Kajia was busy leading the acquisition team, and Wang Ye was not idle either.

On April 3, Gazprom held a board of directors meeting, and after voting by all shareholder representatives, the shareholding reform plan was formally determined.

The group's original largest shareholder, the state-owned assets, transferred 30% of its shares to a local investment company in Russia, an investment company from the United States, and an oil company from an Asian country.

The company's value is estimated at US$40 billion.

Just the 30% of the shares transferred allowed the state-owned assets to recover US$1.2 billion in cash!

After the share reorganization, Gazprom’s new shareholders are composed of:

State-owned assets account for 40% of the shares and are still the largest shareholder, but they no longer have absolute control.

In the future, the new chairman of the group company will also be voted by all representatives of the board of directors and will not be appointed by the government.

This has greatly weakened Gazprom's "state-owned enterprise" character.

Three new shareholders have entered the market, each holding 10% of the shares.

For the remaining 30%, the composition of shareholders is more complicated. There are several domestic financial institutions in Russia, energy companies, and some individuals holding shares.

However, these shareholders do not hold many shares and have much less say in the board of directors than the top four shareholders.

Wang Ye did not appear in the new board of directors, and few people even knew that he had also invested in Gazprom this time.

Konstantin did not show up, but appointed a professional manager to Gazprom's new board of directors as a director, who can also be regarded as a shareholder representative.

Although the investment company established by him and Wang Ye was registered in Russia, the investors behind it were rather mysterious. They injected capital through several offshore companies overseas.

No one pays attention to this anyway.

Those who should know already know who the boss behind this investment company is.

They shouldn't know. Firstly, they don't care about this. Secondly, even if they want to know the background of this investment company, they don't have the ability to find out the ins and outs.

The news of Gazprom's shareholding restructuring was not widely publicized.

Even on the TV news, it was just a short text message that skipped over, and no one who was not paying special attention would notice it.

As for newspapers and magazines, it is even more inconspicuous.

Even the newspapers and periodicals that reported on it basically published a short piece of news in the supplement.

Anyway, I ignored the news intentionally or unintentionally.


"Cheers! Congratulations on our successful investment in Gazprom. According to the current operating conditions of this company, our investment will be fully recovered in eight to ten years at most. Its annual dividends are quite large, haha."

Constantine raised his red wine glass and said to Wang Ye with a smile on his face.

Although he has not appeared on Gazprom's board of directors, he has been commanding from behind the scenes.

Now that the dust has finally settled and it's done, I'm naturally very happy.

It can be said that he is very satisfied with the two investments made by the Constantine family recently.

Taking a stake in Gazprom is one investment, and the other one is naturally buying a stake in Wangye's Kitty Eagle Group.

In particular, these two companies are both companies with very abundant cash flow and high dividends, and the return on investment is ridiculously high!

"The price of natural gas will continue to rise. Believe me, our investment will be recovered in less than ten years, and it is estimated that in about five years." Wang Ye said with a smile.

Of course he has great confidence in Gazprom.

Natural gas is a "rigorous need"!

When the global economy picks up, industrial demand will also surge, and natural gas prices will be much higher than now.

If the price is high, but the mining and transportation costs have not increased, or the increase is minimal, doesn't that mean a substantial increase in profits!

Therefore, Gazprom in a few years will be more profitable than it is now.

Constantine would naturally not doubt Wang Ye's judgment.

The smile on his face grew brighter.

"Oh, by the way, I heard that Abramovich recently acquired a Premier League club in the British Peninsula. Is he planning to settle in London?" Constantine asked casually.

He and Abu also know each other, but their relationship is not close. After all, the industries they operate are completely unrelated.

"Yes, in fact, not only did he buy a Premier League club, I also bought one. News should come out after a while." Wang Ye said with a smile.

These words not only stunned Constantine, but Rosiana who was sitting next to Wang Ye was also surprised.

Because neither of them had heard of it.

Wang Ye's acquisition of Arsenal Club has always been carried out in secret.

At the beginning, Abu helped to set up the bridge. After the matter became clear, it was handed over to Katya to lead a professional team to take over.

Rosiana didn't even know about it.

"Ah? You acquired a Premier League club! When did it happen?" Rosiana exclaimed.

"Why did you suddenly acquire football clubs? Do you think this industry will usher in an explosive period? But I think investing in the football industry is purely a loss of money, and it is impossible to make a profit." Constantine asked suspiciously.

Lao Maozi also has a football club here. Although it is not very strong, it is not very weak either.

Especially the national team, which often goes to the World Cup to hang out...

It’s just that in the past few years, the country’s overall economy has been poor, no one invested in the club, and it was unable to attract powerful players to join, so professional football has slowly declined.

All football players with some ability have gone abroad to play football.

Wang Ye smiled and explained: "This matter is still in progress, but it is basically confirmed. I have sent people to London and are acquiring the club's shares. If there are no accidents, it will be done in a week or two. Let’s make it public. By the way, Abramovich bought Chelsea Club, and I bought Arsenal Club. Have you heard of it?”

Rosiana nodded first, then shook her head and said: "Of course I have heard of Arsenal, but not Chelsea. Isn't Uncle Abu quite rich? Why did he buy an unknown kid?" Club. But Mischa actually bought Arsenal, and then we can go to London to watch football games!"

It can be heard that Rosiana is also a "fake fan" and probably rarely watches football.

That's why even Chelsea didn't know about it and thought it was a small club that wasn't very good.

In fact, although Chelsea is indeed not as famous as Arsenal and Manchester United, it is still a veteran club in the Premier League...

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