Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 754: Rich and willful

Constantine obviously knows more about football than Rosiana.

He smiled and said: "Chelsea is not bad, it is also a veteran club in the Premier League, but its reputation is worse than Arsenal. But after Abramovich takes over, if he invests more money, he may be even better than Arsenal in the future." .... Oh, I forgot that Misha is also going to take over Arsenal. It’s hard to say which club will be stronger in the future. It just depends on who of you two is more willing to spend money, haha..."

Obviously, Constantine knew very well that after the two super-rich Wang Ye and Abramovich acquired the club, they would definitely not be instigating.

If you just throw some money at it, not to mention sweeping the world football world, but sweeping the Premier League shouldn't be a big problem.

However, his doubts were still not answered, so he continued to ask: "Why did you two, especially you, acquire the football club?"

Constantine actually wants to find out whether he can get a good return by investing in the football industry.

Did Wang Ye see some signs, so he worked with Abramovich to plan the football world?

If this is the case, then he will also consider spending some money to acquire a Premier League club.

After all, when it comes to making money, no amount is too much!

Wang Ye shook his head slightly and said:

"Actually, it's not that complicated. The cause of this incident was originally a joke between Abu and I.

Last year, when Abramovich and I had dinner together, we accidentally talked about football. At that time, we joked that we would buy a football club and play local derbies.

I said I didn't take it to heart, but Abu took it seriously. Maybe he had a similar plan.

A few days ago, he told me that he had won Chelsea Club. At the same time, Arsenal's shareholders were also looking to sell the club and asked me if I wanted to buy it.

It didn’t cost much anyway, so I just bought it.

In addition, there is not much money to be made from football, and a large amount of money needs to be continuously invested every year to maintain it.

So this is not an investment at all, it is just our personal hobby. "

This explanation is indeed a bit outrageous...

Just because of a joke, the two of them each spent two to three hundred million pounds to acquire the club, and they would continue to invest a lot of money later.

To outsiders, this is simply a fantasy.

But Constantine knew that Wang Ye did not deceive him.

Because he and Abu do have this qualification...

All I can say is that having money means being willful and you can do whatever you want!

Two to three hundred million pounds, for most people, is an astronomical figure that is unthinkable.

Throughout his life, let alone earning so much money, it was impossible to even see him.

But for Wang Ye and Abu, this little money is just to pay for their hobbies, and they do it casually.

It doesn’t even count as an investment, and I don’t expect to make money through this at all.


Shaking his head, Constantine said with emotion: "It's great to be young! An old guy like me always thinks over and over again when doing anything. If I were as young as you, I would probably be too young. I’m going to buy a club and compete with you two, haha.”

Indeed, Wang Ye and Abu are both young.

Needless to say, Wang Ye, even Abu is only in his thirties.

In Constantine's eyes, he was also a young man.

But just because they are young, the two of them don't think so much when doing things.

What is the return on investment, what is profitable or not, why think so much.

Anyway, I have plenty of money, as long as I am happy!

Wang Ye smiled and didn't explain anything.

In fact, he and Abu are really not willful because they are rich, or they are paying for happiness.

Perhaps Wang Ye's purpose is relatively "simple" and he has no particularly clear purpose for investing in the club.

But Abu is different!

What Abu wants is not financial returns, but returns in other aspects...

Of course Wang Ye would not talk to Constantine about these things.

Even though his relationship with Rosiana has already broken through, Rosiana is Rosiana and Constantine is Constantine, which are two different things!

Oh, there are some things that even Rosiana, Wang Ye didn’t tell her.

It can only be said that she is not someone that Wang Ye can completely trust. Compared to Ajielina, she is just a little bit worse...


Wang Ye and Constantine toasted to celebrate their successful investment in Gazprom. On the other side, some people were talking about them.

"Constantine and Misha worked well together this time, especially since Constantine also extended his hand into Misha's Kitty Eagle Group. What I don't quite understand is how could Misha, such a shrewd person, agree to this? . Even if he manages to invest in Gazprom by himself, he should be confident." Pu Ding said with a frown.

"In fact, Misha has revealed a little information about this matter. According to my analysis, Misha is too shrewd, so he did this. As you know, during the entire investment process, Misha did not show up at all. It's all Konstantin's control. Maybe he just doesn't want to be too pushy, so he would rather give up some benefits." Gebrev explained with a smile.

His analysis was not wrong, and Wang Ye indeed thought so.

"Haha, I feel more and more that this young man Misha is not simple. Sometimes he seems to be very impulsive in doing things, even unscrupulous, and dares to do things overtly and covertly. Sometimes he is cautious and cautious, and would rather give up a lot of benefits. He doesn't want to be the one who stands out. This style of doing things is completely inconsistent with his age." Pu Ding said with emotion.

Obviously, this is a positive evaluation of Wang Ye.

Gebrev was obviously on Wang Ye's side, and immediately spoke for him: "This is good. At such a young age, he is so steady in his work. And he is not lacking in passion. He is fearless when he should be impulsive and steady when he should be. If we can be stable again, we will have a bright future."

Puding nodded, no longer discussing the matter, but changed the subject: "I heard that Misha and Abramovich each acquired a football club in London at the same time and spent a lot of money. What was their purpose for doing this? "

Gebrev's heart tightened. It's hard to answer such a thing.

If something goes wrong, Pu Ding may become unhappy and even start to become suspicious.

Of course, to Abu and Misha.

He thought for a while and then replied cautiously: "Actually, I have known about this for a long time. At that time, Abu returned to Moscow, organized a dinner party, and invited several friends to come over for dinner and chat. I was also one of the invited..."

Gebrev recounted what Wang Ye and Abramovich had joked about at that time, and then analyzed that it was possible that both of them were really interested in football and had just encountered a suitable acquisition opportunity.

That’s why they each bought the club!

It’s the last day of the month, and monthly tickets are doubled again, please give me a try!

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