Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 736 Smooth Transition

"Hey, Bryce is also unlucky. I don't know who I offended, but suddenly..."

The old chief shook his head and sighed.

As for how Bryce died, he had some guesses in his mind, especially after seeing the strength of Wagner Security Company...

But he didn't dare to say it. Anyway, no one cares about Bryce's life or death now, so just pretend that this incident never happened.

Speaking of Bryce's sudden death, Compaoré was all smiles and very happy.

"In this way, tomorrow morning, we will go to the TV station together and issue a formal announcement to the whole country. Let's have a peaceful transfer of power. This will be good for you and me." Compaoré said seriously.

He was so cheerful, which surprised the old chief and Mumu.

Mumu turned to look at Petrov, and Petrov nodded, indicating that it was no problem, and Mumu felt relieved.

In fact, Petrov had just talked with Compaoré.

With some promises and guarantees, Compaore's full cooperation was obtained.

But Petrov did not give in unconditionally. As soon as he saw Compaoré, he opened his mouth and gave out a series of names of people, places, and bank account numbers...

Compaore's expression changed drastically on the spot.

Because the names of people and places reported by Petrov were his relatives abroad, underground lovers, illegitimate children, etc., they were all included, and not a single one was omitted!

As for the bank account number, it was Compaoré's secret account. Petrov even reported to him how much money was in the account.

Even accurate to single digits...

In fact, Compaoré himself couldn’t remember the exact amount.

Petrov's meaning is very simple, as long as Compaore fully cooperates with the old chief Mumu in transferring power and takes out half of the deposit, which is 1.5 billion US dollars.

Then all the remaining money will belong to Compaore himself, and he can safely go to any country in the world to retire, and no one will bother him in the future.

If Compaoré needs it, after Mumu comes to power, he can sign an amnesty order stating that Compaoré will no longer be held responsible for anything.

When things got to this point, it became clear how Compaoré should be done.

If you don't cooperate, you can imagine that your life and that of your family will be lost!

If you cooperate, you can still keep a huge sum of more than one billion US dollars, which you will never be able to spend in your lifetime...

In fact, when money reaches a certain level, it is really just a number.

If it wasn't extravagant and wasteful, how could it be possible to spend over a billion dollars in just a few decades?

With so much money, the annual investment income alone is amazing, and it is definitely enough for you to spend.


After everything was settled, it was almost five o'clock in the morning, and it was almost dawn.

Naturally, they didn't bother to rest. They had a simple breakfast and discussed for a while what to say and how to cooperate in the TV speech.

People who don't know the situation may think that this is really a normal "shift change"...

It was past eight o'clock in the morning. Under the escort of Wagner soldiers, Mumu, Compaore, the old chief and Petrov got into the car and headed to the national television station.

Many residents are unaware of what happened last night.

When they got up in the morning and planned to go out, they found that the streets were under martial law and soldiers from unknown sources were patrolling the streets with loaded ammunition.

Loudspeakers repeatedly announced that everyone should stay at home and not go out until they were alerted and contacted.

In addition, if you have a TV at home, you can turn it on and prepare to watch the important news in the morning.

If you don’t have a TV, listen to the radio.

If you don’t even have a radio, then just wait and listen to the announcements from the loudspeakers on the street...


At nine o'clock in the morning, an emergency news break suddenly appeared on all televisions in Burkina Faso.

The host didn't even know what was going on. He simply said that what follows is an important speech by General T. Compaore, which is related to the fate of the country. He hopes everyone will watch it carefully.

The camera turned, and in the studio, Compaore was sitting in the middle, with an old man and a young man sitting on the left and right...

The three of them were all dressed formally and had serious expressions.

Compaore was the first to speak. He announced with a heavy face that due to his personal health, he could no longer hold the position of national chief T and needed to go abroad for treatment and recuperation.

Therefore, next, this heavy responsibility will be handed over to Chief Mumu and the old chief.

I hope that with the joint efforts of the two of them, Burkina Faso will become better and better...

After he finished speaking, it was the new president T Mumu who spoke.

Mumu looked a little nervous. After all, it was his first time and he had no experience before...

However, after calming down, he also solemnly promised that after taking over, he would adhere to the principles of "fairness, justice and openness", give priority to Burkina Faso's national interests, and devote himself to developing the national economy so that every citizen can benefit from it. Life is getting better and better.

He even made a promise to all citizens that he would make the country more open, more actively introduce foreign investment, improve national infrastructure, and build public welfare facilities...

In short, just judging from the promise, if Mumu can really do it, he will be hundreds of times stronger than Compaore!


In Burkina Faso, those whose families can afford a TV are considered rich.

They are basically the middle and upper class of society.

These people frowned tightly as they looked at Mumu, who was a little too young on TV.

Will the old fellow Compaore give up his position willingly?

Even if I beat them to death, they wouldn’t believe it.

Therefore, something must have happened behind the scenes, and Compaore was forced to give up his position.

But what is the origin of this Mumu? He suddenly became a blockbuster and directly took over the position of Compaore!

In fact, if the old chief sitting on the other side takes over, no one will be surprised, because many people still know the old chief.

But now, the old chief only holds the position of Vice President T and has become that Mumu's deputy!

But no one knows what happened. These high-level politics are too far away from ordinary people's lives.

What everyone is looking forward to now is that the newly appointed CEO Mumu will be able to keep his words a little bit more.

Not to mention fulfilling all the things promised, after all, that is too unrealistic...

As long as we can achieve 20%!

Even 10%...

That is already much better than Compaoré.

Generally speaking, most people are relatively calm about Compaore's sudden abdication and Mu Mu's coming to power.

Even a little happy, after all, Compaoré has been in office for twenty years!

Under his governance, Burkina Faso not only did not get better, but got worse.

Now there is a new person, even if he is too young, maybe it will be better...

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