiastically and said, "Brother Shan, you can't leave. I'll set up a table for us to have a good meal tonight!" Because I had already met Liu Yongqiang in the vegetable market of the Beiyuan City Chemical Plant. After dealing with others, it was almost easy to deal with Xiao Zhishan and others.

If it were in the past, I would never have dealt with these old gangsters. It can be seen that I have walked this road step by step.

The typical thing that Xiao Zhishan and Liu Yongqiang have in common is that they have determined that I am a very strong person, and once I show enough respect to them, they will be very happy and give me face. At that moment, Xiao Zhishan also shook my hand and said, "Brother, I'm just here to cheer you up today! You can't do it without a treat!" Everyone burst into laughter. This scene frightened Sun Dafei and the others, and they looked at me with even more admiration and adoration. It seems that Xiao Zhishan and his gang are indeed famous in our Dongguan Town, but I used to just immerse myself in studying and rarely inquire about these things.

That night, I invited this large group of people to have a meal at a relatively grand hotel in Dongguan Town. While changing cups and drinking wine, I asked Xiao Zhishan to help me with the food supply. Definitely the lowest price in Dongguan Town, and freshness and portions are guaranteed. I was so happy that I immediately offered Xiao Zhishan three bowls of wine. But I was happy too early and forgot that there is no free pie in the world. Xiao Zhishan had to go to the toilet halfway and asked me to accompany him. The two of us staggered out of the private room and went to the toilet. When we were putting the water in the water room, Xiao Zhishan suddenly grabbed my arm. My heart skipped a beat, what is this guy doing? Doesn't he have other perverted hobbies? Just listen to Xiao Zhishan say: "Brother, I also want to ask you for a favor, you have to promise me."

I was dizzy from drinking, but I still kept an eye on it and said, "You tell me first, it depends on what happened. If you want to replace the photos on Tiananmen Square with yours, I can't help you." In fact, I can't help you. It's also a mouthful.

Xiao Zhishan said with a grimace: "It's not that serious. Have you heard of Donkey Kong?"

I shook my head and said I hadn't heard of it. Xiao Zhishan said with a smile: "You are in Beiyuan City, so you probably don't know much about the situation in Dongguan Town. Donkey Kong is a gangster who has been in the limelight recently. He is only in his twenties. He is brave enough to fight. When I was fighting, he was charging like a tiger down the mountain. I heard that he has recently coveted my farmer's market, and I was worried that I couldn't beat him with my old bones. I am not young anymore, so I rely on this farmer's market to make a living. If someone else takes it away again, ugh..."

I smiled and said, "Don't you have a double-barreled shotgun? Put it on his head and see what else he dares to do."

Xiao Zhishan shook his head and said: "There are too many young people who are not afraid of death now. He even said that he would stand in front of me and ask me to shoot him three times. If he couldn't be killed with three shots, he would be killed with an axe." I."

"Then just fuck him!" When I heard that King Kong was so arrogant, I became a little angry: "Just shoot him in the head and kill him, and then let Mao Xiaoqiang and the others take care of your wife and daughter. , as long as we can keep the farmers’ market.”

"I...I..." Xiao Zhishan sighed. Even after peeing, he didn't even see him pocketing his pants. He had a miserable look on his face. It turns out that every family has a difficult lesson to recite. Xiao Zhishan, who is extremely prosperous at the farmer's market, also has this unspeakable trouble. It feels like he is like an old wolf, struggling to guard the territory he is about to lose.

I understand, it seems that time has worn away his courage. Now, he just wants to live a down-to-earth life with the glory of his youth. It’s not that he doesn’t dare to lose, it’s that he can’t afford to lose. At this age, if you lose again, you will have no chance to get up. And Donkey Kong was in his prime, and if he fought with an old bastard like Xiao Zhishan, there would be nothing to be ashamed of if he lost, and it would actually increase his reputation. On this path, fame can definitely be used as food, beauty, power, money...

I asked him: "When did Donkey Kong say he would come to trouble you?"

Xiao Zhishan said: "Not yet, I just heard about it. Donkey Kong is at the time when he is gaining fame. If he wants to trouble me, he will definitely make a fuss in the city, and I want everyone to know about it. After thinking about it, I can The only ones who can deal with him are you guys, so..." It seems that that experience did leave an indelible impression on him.

Indeed, if you call Yu Chengfei over, packing up a Donkey Kong is like playing tricks. However, I didn’t make a promise casually. I just said, “Let’s wait until Donkey Kong really asks you for trouble.” Xiao Zhishan said with a sneer on his face: “Thank you, thank you.”

When we returned to the banquet, Sun Dafei and the others still looked at me with admiration. It seemed that my status in their hearts had been strengthened. Later, I was almost drunk. When I wanted to pay the bill, Jiang Zirui and other rich second generation people rushed to pay me. It also proves what I said before, reputation can be used as food. In their hearts, I am basically a famous underworld brother. Even though I hate messing around now, I find that I don’t hate this feeling.

A strange thought suddenly occurred in my mind. Could it be that I was born to take this path? But when I thought about the fate of Yang Mengying and Ye Zhan, I suppressed this idea as soon as possible. I couldn't bear the harm to the people around me anyway. If I wanted them to be safe and sound, the best way was of course not to take this road.

The hotel has also been decorated and I have learned the spicy hotpot technique. It can be said that everything is ready, all we need is the east wind. My mother and I first tried to make one ourselves in the store and found that it tasted pretty good, but we were worried that it would not meet the public's taste. So he called Sun Dafei and others over. They were full of praise after eating, saying that the business would definitely be good. I thought about not trusting what these people said, what if they were trying to flatter me on purpose. So they asked them to go outside and find some elementary school students to taste it, and they were relieved after they told them that it tasted good. After all, the business is about to open, and the word-of-mouth effect on the first day is very important.

Ever since he found out that we were going to open a Malatang store here, the Malatang owner who set up the stall outside was so nervous that he would come in three times a day to check on us and ask how our preparations were going. I smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't take away much business from you. Your small stall can't accommodate many customers, so I'm just helping you lighten the burden." The boss said, "To be honest, I don't think it's that big. Burden..." I was happy again: "Competition brings motivation, let's make money together in the future."

After everything was ready, we started to learn to thread strings again. Thread various vegetables and meats onto wooden sticks and sell them at different prices. This job really has no technical content, but it is extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive. Moreover, our store can accommodate five times as many customers as the small stall outside, which means that we must prepare at least five times the amount of dishes every day. My mother and I spent a whole day wearing string attire. Our hands and feet were numb and exhausted, so we barely completed the task. We calculated it again and felt that two people were obviously not enough, so we called Yu Chengfei’s mother over again.

Then I discussed with her whether to become a shareholder or to help. If you buy shares, you will naturally get a share, and if you help, you will receive iron wages. Yu's mother thought for a while and decided to ask Yu's father. A call was made to the construction site. Yu's father said carelessly: "Of course I'm a shareholder. If their family gets rich doing this, can't we also benefit from it?" My mother said, "What if we have to pay compensation?" Father Yu's voice became even more cheerful, and it came out through the phone: "It would be better to pay compensation. A bunch of paupers are destined to be ants tied to a rope. Grasshopper!" Yu's mother hung up the phone and said seriously: "My old man agreed to join the gang."

So this was done, and the three of us began to actively wear string strings, striving to master this craft as soon as possible.

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