Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 150 A bit too naive

Having said that, the atmosphere is actually a bit wrong...

Wang Ye really wanted to persuade Hovchenko, what was he trying to do?

To be honest, Hovchenko is a bit "naive"

Hovchenko and others also have intricate relationships with European and American capital.


In the end, Wang Ye held back and did not speak.

Because after all, his identity is quite "awkward".

If Hovchenko gives him face, then he will have face. If he doesn't give him face, he will be nothing...

People, never forget who you are.

At this point, Wang Ye still did better.

So, he just kept his head down and ate without interrupting.

Next to him, Mayilov was just like him, eating honestly. His level was not yet up to par, and he could not participate in the topics that Gorbrev and Hovchenko were talking about.

What's more, this is also an old fox. Why don't you get involved in that if you just keep silent and make a fortune?

The two of them didn't talk, but Abu couldn't stop talking.

Today's meeting was led by him, and this was also his home.

Besides, he is very familiar with Kovchenko and Gurbrev.

"Haha, actually I think there is no problem if Yukos wants to grow bigger. However, oil is a national strategic resource, and it cannot be fully foreign-invested. It may be better to allow the country to participate in the stock appropriately." Abu smiled said.

Gebrev nodded and said: "Abu has done a good job in this regard. Look, he is now the governor of Chukotka. He has spent a lot of money to do things in Chukotka, which has benefited the local people a lot and has a good reputation. Not bad. Mr. Vladimir has praised him by name several times in high-level meetings."

With a bright smile on his face, Abu said a little shyly: "These are what I should do. After all, I was born in Chukotka, which is my hometown. Who doesn't want their hometown to become better. Besides, if the people in my hometown believe in me and elect me as governor, then I must live up to their trust."

Wang Ye secretly admired him, this Abu was really a "human spirit"!

You're so good at getting things done...

It is said that his fortune-making experience is similar to that of the older generation of oligarchs such as Kovchenko, or even more "unbearable"!

It is said that Abu's first pot of gold was obtained by "stealing diesel"...

But he just knows how to mess around. First, he followed Berezov to sneak into Ye Liqin's side. He was appreciated by Ye Liqin's eldest daughter and began to enter the real top circles in Russia!

After Lao Ye stepped down, Abu changed very quickly.

In politics, Abu is also involved.

But the way he participates is different from other oligarchs.

He ran for a seat in the Duma...

This one is quite special, and the social status is very high!

There is also the so-called "pardon power", but it has no real power at all...

And he intentionally or unintentionally stayed away from the Moscow political circle, returned to his hometown in a remote area of ​​Chukotka, and became a governor...

He even spent tens of millions of dollars of his own money to help Chukotka build various infrastructure and improve the welfare of local people.

To be honest, tens of millions of dollars are just a drop in the bucket for Abramovich!

But after spending this money, the people of Chukotka were happy, the country's top bosses were satisfied, and Abu also gained prestige.

All I can say is that this person is very good at spending money!


Hovchenko curled his lips and said casually: "Chukotka is a good place, with a lot of gold mines."

The smile on Abu's face froze, and he changed the subject a little unnaturally: "Your nephew is quite good. It's rare to see such an outstanding young man. You have trained him well! But you can let us go Taking responsibility for him shows that you really trust his ability. How old is Misha this year, in his twenties? "

Speaking of Wang Ye, Hovchenko showed a proud expression on his face.

Wang Ye can be regarded as a talent he discovered with his own hands!

Coupled with the "life-long" friendship between the two, he was indeed very relieved about Wang Ye.

What's more, no matter how powerful Wang Ye is, he still needs to "attach" him, Hovchenko, and cannot betray him!

Because he grasps Wang Ye's "weakness"...

"He is only 18 years old. After a few months, I plan to send him to study at Mo University. As a young man, it is always good to learn more, although he is now in charge of the New Sun Group and it is more than enough." Hovchenko Said with a smile.

Wang Ye smiled and expressed his gratitude to his "uncle" for taking care of him.

But he felt a little helpless. When did he say he was going to study at Mo University...

Everyone's attention was focused on Wang Ye.

Gebrev also said with great interest: "Only eighteen? That can indeed be called a genius. More importantly, he has his own ideas and insights into social issues. You should train your nephew well." One moment, it will be great in the future!”

Wang Ye said humbly: "It's all my uncles who supported me and gave me opportunities. But my little cleverness is completely worthless in front of these uncles."

"Haha, Misha, you are too humble. But it is a pity that you were born ten years later. Otherwise, your current achievements may not be lower than your uncle." Abu joked with a smile.

Everyone present understood what he meant and laughed.

Indeed, the disintegration of the former Soviet Union may be a huge disaster for the country of Russia and the general public!

From the peak of its power, the "world's pole" that can compete with the United States and Laos, it has become an ordinary country with a sharp economic decline...

But for a very few smart people, crisis is accompanied by danger, and that is opportunity!

And it’s a once-in-a-millennium opportunity...


The meal was served with red wine, just as Wang Ye predicted before he came.

After a few drinks, Wang Ye said he didn’t feel much and was very sober...

Because we were chatting while eating, and after dinner we went back to the living room to smoke cigars until about ten o'clock in the evening.

"It's almost time, it's time to rest." Gebrev looked at his watch and said.

Everyone stood up one after another, and Wang Ye also stood up. He thought they were about to break up and go home.

But things were not what he thought...

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