Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 735 Everyone gets what they need

After taking down a few key figures, the remaining chiefs are not worth mentioning. After all, their strength cannot even compare with the old chiefs.

These chiefs had no idea about Compaoré's location. Now when they arrived at the gate of the General T Palace and saw Mumu's tribal armed forces and Wagner's special forces, they had no idea at all.

So, the chiefs' joint meeting went pretty smoothly.

The old chief presided over the meeting, and the first proposal was that after Compaore stepped down, Mumu would take over!

The reason is that Chief Mumu has studied abroad and has a high degree of education and broad knowledge!

You are young and full of energy.

Such high-quality talents can more easily lead Burkina Faso to integrate into the world and integrate with modern society and developed countries!

Although Mumu only studied in Moscow for two years and did not even get a diploma, this did not prevent the old chief from bragging about his status as an "abroad student"...

Most of the other tribal chiefs didn't know what was going on, and they were not familiar with Mumu, but seeing the old chief holding Mumu in such high regard, it made sense.

Then everyone just agreed. Anyway, this position has nothing to do with them.

Bryce's two assistants remained silent, and they did not dare to express their dissatisfaction.

This position was originally in the pocket of the two of them!


After solving the core problem, the next thing will be simple.

The tribal armed forces of Mumu and the old chief took over the security work of the capital. The former General T Palace Guards were temporarily disbanded and were not allowed to gather together. All weapons were turned in.

The troops of the remaining tribal chiefs are only allowed to be stationed outside the capital and are not allowed to enter the capital.

The two Bryce assistants just need to rest at home in the past two days, and there is nothing they need to do for the time being.

When the old chief said this decision, the two people almost jumped up, but after looking at the team of special forces standing behind the old chief and Mumu, they still controlled themselves.

Of course, even if you get hit with a stick, you should also give a sweet date. After all, everyone is still on the same front.

Later, if Mumu and the old chief want to stabilize the situation, they cannot do without the cooperation of everyone present.

So, the old chief took out a piece of paper and began to follow the instructions.

It is worth mentioning that this piece of paper was given to him not long ago by Petrov, saying that he could read it at the joint meeting of chiefs. It also contains the general content of the division of interests.

To be honest, after the old chief got it, he didn't have time to take a closer look.

The content on this piece of paper is also relatively simple, with only a few items.

First of all, the status of Mumu and the old chief were naturally determined. The two of them worked together to manage the country.

The second item surprised the old chief because it was about the two Bryce assistants.

Burkina Faso will establish a formal police system to take charge of domestic social security issues, and this system will be left to those two people!

This is equivalent to kicking the two people out of the army, but they are not treated harshly. Instead, they are allowed to establish and manage the police system. The job level is not low, at least much higher than it is now.

It can be regarded as compensation for the two of them.

Hearing this, the two people sitting on the side were a little surprised and felt much better.

As for the tribal chiefs, the arrangement is very simple.

Imitate foreign parliamentary systems and establish a Joint Council of Chiefs with Burkina Faso's unique characteristics!

And the power of this parliament is not small, almost equivalent to Mao’s Duma...

The reason why it is unique to Burkina Faso is that the members of this Council of Chiefs are not elected through elections.

Rather, it is composed of all the chiefs present today, without the need for an election.

If a new chief joins in the future, he or she will need to hold a collective vote within the Joint Chiefs Council and obtain the unanimous consent of all members before they can join!

Moreover, as long as you enter the Joint Chiefs Council, you will be lifelong!

Even if you die of old age, you can still adopt a hereditary system and let your successor take your seat in parliament...

All members of the parliament also enjoy many privileges, such as judicial immunity, which is equivalent to a gold medal to avoid death.

As long as you don't commit serious crimes such as "collaboration with the enemy and treason" or "murder", you can be guaranteed to be safe throughout your life.

Sure enough, after the idea of ​​the Joint Chiefs' Council came out, the atmosphere in the conference room immediately became much happier.

All the chiefs present also had smiles on their faces.

They did not play a big role in this coup, but now they are able to reap benefits beyond expectations, so of course they are satisfied.

"Not bad! This is a good idea. It turns out that Compaore is a man who monopolizes power, and the result is that the country is in chaos. Now Chief Mumu... No, President Mumu has come to power. There is a new person and a new atmosphere, so let us A group of old men help govern the country, and if everyone works together, it will definitely be better than just one person."

"That's right, we chiefs manage the tribe well, and we must have good suggestions and ideas for managing the country. In the past, there was no channel to submit our ideas. Now, we also have channels to submit our ideas normally. "

"What else is there to say? We must support Mumu and the old chief. Let's build Burkina Faso better together!"...

The chiefs became active, and each one rushed to speak.

The eyes looking at Mumu and the old chief also became much kinder.


After the meeting, everyone dispersed, except for the old chief, Mumu and Petrov.

The entire General Office was also taken over by people from the Wagner Company, including Compaore.

During the break in the meeting just now, Petrov had already taken the time to meet with Compaore. It is impossible to know what the two talked about.

But after the meeting, Petrov invited Compaoré to the conference room and was quite polite.

This was the first time for Mumu to see Compaoré in person. He had only seen him on TV news before.

So when we first met, I was a little at a loss and didn’t know what to say.

As for the old chief, he was a little sad, and his eyes towards Compaore were a little evasive.

After all, the two had known each other for many years. It would have been nice for Compaore not to say anything to him, but he didn't feel sorry for him either.

However, Compaore didn't seem to care about anything and was even smiling, as if he was not the one who was ousted.

"You are Mumu, right? You are indeed young and promising, haha. I am relieved to leave Burkina Faso to you two. You are much better than that guy Bryce! He has not even read Shu, I used to be a street gangster. I really can’t imagine what will happen if he takes charge of this country..."

Compaoré said cheerfully.

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