Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 610 It’s time to make way for you

Rosiana was stunned. She really didn't expect that in addition to the positions of leader and deputy speaker of the third faction, Wang Ye could also get the position of director of the Economic Committee!

To be honest, as the director of the Economic Committee, he has more real power than the deputy speaker!

After all, there are several deputy speakers in the Duma alone.

There are only three committees, especially committees with real power, and the Economic Committee is one of them!

As for Wang Ye exchanging his position as director of the Lifa Committee, Rosiana thought he was joking.

After all, everyone knows that after Zhirinov retires, the position of faction leader can be handed over to Wang Ye, and the position of deputy speaker has basically remained intact, but the position of the Lifa Committee is not something Zhirinov can decide!

After a while, she asked in astonishment: "Does that position on the Lifa Committee belong to you? Can you exchange it for me?"

This question is a bit rude, but it’s the truth!

Wang Ye didn't pay attention and replied casually:

"It's not mine. If it were mine, how stupid would I be to exchange the position of director of the Economic Committee with him?

However, with my support, coupled with Gryzlov's own influence, and the strength of the first faction, there is no problem for him to compete for this position.

Don't underestimate my support and proposals. Without this, he would be embarrassed to grab this position, because the name is not justified!

But with the active support of me and the third faction, he became famous.

In return, and with the series of major actions I have taken in the economic field in the past six months, it would be no problem for me to take over the position of director of the Economic Committee.

No one can find fault! "

When Rosiana heard it, she felt that it was like this, and there seemed to be no logical problem...

It’s actually doable!

After muttering for a long time, she let out a long breath and said with emotion: "No wonder you are in the position you are now. It seems that you are really capable and have superb methods. Why didn't I think of this method!"

Indeed, if there were no such operation by Wang Ye.

The most he can do is take over Zhirinov's position as faction leader and deputy speaker. As for the position of committee director, that's not his turn yet!

It would take at least two or three years for him to hang out in the Duma before he would be qualified to compete for those positions of real power.

But Wang Ye just went to Gryzlov's office, and after some "dealing", the two of them got what they needed.

Wang Ye got an extra high-level position with real power and occupied a "pit" first.

Don't underestimate this step. You must know that in the political arena, there are carrots and pitfalls. The higher you go, the fewer positions you have and the fiercer the competition!

If he could reach a higher level a few years earlier, it would be of immeasurable significance to Wang Ye’s future development!

Perhaps, in a few years, he will be qualified to compete for the position of Speaker...


Obviously, Zhirinov's retirement soon became known to everyone in the circle.

In addition to Gryzlov, Gorbrev and others, even Hovchenko, who usually doesn't pay much attention to politics, called Wang Ye over out of curiosity and had a deep talk with him.

Yukos headquarters, top floor, Hovchenko's office.

Wang Ye has been here more than once or twice and is very familiar with this place.

So when I came over, I saw that Hovchenko was still busy processing some documents.

He didn't show any politeness, and went to sit on the sofa area. He rummaged through the small refrigerator next to him, took out a can of ice-cold Coke, opened it with a bang, and took a sip.

On a snowy day, drinking some iced Coke will give you a different feeling.

Drinking ice coke and smoking, crossing one's legs and dangling, very leisurely.

As soon as he finished smoking a cigarette, Hovchenko had finished the work at hand, got up and walked over.

When passing by Wang Ye, he reached out and patted his shoulder, and said with a smile: "What, do you want to call you Vice Speaker from now on? Yes, the growth rate is beyond everyone's expectations. I guess it won't take long , when people see me, they will call me Mikhail’s uncle, haha..."

He was joking, but the smile on Hovchenko's face was clearly genuine.

He wasn't worried about Wang Ye's rapid growth, he was just happy for him.

Perhaps at the beginning, the reason why Hovchenko supported Wang Ye was to repay him for saving his life, and also to cultivate Wang Ye as his right-hand man.

But now, after seeing Wang Ye's growth rate, Hovchenko no longer treats Wang Ye as a "puppet" or a "stand-in".

Instead, start treating him as an equal "partner", or a real "nephew"!

Wang Ye reached out and put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray, stood up and greeted Hovchenko, and responded with a smile: "No matter what others say, in front of Uncle You, I am still the same Misha."

This is Wang Ye’s true words!

For Hovchenko, he is grateful from the bottom of his heart.

No matter where he can be in the future or how successful he can be, he will never forget Hovchenko's help to him.

The reason why he has been working so hard to develop his own power for more than a year is not only for his own sake, he also wants to "pull" Hovchenko at a critical moment.

Because according to Wang Ye's "memory", Hovchenko's "end" was not very good.

Now that I am involved in it, I wonder if it can change his destiny...


Hovchenko obviously understood the meaning of Wang Ye's words.

He smiled happily, patted Wang Ye's shoulder again, and sat down on the sofa next to him.

"I heard that you are going to take over Zhirinov's position. Why is he suddenly retiring?" Hovchenko asked.

Wang Ye shook his head, "I don't know the specific reason. Zhirinov didn't tell me. I asked Gebrev about it, and Gebrev didn't know. Or maybe the reason was too complicated and he couldn't tell. But Gebrev said Well, he didn’t do this. So I guess it might have been a joint effort between the first and second factions of the Duma..."

In front of Hovchenko, Wang Ye did not hide anything and told all his guesses.

After listening, Hovchenko pondered for a while.

He raised his head and said meaningfully: "In fact, there is no need to investigate why Zhirinov retired. Maybe the reason is not as complicated as you think. It's just because his mission has been completed, and everyone thinks that he should retire. You gave way!"

Wang Ye's heart moved. Hovchenko's statement was quite novel.

If you think about it carefully, it makes sense...

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