Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 609 Private Transaction

He cheered up, smiled and said to Gryzlov:

“It’s easy for the deputy speaker to say, it’s just a vote of all Duma members, and I’m still confident about this.

Of course, this is also inseparable from your support, Speaker. After all, the first faction occupies the most seats in the Duma.

Without the support of your faction, no matter who you are, it will be difficult to move forward in the Duma.

As for the position of director of the **** Association, I understand that this position is too critical, and many people are eyeing it and trying to fight for it.

How about this? I think you, the Speaker, are the most suitable candidate for this position. It is most suitable for you to serve as the director of the **** committee. "

Wang Ye was taking a wrong approach and came by surprise.

He voluntarily gave up the position of director of the **** committee and instead recommended Gryzlov to take up this position.

Originally, Gryzlov served as the director of the Economic Committee, Zhirinov served as the director of the Communist Party, and the leader of the second faction served as the director of the Foreign Affairs and Military Committee. This was also the result of a balance between the three factions.

The third faction with the weakest strength actually won the position of director of the most core committee!

But now, with Zhirinov's retirement, the situation has changed again.

If Wang Ye wants to "take chestnuts from the fire", he can't do it hard. He must find another way.

Obviously, Wang Ye's proposal exceeded Gryzlov's expectations.

He was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "It's a good proposal. This can be included in the agenda of the next meeting. How about you come up with the proposal then?"

This old fox's mind was really fast. He immediately thought that it would be most appropriate for Wang Ye to propose this proposal.

After all, the position of director of the Communist Party of China was vacated by Zhirinov after his retirement.

Zhirinov is the leader of the third faction. In the eyes of many people, especially members of the third faction, this position should be taken over by the next leader of the third faction!

It would not be appropriate if Gryzlov himself brought it up, or if someone from the first faction did it.

It will offend all members of the third faction, and may also cause the second faction to intervene.

But if Wang Ye, the next party leader of the third faction, is nominated, it would be equivalent to the third faction joining forces with the first faction to nominate Grezlov for this position.

In this way, not only will the members of the third faction not be dissatisfied, but at the same time, the people of the second faction will not dare to come forward and be the "evil person".

Kill two birds with one stone, kill two birds with one stone!


His mind was spinning fast, and Wang Ye's was obviously not spinning too slowly either.

Wang Ye grinned and said slowly: "There is no problem for me to mention this, but..."

Grezlov knew that things were not that simple, and what came after this "but" was the key point.

He said cheerfully: "It's nothing, Misha, just say it!"

"But since Mr. Speaker, you have served as the director of the **** Committee, naturally you cannot continue to serve as the director of the Economic Committee. Wouldn't that position be vacant?" Wang Ye said calmly.

Gryzlov's eyes twitched, and he finally understood that Wang Ye's real goal turned out to be his current position as director of the Economic Committee!

After thinking for a moment, Grezlov had to sigh.

This guy Mikhail is really very calculating!

Use the position of "Director of the **** Committee" for the position of "Director of the Economic Committee"!

On the surface, Wang Ye and the third faction suffered a little loss.

After all, in terms of power, the position of director of the **** committee is more critical.

But the problem is, without today's "deal", it would be difficult for Wang Ye to sit on the throne of director of the **** association!

There is no need for Gryzlov to make trouble, just the people from the second faction can mess up this matter.

Gryzlov may not necessarily be of much help to Wang Ye. After all, being able to keep Wang Ye as deputy speaker would be a great honor to Zhirinov and Wang Ye!

Of course, the position of deputy speaker is also what the leader of the third faction deserves.

At this point, no one should jump out and make irresponsible remarks.

However, through this "transaction" proposed by Wang Ye, the "Director of the **** Committee" who was probably unavailable in the first place was exchanged for the "Director of the Economic Committee" who was bound to get it!

This is such a good deal...


The reason why through the transaction, you can definitely get the "Director of the Economic Committee", the hidden condition is naturally to let Gryzlov come forward to support Wang Ye.

In this way, it is equivalent to the first faction and the third faction joining forces to exchange these two positions.

Within the Duma, the first faction has a large number of people, and with the support of the third faction, there is no doubt that any proposal will be passed smoothly.

So it can be said that as long as Gryzlov agrees to Wang Ye's conditions, the matter will be a done deal!

Grezlov put his chin on his hands, eyebrows knitted together, and thought for a while.

Of course he is considering the gains and losses, pros and cons of this transaction for him and the first faction!

Wang Ye sat there calmly, taking out his cigarette case, lighting a cigarette, and started puffing away.

It seems that it doesn't matter to him whether Gryzlov agrees or not...

When Wang Ye had smoked almost half of the cigarette, Gryzlov suddenly raised his head, stretched out his right hand to Wang Ye, and said with a smile: "That's it!"

This is a promise!

Wang Ye put out the cigarette butt, smiled and stretched out his right hand, and the two held each other tightly.


According to the results of the discussion between the two, at the Duma meeting, Wang Ye took the lead in nominating Grezlov as the director of the Communist Party.

After this was passed, Gryzlov announced on the spot that he would resign as director of the Economic Committee, and then nominated Wang Yelai to assume this position.

Of course, he will also do some work within the faction in advance, and then all the members of the first faction will support Wang Ye!

As for Wang Ye's position as party leader and deputy speaker, there is no need to discuss this. That is a sure thing, and it is almost impossible to have any surprises.

Moreover, the position of party leader is a matter within the third faction, and there is no need for Gryzlov to intervene.

After a confidential conversation, Wang Ye stood up and left with satisfaction and returned to his office.

Seeing Wang Ye coming back, Rosiana hurriedly came up to him and asked with concern: "Why is Gryzlov looking for you? Is it to discuss the deputy speaker?"

Obviously, she also understands the inside story. Apart from this position, there is nothing else to discuss.

Wang Ye smiled slightly, without hiding it from Rosiana, and said: "I made a deal with him to support him as the director of the Communist Party Committee. In exchange, the position of director of the Economic Committee belongs to me..."

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